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5 tests simples pour évaluer la qualité des sols (slip, slake, thé, bêche, pot Barber) (Video) Organic Eprints
Alföldi, Thomas; Masson, Sandie.
Le sol est la base de la production agricole. Dans cette vidéo, Sandie Masson d'Agridea vous présente cinq outils de diagnostic du sol qui sont à la fois simples et rapides pour l'agriculteur : • la méthode du slip, • le slake test, • la méthode des thés vert et rooibos, • le test à la bêche et • le pot barber pour observer les carabes et autres coléoptères sur le sol. Toutes ces méthodes permettent d’observer vos sols et de comparer vos résultats avec vos voisins agriculteurs ou dans des groupes d’échanges.
Tipo: Video Palavras-chave: Soil; Knowledge management.
Ano: 2018
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A new tool to communicate multicriteria assessments in the organic value chain - an animated film Organic Eprints
Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted; Noe, Egon; Smith, Peter; Lykke-Olesen, Andreas; Fog, Erik.
Imagine there is a platform that makes it possible to discuss organics between all parties in the organic food chain based on their individual criteria. The MultiTrust project has endeavoured to find a tool to solve this challenge: How to make overall assessments of the effects of organic production in such a way that they actually can make a difference in practice. Organic products have to compete against conventional products, and often the organic have difficulties comparing when measured on single criteria. The hall mark of organics is the holistic approach, considering many issues at the same time, and therefore there is a need for overall assessments. Overall assessments can be very complex and therefore difficult to communicate. And it can be...
Tipo: Video Palavras-chave: Knowledge management.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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A pyrosome in the Gulf of Mexico Serpent
Benfield, Mark.
Pyrosoma atlanticum floating through the water column
Tipo: Video Palavras-chave: Pyrosoma atlanticum; Pyrosoma atlanticum.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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A pyrosome in the Gulf of Mexico Serpent
Benfield, Mark.
Pyrosoma atlanticum floating through the water column
Tipo: Video Palavras-chave: Pyrosoma atlanticum; Pyrosoma atlanticum.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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A salp in the Gulf of Mexico Serpent
Benfield, Mark.
Floating in water column
Tipo: Video Palavras-chave: Salpidae; Salpa fusiformis.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Abandoned appendicularian house in the Gulf of Mexico Serpent
Benfield, Mark.
Floating in water column
Tipo: Video Palavras-chave: Class Appendicularia.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Abyssal lizardfish Serpent
Resting, swimming
Tipo: Video Palavras-chave: Bathysauridae (Lizzardfish); Bathysaurus mollis.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Abyssal ophidid Serpent
Swimming near equipment
Tipo: Video Palavras-chave: Ophidiidae (Cusk eels); Apagesoma edentatus.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Abyssal ophidid Serpent
Swimming around equipment
Tipo: Video Palavras-chave: Ophidiidae (Cusk eels); Apagesoma edentatus.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Abyssal ophidid Serpent
Tipo: Video Palavras-chave: Ophidiidae (Cusk eels); Apagesoma edentatus.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Agriculture connectée : « Digifermes » testent smart farming solutions en France (Vidéo) Organic Eprints
Alföldi, Thomas.
Dans cette vidéo, Delphine Bouttet présente les activités de la « digiferme » dédiée aux grandes cultures, à Boigneville, dans l’Essonne, avec trois systèmes de production (Bio, agriculture de conservation et conventionelle). En 2016, Arvalis en partenariat avec l’IDELE, l’ITB et Terres Inovia a lancé le projet « digifermes ». L’agriculture est un domaine d’application privilégié des utilisations du numérique. Outils d’aide à la décision, capteurs d’état du végétal, des animaux ou du milieu, capteurs embarqués sur les machines agricoles, robots, météo spatialisée, nouveaux gisements de données agricoles et nouveaux outils de traitements de données.
Tipo: Video Palavras-chave: Crop husbandry; France.
Ano: 2018
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Agroforesterie et permaculture: Le "BioDiVerger de Marcelin" à Morges/VD (Suisse) (Vidéo) Organic Eprints
Chieze, Blandine; Alföldi, Thomas.
A Marcelin (VD), un nouveau modèle de verger est expérimenté depuis 2013 par le FiBL et le Service de l'Agriculture et de la Viticulture du Canton de Vaud (SAVI). Il est conduit par la Ferme bio des Sapins, à Colombier-sur-Morges VD. Il vise à produire des fruits, des légumes et de l'équilibre. Il cherche à intégrer des éléments d’agroforesterie et de permaculture. Le BioDiVerger est organisé en deux espaces. Une surface de 54 ares est en agroforesterie, alternant lignes de fruitiers et plantes fixatrices d’azote avec bandes herbeuses, haies ou planches de maraichage ; l’autre espace « type permaculture », destiné à l’auto-cueillette, couvre 6 ares ; il comprend un grand nombre d’arbres, d’arbustes et de plantes grimpantes, vivaces ou annuelles.
Tipo: Video Palavras-chave: Crop husbandry.
Ano: 2018
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Albino crab Serpent
Scavenging, hunting in musselbed
Tipo: Video Palavras-chave: Family Galatheidae (Galatids (squat lobsters)).
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Alternating grazing to control parasites in young cattle (Video) Organic Eprints
Alföldi, Thomas.
Within the CORE Organic project MIX-ENABLE, Steffen Werne (FiBL) and his team are testing more sustainable ways of controlling gastrointestinal nematodes in ruminants. Farmers usually control parasites by using dewormers. However, resistance against these products is increasing. One approach is mixed grazing of different livestock species. It is well known that sheep and goats can benefit from mixed grazing with cattle in terms of animal health and performance. This is because gastrointestinal parasites are usually specialized in one livestock species, and mixed grazing has thus a “diluting” effect. Conversely, little is known whether young cattle can also benefit from mixed grazing with sheep. This is what Steffen Werne and his teams want to find out...
Tipo: Video Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Beef cattle; Sheep and goats; Health and welfare.
Ano: 2018
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Amblyraja hyperborea Serpent
Swimming to avoid disturbance
Tipo: Video Palavras-chave: Rajidae (Rays & skates); Amblyraja hyperborea.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Amblyraja hyperborea Serpent
Tipo: Video Palavras-chave: Rajidae (Rays & skates); Amblyraja hyperborea.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Amphipod Serpent
This specimen was observed in its burrow which, according to the literature extend to 10cm depth. These burrows were common at the Asterix site with a density of 0.2m-2. Ref: d'Acoz CD (2007) The genera Haliragoides and Neohela in the North Atlantic, with the description of two new deepwater species from Norway and Svalbard (Crustacea : Amphipoda). Cahiers De Biologie Marine 48:17-35
Tipo: Video
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Amphipod Serpent
Feeding on carcass?
Tipo: Video Palavras-chave: Order Amphipoda (Amphipods).
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Amphipod Serpent
Feeding in trap
Tipo: Video Palavras-chave: Order Amphipoda (Amphipods).
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Amphipod Serpent
Feeding in trap
Tipo: Video Palavras-chave: Order Amphipoda (Amphipods).
Ano: 2005 URL:
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