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A monograph of the Genus Aristida Naturalis
Henrard, J.Th..
In a preliminary work: „A critical Revision of the genus Aristida”, I have given a review of all the hitherto described species of this genus with the citation of the literature, the exact copies of the authentic descriptions and the figures of the spikelet-characters, taken from the type specimens so far as I could locate them. In many cases it was necessary to enter into critical observations, because the nomenclature and the ideas found in the different manuals are exceedingly entangled. The Revision, although very important for botanists who wish to know the exact data of a fixed species, is not to use if we wish to determine an arbitrary plant of our genus, therefore we must have a monograph and I indicated already that it was my intention to write...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1929 URL:
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A Preliminary Report of Cost of Crop Production from Data Secured in 1928 on the Farm Accounting Route at Crookston - Polk County - Minnesota AgEcon
Sallee, George A.; Pond, George A.; Ruud, C.O..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1929 URL:
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A Preliminary Report of Data Secured in 1926, 1927, and 1928 on the Farm Accounting Route at Crookston - Polk County - Minnesota AgEcon
Sallee, George A.; Pond, George A.; Ruud, C.O..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1929 URL:
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A Preliminary Report of Livestock Costs and Returns from Data Secured in 1928 on the Farm Accounting Route at Crookston - Polk County - Minnesota AgEcon
Sallee, George A.; Pond, George A.; Ruud, C.O..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1929 URL:
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De Apterygotenfauna van het eiland Urk Naturalis
Buitendijk, A.M..
Op een tweetal excursies (van 11—13 Juli en van 26—28 September) werden op Urk negen soorten van Apterygogenea gevonden, n. 1.: Hypogastrura viatica (Tullb.). Friesea mirabilis (Tullb.). Onychiurus armatus (Tullb.). Proisotoma schötti (D. T.). Isotoma (Vertagopus) cinerea (Nic.). Isotoma viridis Bourl. Isotoma viridis Bourl. var. riparia (Nic.). Isotomurus palustris (Müll.) var. maculata Schäff. Entomobrya lanuginosa (Nic.). Entomobrya lanuginosa (Nic.) var. maritima (Nic.). Entomobrya nicoleti (Lubb.) var. obscura (Tullb.). Vijf hiervan zijn, daar ze niet voorkomen in de lijst van Dr. OUDEMANS, als nieuw voor onze fauna te beschouwen. Van deze vijf volgt hieronder een korte beschrijving. 1. Friesea mirabilis (Tullb.). De drie thoracale segmenten zijn alle...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.75.
Ano: 1929 URL:
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De Heterocera van Sumatra VI Naturalis
Eecke, R. van.
Fam. 8: LASIOCAMPIDAE. Lasiocampidae, Hampson, Faun. Br. Ind. I, p. 402, (1892). Grünberg, Seitz, Grossschm. d. Erde X, p. 391, (1914). Meest groote, sterke, ruige vlinders met bruine vleugelteekening. Palpen dik behaard, groot, vooruitstekend; zuiger niet ontwikkeld; oogen vrij klein; antennen tamelijk lang dubbel gekamd bij beide sexen. De pooten gewoonlijk met slechts kleine terminale paren sporen en sterk behaard. Het voorhoofd en de thorax in den regel sterk behaard. Het aderstelsel sterk, vrij constant; in den voorvleugel zijn de aderen 1a en 1b niet met elkaar gevorkt, 1c zeer zelden aanwezig; de cel klein met sterke discocellularis; de aderen 6 en 7 vanaf den bovenhoek, 9 en 10 steeds gesteeld. De achtervleugel met 2 anale aderen; 6 en 7 dicht bij...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.75.
Ano: 1929 URL:
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De Heterocera van Sumatra VII Naturalis
Eecke, R. van.
De rups van den „Kanarievlinder" (Hileud hoeis) is donker bruin met lichtere zijstrepen, de eerste lichaamsring en de naschuivers rood, voorts eene serie van dorsale bulten met witte haren begroeid. Pooten bruin. De lengte bedraagt ongeveer 45—50 mM. Behalve aan kanarie kunnen de rupsen zeer schadelijk zijn aan advocaat, mangga, kaneel en kina (DAMMERMAN). Zij spinnen fraaie goudkleurige, mazige cocons, waarin de pop zichtbaar ligt. De rups van C. andrei Jord. is geheel anders; dorsaal appelgroen, ventraal iets donkerder met laterale geelgroene lengtelijn onder de stigmata, groenachtig bruinen kop, kleine roseroode dorsale wratjes, waarop donkere haren. Op den laatsten ring staat dorsaal een vleezig uitsteeksel met een geel wratje. De geheele oppervlakte...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.75.
Ano: 1929 URL:
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Eenige annteekeningen omtrent Nederlandsche Jassidae uit de verzameling A. J. F. Fokker Naturalis
Blöte, H.C..
Daar ik bij de revisie onzer Jassidae in 1927 niet in de gelegenheid was het materiaal uit de verzameling A. J. F. FOKKER na te zien en het mij nu blijkt dat het materiaal dezer verzameling aanleiding geeft tot enkele rectificaties, volgen hier deze aanteekeningen. Cicadula sexnotata (Fall.). In de verzameling bevinden zich door LETHIERRY als C. diminuta Leth. gedetermineerde exemplaren, die behooren tot Cicadula sexnotata (Fall.) var. salina Reut., welke var. dus inlandsch is, de var. devastans Guér. echter eveneens. Indien Cicadula sexnotata (Fall.) var. salina Reut. inderdaad hetzelfde is als Cicadula diminuta Leth., wat m. i. lang niet zeker is, zou de naam salina Reut. moeten vervallen. Thamnotettix erythrostictus (Leth.). De door FOKKER vermelde...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.73.
Ano: 1929 URL:
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Enfermedades de los peces en el Uruguay OceanDocs
Vogelsang, E.G..
Se describen distintos tipos de parasitosis de peces e identifican los parásitos causantes de enfermedades.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fish diseases; Parasitic diseases; Parasitic diseases; Fish diseases; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1929 URL:
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Etude monographique du merlu (merlucius merluccius l.) (deuxième partie) ArchiMer
Belloc, Gérard.
The first hake eggs were found in the Gulf of Naples in January 1888 by Raffaele who described them (134). These eggs are pelagic. They float on or at a small depth below the surface. They are transparent, with a homogenous yolk (vitellus) and an oily globule.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1929 URL:
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Etude monographique du merlu, Merlucius merluccius l. (première partie) ArchiMer
Belloc, Gérard.
Le Merlu a toujours été très estimé et sa pêche est fort ancienne. Les souverains des Iles britanniques accordaient même, des privilèges aux étrangers moyennant certains droits pour leur permettre d'exercer cette pêche sur leurs côtes. Au IX° et X° siècles, les Danois avaient des pêcheries sur la côte d'Irlande. Sous le règne de la reine Mary, le roi Philippe II payait la somme de 1.000 livres pour conserver aux Espagnols le droit de pêcher dans les eaux irlandaises. Les Allemands avaient une autorisation semblable de Charles II, au prix de 30.000 livres, et " il était aussi garanti, comme une faveur », au royaume de Suède d'employer une centaine de bateaux à cette pêche (26). Avant la pêche sur les bancs de Terre-Neuve, le merlu salé remplaçait la morue,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1929 URL:
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Fièvre typhoide et coquillages ArchiMer
Boinet, X; Teissonniere, X.
Numerous scientific works, some of which have been dealt with here, have demonstrated the important part played by the soiled shellfishes in the spreading of the typhoid fever. These works resulted in a stricter regulation of the fishery, the production and the commercialization of shellfishes, especially oysters; a regulation whose terms have been summarized and specified in the July 31, 1923 decree. This text focuses mainly on oyster production. Some of its articles, which deal with the freshness guarantee and the prohibition of some practices likely to soil the molluscs, either on the stalls or in the warehouse, can apply to all shellfishes. However, the decree's key article, requiring a healthy certificate of origin is only applicable to oysters.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1929 URL:
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First Annual Report of the Better Farming Club of Dodge County AgEcon
Ranney, W.P.; Pond, George A.; Bevan, Roland C.; Armour, M.L..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1929 URL:
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First Annual Report of the Better Farming Club of Freeborn County 1928 AgEcon
Ranney, W.P.; Pond, George A.; Bevan, Roland C.; Lawson, W.M..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1929 URL:
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First Annual Report of the Better Farming Club of Rice County 1928 AgEcon
Ranney, W.P.; Pond, George A.; Bevan, Roland C.; Hass, Harry.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1929 URL:
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First Annual Report of the Better Farming Club of Steele County AgEcon
Ranney, W.P.; Pond, George A.; Bevan, Roland C.; Seath, Russell.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1929 URL:
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First Annual Report of the Better Farming Club of Waseca County AgEcon
Ranney, W.P.; Bevan, Roland C.; Hansen, M.C.; Pond, George A..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1929 URL:
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Instructions to the Marine Meteorological Observers of the U. S. Weather Bureau, 5th edition. OceanDocs
The ocean meteorological program of the Weather Bureau calls in general for the making of but one regular observation a day, this, as well known, being made at noon· Greenwich mean time, (civil). However, in certain designated areas from which observations are transmitted by radiotelegraphy an additional regular observation is provided for at Greenwich midnight. Supplementing these regular observations are extra ones made under conditions of threatening or severe weather, gale and storm reports, and descriptive notes of weather experienced between observations, the lastnamed taking the form of a Daily Journal. The total requirements are such, however, as to make the smallest possible demands on observers consistent with the needs of the bureau in meeting...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Instrument platforms; Meteorological instruments; Oceanographic instruments; Methodology; Standardization; Measurement; Climate; Climatology; Ocean-atmosphere system.
Ano: 1929 URL:
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La croisière de la "tanche" en juillet-août 1928 ArchiMer
Belloc, G..
The cruise of the Tanche, a research vessel belonging to the Marine Fisheries Scientific and Technical Office, aimed to continue, in the Bay of Biscay, the hydrological studies started at the creation of the Office and dealing with the biology of the edible fishes, as well as to multiply the soundings in this area in order to create a fishing map with large dots. The studied area is comprised between the Spanish coast and the parallel 45°30' latitude N; it is limited to the West by the meridian 3° longitude W which is the Bilbao meridian.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1929 URL:
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La pêche de la sardine dans la région de Saint-Jean-de-Luz en 1928 ArchiMer
Arne, Paul.
These statistics show that the very poor catches of the end of 1927 continued until May 1928, although less campaigns are to be counted compared with last year's: 1 811 against 2 647. One might also notice that the small amount of sardines caught in April 1928 was counterbalanced by the catch, over the same period, of 886 735 kilos of anchovies, 10 445 kilos of mackerel and 24 030 kilos of tuna. In April, many boats stopped fishing sardine and switched to other fishes. When compared with the results of the previous years, it appears that the fisheries of June 1928 are exceptional for this season.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1929 URL:
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