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A Global Vision and Strategy for Organic Farming Research. First Draft. Organic Eprints
Niggli, Urs; Baker, Brian; Rahmann, Gerold; Cuoco, Eduardo; Möller, Carolin; Ssebunya, Brian; Hossain, Shaikh Tanveer; Wivstad, Maria; Chang, Jennifer; Soto, Gabriela; Gould, David; Lampkin, Nic; Chander, Mahesh; Mapusua, Karen; Wynen, Els; Qiao, Yuhui; Ardakani, M. Reza; Hartmann, Marco; Oyama, Toshio; Schmid, Otto; Willer, Helga.
Organic agriculture world-wide offers the promise of a future to produce and distribute food and other farm products in a healthy, ecologically sound, truly sustainable and fair way. The full benefits of organic agriculture are just now being realized—from ecosystem services to the provision of healthier food - yet, to reach its full potential organic farming needs to address many challenges. While organic agriculture has grown in strength and is in the most favorable position it has ever been in with respect to market conditions, government policies and international institutional support, it still does not have adequate resources to continue its expansion. The Technology Innovation Platform of IFOAM (TIPI) has developed a vision and an agenda to advance...
Tipo: Working paper Palavras-chave: Systems research and participatory research.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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A Global Vision and Strategy for Organic Farming Research of TIPI - Concept Note Organic Eprints
Niggli, Urs.
Concept note for the Global Vision and Strategy for Organic Farming Research
Tipo: Working paper Palavras-chave: Research communication and quality.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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A multi-country case study of the process of conversion to organic farming in the EU Organic Eprints
Holt, Dr Georgina; Grey, Mr Peter; Nielsen, Mr Robert; Tranter, Mr Richard.
This paper reports on a series of case studies of the process of conversion to organic farming in five EU countries. The objectives of the case studies were: to identify factors affecting the decisions of conventional farmers considering conversion to organic farming; to identify problems that farmers thought they would face; and to consider and detail the financial impact of conversion on a range of farm businesses. National comparisons of the practice of conversion to organic farming reveals a wide diversity of support systems. Although these are in part necessitated by the diversity of enterprises suitable to different geographical locations, variation also results from different political agendas. Variation is also seen in farmer attitudes to organic...
Tipo: Working paper Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general; Social aspects; Farm economics.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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A note on sewage sludge - risk assessments and fertilization value Organic Eprints
Magid, Jakob.
A number of recent studies of risk related to agricultural use of sewage sludge are reviewed, as a contribution to the discussion of potential for use in organic agriculture. Furthermore a very tentative assessment of the fertilization value of sewage sludge and its derived products is developed.
Tipo: Working paper Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Soil; Environmental aspects.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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A note on the distinction between "integral" and "diffuse" conceptions of organic products Organic Eprints
Jensen, Katherine O’Doherty.
This note is intended to provide a basis for internal discussion among CONCEPTS partners. The issue addressed concerns the employment of a distinction between two modes of conceiving organic products among consumers. A distinction between an "integral" and a "diffuse" mode plays a central role in the project’s Technical Annex, both in descriptions of the objectives of particular tasks/work packages and in the preliminary titles of planned publications.
Tipo: Working paper Palavras-chave: Values; Standards and certification Consumer issues.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Ackerkratzdistel: Im Biobetrieb dauerhaft regulieren Organic Eprints
Dierauer, Hansueli; Kranzler, Andreas; Ebert, Ulrich.
Die Ackerkratzdistel kann vor allem in Bioackerbaubetrieben mit guten Böden ein Problem werden. Eine Patentlösung zu ihrer Regulierung existiert bisher für den Biobetrieb nicht. Unter Beachtung gewisser pflanzenbaulicher Regeln und in Kombination mit einer gezielten Bodenbearbeitung lässt sie sich aber trotzdem erfolgreich regulieren. Das Merkblatt listet die Ursachen von Distelproblemen auf und liefert, basierend auf Praxiserfahrungen in mehreren Ländern, Empfehlungen zur Regulierung von der Vorbeugung einer Verunkrautung bis zu Massnahmen bei grossflächigem Befall.
Tipo: Working paper Palavras-chave: Crop husbandry; Weed management.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Adubos verdes para sistemas agroflorestais com Guanandi cultivado em várzea e terraço fluvial. Organic Eprints
Devide, Antonio Carlos Pries.
A Mata Atlântica é um complexo de ecossistemas com elevada diversidade biológica; um dos biomas mais ameaçados do mundo pelas agressões às florestas; uma das cinco regiões do planeta de maior prioridade para a conservação. Em Pindamonhangaba, SP, vem sendo realizado experimentos de conversão agroflorestal de áreas de plantio de Guanandi (Calophyllum braziliense) em várzeas e terraços fluviais. O objetivo desse trabalho é buscar alternativas menos impactantes, rentáveis e com potencial de contribuição à conservação ambiental, com a seleção de adubos verdes adaptados regionalmente para compor os sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs). Os SAFs estão ajudando a restaurar a Mata Atlântica resgatando a vocação agrícola da Fazenda Coruputuba. Essa revisão bibliográfica...
Tipo: Working paper Palavras-chave: Production systems; Crop combinations and interactions; Farming Systems; Crop husbandry; Soil tillage; Vegetables; Weed management.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Æstetisk sansning og naturvidenskabelig naturforståelse - et eksplorativt eksperiment Organic Eprints
Højring, K..
I forbindelse med naturkvalitet defineres målene i vid udstrækning ud fra fagbiologiske betragtninger og kriterier, som ikke nødvendigvis harmonerer med landmandens opfattelse af, hvad god natur er, eller med hans måde at beskrive og forstå sine omgivelser på. Hvis den økologiske landmand i sine beslutninger skal kunne inddrage hensyn til naturkvalitet – i fagbiologisk forstand – er det derfor nødvendigt, at der udvikles et fælles sprog, der kan tjene som redskab i udvekslingen af forståelser. Forsøgets formål er at undersøge den naturvidenskabelige ekspertises forudsætninger for at deltage i en dialog om naturkvalitet baseret på de umiddelbare sanseindtryk, som naturen og landskabet formidler til iagttageren. Dvs., om den forståelse af naturkvalitet,...
Tipo: Working paper Palavras-chave: Indicators and other value-laden measures; Systems research and participatory research; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Afrapportering af Crosscutting 1: koblinger mellem drift af vedvarende græs (wp2) og biologisk naturkvalitet (wp3) Organic Eprints
Frederiksen, Pia; Ejrnæs, Rasmus; Tybirk, Knud.
Arbejdspapiret afrapporterer en mindre undersøgelse under projektet Naturkvalitet i Økologisk jordbrug. På baggrund af overlappende marker med vedvarende græs sammenlignes driftsdata med et habitatkvalitets index. Analysen peger på at under forhold med extensiv drift slår de geofysiske forhold - især fugtighed - igennem i habitatkvalitets indexet. Antallet af samples er imidlertid for få til at drage endelige konklusioner.
Tipo: Working paper Palavras-chave: Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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AGTEC-Org Agronomy Handbook of Methods Organic Eprints
Celette, Florian; Peigne, Joséphine; Thomsen, Ingrid Kaag; Carcea, Marina; Aveline, Anne; Hellou, Guénaëlle; Mäder, Paul; Hiltbrunner, Jürg; Mayer, Jochen; Dubois, David; Thommen, Andreas; Schweinzer, Agnes; Friedel, Juergen K.; David, Christophe.
A common handbook was conceived in the CORE Organic AGTEC-Org project in order to give some elements of field trial monitoring.
Tipo: Working paper Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions Composting and manuring Soil tillage Soil Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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AGTEC-Org Technological Handbook of Methods Organic Eprints
Carcea, Marina; Samson, Marie-Françoise; Abecassis, Joël.
A common handbook was conceived in the CORE Organic AGTEC-Org project in order to give some elements on technological treatments and analyses which will be led in the project.
Tipo: Working paper Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Technology assessment.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Analyse af fødevarekæder Organic Eprints
Mogens, Lund; Jesper, Graversen; Janus, Søndergaard; Paul, Kledal.
The working paper contains a description of the methods used in the analysis of selected supply chains in the Danish food and agricultural industry. The analyses, which include the supply chains for pork, chickens, eggs, beef meat and fur production, are part of a greater research project focusing on cost-benefit analyses of Danish food products with special emphasize on food quality and safety. This working paper only review the adopted methods in the analyses, as separate reports will be published for each of the investigated supply chains. The reviewed analytical methods are used to describe and analyse the firms and actors in the individual food chain, their activities and economic value added, organisation and regulation schemes as well as the...
Tipo: Working paper Palavras-chave: Markets and trade.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Analyse économique du développement des filières en agriculture biologique Organic Eprints
Garapin, Alexis; Lemarié, Stéphane.
Livrable 4 du projet de recherche INRA - AgriBio3 PEPP « Rôle de la Performance Economique des exploitations et des filières, et des Politiques Publiques, dans le développement de l’AB » Au cours des cinq dernières années les filières biologiques ont connu une croissance importante à tous les niveaux entre la production et la consommation. Pour les filières étudiées ici (légumes frais et céréales), la production nationale s’approche du niveau de demande. Néanmoins, cette autosuffisance apparente au niveau agrégé ne doit pas pour autant masquer les enjeux liés à l’équilibrage entre offre et demande pour les différents sousmarchés et, dans la mesure du possible, à un niveau assez local. D’une manière générale, les acteurs rencontrés lors de cette enquête...
Tipo: Working paper Palavras-chave: Markets and trade; Policy environments and social economy.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Analysis of Organic Supply Chains - A theoretical framework Organic Eprints
Kledal, Paul Rye.
The working paper contains the theoretical foundation for analysing the future development of organic foods in Denmark, which methodologically will be centered around two supply chains: - organic vegetables - organic pork Three analytic levels of focuspoints are chosen: 1) The farm/household level 2) The supply chain 3) The institutional frame Within each level different theory is applied.
Tipo: Working paper Palavras-chave: Farm economics.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Analysis of Organic Supply Chains - A theoretical framework Organic Eprints
Kledal, Paul Rye.
This working paper contains a new theoretical approach for analyzing organic supply chains. It is structured at three levels: - the farm/household level - the supply chain - the institutional frame The theoretical frame explains how the economic mechanism in a competetive market economy creates societal conflicts and concentration of production and capital in relation to farming. The theory also explains how and why organic farming can be viewed as a social counterreaction to these conflicts and processes of power concentration.
Tipo: Working paper Palavras-chave: Farm economics.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Andelsorganisering i det landbrugsindustrielle kompleks - en historisk oversigt Organic Eprints
Ingemann, Jan Holm.
Der gives en historisk oversigt over udviklingen af det landbrugsindustrielle kompleks med særligt fokus på andelsorganiseringen og dennes betydning for udviklingen af den danske landbrugssektor. Herunder for koordineringspotentialet mellem det landbrugsindustrielle og landbrugspolitiske kompleks. Herunder behandles også den økologiske sektors udvikling og placering de seneste årtier.
Tipo: Working paper Palavras-chave: Policy environments and social economy Markets and trade Processing; Packaging and transportation.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Androstenon-indol-skatol-protokol Organic Eprints
Jensen, Bent Borg; Rebsdorf, Thomas.
Beskrivelse af metode til kvantitativt at bestemme indholdet af androstenon, indol samt skatol i spækprøver.
Tipo: Working paper Palavras-chave: Specific methods.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Anleitung zum Einreichen von Beiträgen zur 13. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau Organic Eprints
Spory, Kerstin.
Anleitung zum Einreichen von Beiträgen zur 13. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau.
Tipo: Working paper Palavras-chave: Knowledge management.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Årslev-forsøget DoubleCrop4_D1.1 Organic Eprints
Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg; Sørensen, Jørn Nygaard; de Visser, Richard.
Plan for the DoubleCrop crop rotation experiment
Tipo: Working paper Palavras-chave: Production systems Soil quality Crop combinations and interactions Composting and manuring Nutrient turnover Soil tillage Vegetables Crop health; Quality; Protection Environmental aspects Farm nutrient management.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Assessment of food safety in organic farming Organic Eprints
Hansen, Birgitte; Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted; Kristensen, Erik Steen; Wier, Mette.
Public concern about food safety in Europe has grown in response to the BSE scandal and problems with Salmonella and Campylobacter, etc. Such health and safety considerations are among the most important incentives for buying organic food, and have helped to promote rapid growth in the organic sector. Against this background the present article reviews food safety from an organic perspective. To our knowledge this has not been done previously. A novel definition is introduced which incorporates safety aspects of both the product and the agri-food-system. A Driving force-State-Impact-Response (DSIR) framework, that incorporates recent findings relating to organic products, is employed to analyse processes that control the safety of food. The safety of...
Tipo: Working paper Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Indicators and other value-laden measures.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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