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Generic revision of the subfamily Betylobraconinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and other groups with modified fore tarsus Naturalis
Achterberg, C. van.
The genera of the subfamilies Betylobraconinae, Hormiinae, Lysiterminae, Pambolinae-Chremylini, and Doryctinae-Ypsistocerini are revised. A key is given to the genera of groups belonging to the cyclostome grade including species with shortened and/or (partly) widened fore tarsus. Sixteen new genera and 62 new species are described and illustrated. The new genera concern: Mannokeraia gen. nov. (type species: M. apterus spec. nov. from Australia), Masona gen. nov. (type species: M. prognatha spec. nov. from U.S.A.), Anachyra gen. nov. (type species: A. setosipes spec. nov. from Australia), Pseudochremylus gen. nov. (type species: P. angulifer spec. nov. from Australia), Chremyloides gen. nov. (type species: C. cardaleae spec. nov. from Australia), Apoavga...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Hymenoptera; Braconidae; Betylobraconinae; Hormiinae; Exothecinae; Rhysipolini; Pam- bolinae; Chremylini; Rogadinae; Lysiterminae; Stiropiini; Yeliconini; Masoninae; Mannokeraiini; Masonini; Vaepellinae; Doryctinae; Ypsistocerini; Embobraconina; Ypsistocerina; Palaearctic; Oriental; Australian; Afrotropical; Nearctic; Neotropical; Distribution; Keys; Biology.; 42.75.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Revision of the subfamily Rogadinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from China Naturalis
Chen, X.; He, J..
The genera and species of the subfamily Rogadinae Foerster, 1862 sensu stricto from China are revised. A key to the Chinese genera is given and all genera, including three genera new to science and four new to China, are described and illustrated. Keys to the Chinese species of Rogadinae are provided. Of all 116 species, 46 species are described as new to science and 11 species as newly recorded from China, while in addition four new combinations (Arcaleiodes aglaurus (Chen & He, 1991), A. nitidus (Chen & He, 1991), A. pulchricorpus (Chen & He, 1991), and A. unifasciatus (Chen & He, 1991)) and one synonym (Spinaria bicolor Szépligeti, 1902, of S. armator (Fabricius, 1804)) are proposed.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Braconidae; Rogadinae; Yeliconini; Clinocentrini; Rogadini; Rogadina; Spinariina; Keys; Palaearctic; Oriental; Distribution; Biology.; 42.75.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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