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A monograph of the Genus Aristida Naturalis
Henrard, J.Th..
We find the interpretation of the genus Aristida by BEAUVOIS in his work Essai d’une nouvelle Agrostographie on pag. 33. Aristida lanata is the only species mentioned by him and the genus is figured on Pl. VIII. fig. X. This figure is a rather rough sketch and represents Aristida ciliata DESF.. In the figures b and c there is a well-developed column and the central awn is plumose, the articulation between lemma and column is omitted or overlooked. Aristida lanata, as mentioned by BEAUVOIS, is quite different from the A. lanata, described by FORSKÅL, where all the awns are plumose and the glumes are quite different. BEAUVOIS tells us that among all the Aristidas he has found in herbaria, this one is the only species where the central awn differs in...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1932 URL:
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A Preliminary Report of Data Secured in 1929, 1930, and 1931 on the Farm Accounting Route in Rock & Noble Counties-Minnesota AgEcon
Sallee, George A.; Pond, George A.; Loreaux, Robert H..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1932 URL:
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A Preliminary Report of Livestock Costs and Returns in 1931 with Averages for 1929 and 1930 from Data Secured on the Farm Accounting Route in Rock and Nobles Counties - Minnesota AgEcon
Sallee, George A.; Pond, George A.; Loreaux, Robert H..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1932 URL:
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Ranney, W.P.; Pond, George A..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1932 URL:
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Annual Report of the Farm Management Service for Farmers of Northern Minnesota for the year 1931 (April 1, 1931 to April 1, 1932) AgEcon
Ranney, W.P.; Pond, George A.; Cleland, S.B.; Cavert, W.L..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1932 URL:
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Catalogue of the Bursae in 's Rijks Museum van Natuurlijke Historie Naturalis
Bayer, Ch..
Since the publication in 1908 of the „Catalogue systématique des Mollusques" by R. HORST and M. M. SCHEPMAN, the collection of 's Rijks Museum van Natuurlijke Historie has attained a not unimportant extension, so that since long this catalogue is no more up to date. After the revision of the genus Bursa, which resulted into the addition to the collection of a great deal of hitherto unidentified material and which brought about several changes in the catalogue, it seemed necessary to me, to edit a new catalogue of this genus, and it is my intention to publish such a list every time when a new part of the collection has been revised. In order to give this catalogue a more general value, I have included as far as possible, all the true species of Bursa which...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.73.
Ano: 1932 URL:
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Contribution à l'étude de la sardine des côtes françaises de l'atlantique (entre Loire et Gironde) ArchiMer
Belloc, Gérard.
Les études entreprises par le Laboratoire de l'Office des Pêches à La Rochelle, conformément aux décisions de la Commission de Lisbonne (septembre 1930), ont porté pendant la campagne sardinière de 1931 sur des échantillons débarqués dans les ports de La Rochelle, des Sables d'Olonne et de l'Herbaudière. [OCR NON CONTRÔLE]
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1932 URL:
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Cuivrage accidentel et décuivrage de l'huître ArchiMer
Hinard, Gustave.
During the years 1929-1930, at the request of the Merchant navy Minister, in response to a petition signed by several oyster farmers from the Marennes area and supported by the General Union of oyster farmers, the Fisheries Office was lead to study the effect on the copper content of oysters of the presence of this metal at abnormal, constant, or accidental rates in the water of the deposits and farms.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1932 URL:
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Indian tribes of the Argentine and Bolivian Chaco Buscador Latinoamericano
Rafael Karsten; Karsten, Rafael.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: BOLIVIA; CHACO; ARGENTINA.
Ano: 1932 URL:
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La dorade commune (pagellus centrodontus delaroche) et sa pêche-Répartition. Importance et fluctuations des apports. Lieux de pêche. Migrations saisonnières et leur cause ArchiMer
Desbrosses, Pierre.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1932 URL:
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La pêche aux Iles Saint-Paule et Amsterdam ArchiMer
Aubert De La Rue, E.
Introduction : - La France possède dans la partie méridionale de l'océan Indien, à peu près à mi-distance entre l'Afrique du Sud et l'Australie, les deux petites îles de Saint-Paul et d'Amsterdam, qui sont parmi les régions les plus poissonneuses du globe. Malgré leur grand isolement et les parages tempêtueux où elles se trouvent, de nombreuses générations de pêcheurs les ont fréquentées, d'une façon plus ou moins régulière, depuis plus de cent ans. L'une de ces îles a même été le siège, à quelques reprises différentes, de stations de pêche permanentes. [OCR NON CONTRÔLE]
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1932 URL:
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La récolte du naissain d'huîtres à l'embouchure de la Charente ArchiMer
Dupain, J.
The "piquetage" (picketing), an exclusive oyster spat collection technique from the mouth of the Charente River, has only been used there for a few years. In 1923, a farmer from Port-des-Barques was the first person to ask for a concession opposite the northern point of the île Madame, between the pilings and the shore.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1932 URL:
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Les régions de pêche de l'atlantique du nord ArchiMer
Beauge, X.
Les recherches biologiques et hydrologiques effectuées sur les rives occidentales du bassin de l'Atlantique Nord ont conduit la flotte de la Grande Pêche française à déplacer provisoirement, pendant une partie de l'année, ses navires des bancs de Terre-Neuve vers le Groënland. Un mouvement analogue s'est produit en même temps sur les rives orientales de l'Atlantique, amenant les chalutiers vers les parages de l'île aux Ours et de la Mer de Barentz, après une pêche de printemps sur les fonds depuis longtemps connus d'Islande. [OCR NON CONTRÔLE]
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1932 URL:
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New and critical Polygonaceae, Guttiferae and Lecythidaceae from Surinam Naturalis
Eyma, P.J..
The comparative morphology of the genera belonging to this family has been extensively treated by Gross in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. XLIX (1913) p. 234—339. Antigonon leptopus W. Hook. et Arn., Bot. Beechey’s Voyage (1840) p. 308, t. 69.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1932 URL:
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Note sur le naissain d'huîtres portugaises dans la région de Marennes en 1931 ArchiMer
Chaux-thevenin, H.
The observations carried out on the oyster spat production in the Marennes area were continued throughout the year 1931. They were limited, by lack of transport means, to the only area of Ronce-les-Bains accessible with a rowboat. As explained in the 1930 report, this area is of a real practical interest because of the number of collectors installed in the oyster rearing ponds.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1932 URL:
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Notes on the Gobioid Fishes : 1 - 5 Naturalis
Koumans, F.P..
Introduction. The measurements given in this note and following notes are expressed in hundredths of length and are made by means of dividers. They are taken about in the same way as used by the American authors. The length is measured from the tip of the snout to the end of the last vertebra. The depth is taken at the deepest part of the body, the depth of caudal peduncle halfway the peduncle. Length of head from tip of snout to the upper end of the posterior edge of operculum. Length of snout from its tip to the anterior margin of the orbit. Width of interorbital space is measured with the dividers pinched tightly between the bony orbits. Diameter of orbit is measured longitudinally. Distance from snout to D 1 from the tip of the snout to the insertion...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.81.
Ano: 1932 URL:
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Notes on the species of Arthrosaura Blgr. (Teiidae) Naturalis
Brongersma, L.D..
In 1904 two Teiid lizards from Surinam were described by VAN LIDTH DE JEUDE who named them: Arthrosaura versteegii and Prionodactylus kockii. Of the latter species I (1928) was able to show that it did not belong to the genus Prionodactylus but that it was also an Arthrosaura and that A. dorsistriata L. MϋLLER (1923, p. 147) was a synonym of it. The status of the different Arthrosaura-species is again discussed by Ch, E. and M. D. BURT (1931, p. 312—313) in a very interesting study on the South-American lizards in the American Museum of Natural History. At the same time these authors describe a new species, Arthrosaura tatei, from Venezuela, so that they refer four species (reticulata, versteegii, kockii, tatei) to this genus. Dealing with the two species...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.82.
Ano: 1932 URL:
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Observations sur la production du naissain dans le bassin d'arcachon en 1931 ArchiMer
Borde, F.
Nous avons continué, toujours avec les mêmes méthodes, nos observations sur la production du naissain dans le bassin d'Arcachon et nous exposons ci-après les résultats obtenus en 1931. [OCR NON CONTRÔLE]
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1932 URL:
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Rapport de mission au Groënland, campagne 1931 ArchiMer
Beauge, L.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1932 URL:
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Rapport préliminaire de mission à bord du "George Bligh", navire de recherches du service anglais des pêcheries ArchiMer
Belloc, G.
Le navire de recherches anglais " George Bligh » appareille de Lowestoft le 30 juillet 1931, sous le commandement du Capitaine STEWART R.R.N. pour effectuer deux croisières (H et J) au Sud et à l'Ouest de l'Irlande. [OCR NON CONTRÔLE]
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1932 URL:
Registros recuperados: 45
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