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Biomass equations for Brazilian semiarid caatinga plants 39
Sampaio,Everardo V.S.B.; Silva,Grécia C..
Allometric equations to estimate total aboveground alive biomass (B) or crown projection area (C) of ten caatinga species based on plant height (H) and/or stem diameter at ground level (DGL) or at breast height (DBH) were developed. Thirty plants of each species, covering the common range of stem diameters (3 to 50 cm), were measured (C, H, DGL, DBH), cut at the base, separated into parts, weighted and subsampled to determine dry biomass. Wood density (p) of the stem and the largest branches was determined. B, C, H and p ranged from 1 to 500 kg, 0.2 to 112 m², 1.3 to 11.8 m, and 0.45 to 1.03 g cm-3. Biomass of all 10 species, separately or together (excluding one cactus species), could be estimated with high coefficients of determination (R²) using the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Stem diameter; Height; Crown area; Wood density.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Colonization-related functional traits of plants in a 50-hectare plot of secondary tropical forest 39
Candido,Helder Marcos Nunes; Miazaki,Ângela; Pontara,Vanessa; Bueno,Marcelo Leandro; Solar,Ricardo; Gastauer,Markus; Meira-Neto,João Augusto Alves.
ABSTRACT The growth-survival trade-off hypothesis states that functional traits of stem, wood, leaves and fruits govern acquisitive and conservative strategies of plant species that grow/survive differently in forests. We aimed to determine whether heterogeneity during the colonization of a secondary Atlantic Forest fragment causes differences in colonization-related traits and determines taxonomic composition of subplots. A total of 5,078 subplots were censused with leaf and fruit traits and height measurements being determined for each tree of each species, and with averaged-abundance-weighted values calculated for each subplot. A dendrogram was generated from the taxonomic composition of subplots using Sorensen similarity and UPGMA clustering. A total...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Colonization; Fruit size; LEEP 50-ha plot; Leaf functional traits; Plant height; Wood density; Plant functional traits; Phytosociology.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Dendronutrition as a tool to evaluate Pinus taeda wood productivity and quality 190
Bellote, Antonio Francisco Jurado; Tomazello Filho, Mario; Dedecek, Renato Antonio.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of mineral nutrients on tree growth and wood quality of Pinus taeda, on commercial plantation at 20 years after planting, on different soil types. Experimental plots were set, and from trees representing each population, stem disks were collected at different heights. Treegrowth, wood quality and growth ring parameters – tracheids diameter and radial density by X-ray densitometry – were analyzed and related to mineral nutrient contents. Results showed negative correlation among Mn and Mg stem disk contents and Pinus taeda tree growth; negative correlation was also obtained among Ca, Mg and Mn contents and tracheids dimensions and wood density. There was no correlation among N, P, K and B contents in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Mineral nutrition; Wood density; Tracheids; Tree rings; Forest soils. Nutrientes minerais; Densidade da madeira; Traqueídeos; Anéis de crescimento; Solos florestais..
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Hydraulic architecture of lianas in a semiarid climate: efficiency or safety? 39
Carvalho,Ellen Cristina Dantas; Martins,Fernando Roberto; Soares,Arlete Aparecida; Oliveira,Rafael Silva; Muniz,Celli Rodrigues; Araújo,Francisca Soares.
Xylem anatomical traits can provide insights regarding the mechanisms affecting the distribution of vascular plants across environmental gradients. In this study, we aimed to investigate the hypothesis that lianas occurring in semiarid environments have characteristics that maximize the xylem resistance to tension-induced cavitation along the root-stem-branch continuum. To gather information regarding the hydraulic architecture of the lianas, we analyzed several anatomical traits of wood: cross-sectional area occupied by the parenchyma (AP), fibers (AF), and vessels (AV); average vessel diameter (d); wood density (WD); pit diameter in the vessel wall (dpit); pit density (Npit), and potential hydraulic conductivity (Kp) in branches, stems, and roots of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Potential hydraulic conductivity; Vessel diameter; Wood anatomy; Wood density; Xylem.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Microsatellite markers in candidate genes for wood properties and its application in functional diversity assessment in Eucalyptus globulus 69
Acuña,Cintia V; Villalba,Pamela V; García,Martín; Pathauer,Pablo; Hopp,H. Esteban; Marcucci Poltri,Susana N.
Background: Functional genetic markers have important implications for genetic analysis by providing direct estimation of functional diversity. Although high throughput sequencing techniques for functional diversity analysis are being developed nowadays, the use of already well established variable markers present in candidate genes is still an interesting alternative for mapping purposes and functional diversity studies. SSR markers are routinely used in most plant and animal breeding programs for many species including Eucalyptus. SSR markers derived from candidate genes (SSR-CG) can be used effectively in co-segregation studies and marker-assisted diversity management. Results: In the present study, eight new non reported SSRs were identified in seven...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Functional markers; Genetic diversity; Lignin pathway; SSR; Wood density.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Parámetros genéticos en características de crecimiento y densidad de la madera en progenies de Eucalyptus grandis 32
Harrand, Leonel.
Con el fin de determinar la estructura genética de las características de crecimiento y densidad de la madera (evaluada de manera directa y a través de la penetración del Pilodyn) y estimar la respuesta esperada a la selección masal en una población de Eucalyptus grandis formada por familias del NE de Queensland (Australia), se evaluó un ensayo de progenies a los 4.5 y 8.5 años de edad, establecido en tres sitios del NE argentino. Aunque se encontró una amplia variabilidad genética en todas las características evaluadas, las características de crecimiento [diámetro (DAP), altura (HT) y volumen (VOL)] mostraron diferente estructura y grado de control genético con respecto a las otras características [rectitud de fuste (FORM), proporción de corteza (COR) y...
Tipo: Tesis Palavras-chave: Heredabilidad; Correlación genética; Correlación edad-edad; Estabilidad genética; Respuesta a la selección; Selección indirecta; Selección temprana; Densidad de la madera; Pilodyn; Maestría; Forestal; Heritability; Genetic correlation; Age-age correlation; Genetic stability; Response to selection; Indirect selection; Early selection; Wood density.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Plant- and stand-level variation in biophysical and physiological traits along tree density gradients in the Cerrado 61
Scholz,Fabian G.; Bucci,Sandra J.; Goldstein,Guillermo; Meinzer,Frederick C.; Franco,Augusto C.; Salazar,Ana.
The objective of this study was to characterize and understand morphological and physiological variation in traits related to water economy, at the plant and stand level, along a gradient of tree density in a Neotropical savanna (Cerrado). Cerrado plots subjected to long-term fertilization and gallery forests were also included in the analysis to expand the axes of ecosystem variation. Consistent changes in stand level biophysical traits observed along the gradient of increasing tree density included a decrease in weighted-average wood density, and increases in leaf surface area per plant, leaf specific hydraulic conductivity, specific leaf area and stomatal conductance. A conceptual model of biophysical, morphological and physiological trait interactions...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Gallery forest; Hydraulic architecture; Nutrients; Savannas; Specific leaf area; Wood density.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Relações hídricas em espécies lenhosas no campus Pampulha/UFMG, Belo Horizonte, MG 88
O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar as relações hídricas em função da demanda evaporativa e da densidade da madeira em Swietenia macrophylla King, Joannesia princeps Vell., Inga edulis Mart., Licania tomentosa (Benth.) Fritsch e Centrolobium tomentosum Guill. ex Benth. O potencial hídrico foi determinado com uma câmara de pressão e a condutância estomática, com porômetro de difusão na estação chuvosa, na estação seca e nas situações transicionais. J. princeps foi a espécie que apresentou maiores valores de potencial hídrico no "predawn" (psiPD > - 0,25 Mpa), e I. edulis os menores valores (psiPD = - 1,5 MPa). J. princeps apresentou maiores valores de potencial hídrico durante o dia (psiMD > - 1,5 MPa), e os menores valores foram observados em S....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Water potential; Conductance; Vapour pressure deficit; Wood density.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Testing hypotheses that link wood anatomy to cavitation resistance and hydraulic conductivity in the genus Acer 16
Lens, F.; Sperry, J.S.; Christmas, M.A.; Rabaey, D.; Jansen, S..
• Vulnerability to cavitation and conductive efficiency depend on xylem anatomy. We tested a large range of structure–function hypotheses, some for the first time, within a single genus to minimize phylogenetic ‘noise’ and maximize detection of functionally relevant variation. • This integrative study combined in-depth anatomical observations using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy of seven Acer taxa, and compared these observations with empirical measures of xylem hydraulics. • Our results reveal a 2 MPa range in species’ mean cavitation pressure (MCP). MCP was strongly correlated with intervessel pit structure (membrane thickness and porosity, chamber depth), weakly correlated with pit number per vessel, and not related to pit area...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Acer; Cavitation resistance; Hydraulic conductivity; Pit structure; Rare pit hypothesis; Vessel distribution; Vessel wall thickenings; Wood density; 42.56.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Variação axial das propriedades físicas da madeira de cindo procedências de Pinus tecunumanii no Cerrado do Distrito Federal, DF. 14
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Cerrado; Densidade da madeira; Pinus tecunumanii; Wood density.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Wood density of trees in black water floodplains of Rio Jaú National Park, Amazonia, Brazil 36
The Jaú National Park is the largest protected forested area in the world. The Vitória Amazônica Foundation is working towards understanding its ecosystem, to which this paper contributes. Wood density was analysed in 27 common tree species growing in the blackwater flood-plains of the Rio Jaú, an affluent of the Rio Negro (Amazonia, Brazil). Wood was sampled with an increment borer. Mean wood density of the analysed species ranged from 0.35 to 0.87 g cm-3. The mean of all sampled species was 0.67 g cm-3 (st. dev. 0.13). Lowest density was found for Hevea spruceana with 0.32 g cm-3 and highest for Crudia amazonica with 0.9 g cm-3.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Wood specific gravity; Wood density; Increment rings; Blackwater floodplain forest; Igapó; Rio Jaú; Central Amazonia.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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