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A monograph of the genus Evolvulus Naturalis
Ooststroom, S.J. van.
The great difficulties arising in the identification of a number of plants belonging to the genus Evolvulus, which plants were found in several recent collections of Convolvulaceae and were kindly entrusted to me for study, induced me to submit this genus to a further examination. It soon proved how great the prevailing confusion was, both in literature and in the herbaria. Various species were again and again wrongly interpreted and this especially concerns those which had been described by the older authors. Thanks to the invaluable help of a great number of herbaria I was in a position to bring about some order in the genus. Still numerous questions remain unsolved. A close study of living material, preferably on the habitat itself, will often be of...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1934 URL:
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A Preliminary Report of Cost of Crop Production From Data Secured in 1933 on the Farm Accounting Route in Stevens County, Minnesota AgEcon
Sallee, George A.; Pond, George A.; Loreaux, Robert H..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 1934 URL:
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A Preliminary Report of Data Secured in 1933 on the Farm Accounting Route in Stevens County, Minnesota AgEcon
Sallee, George A.; Pond, George A.; Loreaux, Robert H..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1934 URL:
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A Preliminary Report of Livestock Costs and Returns From Data Secured in 1933 on the Farm Accounting Route in Stevens County, Minnesota AgEcon
Sallee, George A.; Pond, George A.; Loreaux, Robert H..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1934 URL:
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Acromitus hardenbergi nov. spec, eine neue rhizostome Meduse aus dem Malayischen Archipel Naturalis
Stiasny, G..
Im Marz 1933 erhielt ich von Dr. J. D. F. Hardenberg, Assistent am Laboratorium voor het Onderzoek der Zee, Batavia, eine Sendung Medusen zur Bestimmung. „De kwallen werden gevangen in de Koemai-rivier (Zuidwest Borneo) in water van ongeveer 10°/00, ongeveer 15 mijl stroomopwaarts van de monding. Het is een soort, die daar zeer algemeen is en die ik tot nu toe op geen andere rivier zag" (Brief, 28. Febr. 1933). Anfänglich hielt ich die Medusen für identisch mit Acromitus maculosus Light, doch lehrte eine genauere Untersuchung alsbald, dass hier eine neue Form vorliegt, die ich nach ihrem Finder benannt habe. Acromitus hardenbergi nov. spec. (Figur 1—5). Inv. N°. 244, 2 Ex., Koemai-rivier, Zuidwest Borneo, October 1932. Schirm (Fig. 1): flachgewölbt,...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.72.
Ano: 1934 URL:
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Addenda to my "notes on south American Arrow-poison" Buscador Latinoamericano
Rafael Karsten; Karsten, Rafael.
Ano: 1934 URL:
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Ranney, W.P.; Pond, George A..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1934 URL:
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Artificial key to the Orchid Genera of the Netherlands Indies, together with those of New Guinea, the Malay Peninsula and the Philippines Naturalis
Smith, J.J..
It is often a very difficult task for the many amateurs and cultivators of Orchids, and I may add hardly in a less degree to students of the flora of the Netherlands Indies, to classify properly the Orchids they come across. The reason for this lies not only in the fact that the generic characters in this large order are often not easily distinguished, but also in the fact that nearly every genus counts a certain number of more or less anomalous species, so that the limits between the genera are not always easy to determine. Besides, many descriptions are, even in principal points, incomplete, either because the authors had no sufficiently good material at their disposal, or because they did not take the trouble to draw up good descriptions. For these...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1934 URL:
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Bestimmungstabelle für rezente und fossile coniferenhölzer nach mikroskopischen merkmalen. Nach angaben in der literatur zusammengestellt Naturalis
Slyper, E.J..
Seit dem Anfang dieses Jahrhunderts ist eine grosse Zahl von Arbeiten über fossile und rezente Coniferenhölzer erschienen, worunter mehrere, die mehr oder weniger genaue und vollständige Bestimmungsschlüssel enthalten. Alle mir bekannte Tabellen sind jedoch, entweder veraltet, oder ungenau, oder sie umfassen nur einen Teil der bekannten Hölzer. Weil gerade in neuerer Zeit wichtige Arbeiten über dieses Thema veröffentlicht wurden, schien es mir erwünscht diese zusammenzufassen in einer Tabelle, die vielleicht von anderen Forschern als Ausgangspunkt für die sehr notwendigen eigenen Untersuchungen benutzt werden kann. Obwohl hier also keine Originalarbeit vorliegt, habe ich doch die Brauchbarkeit der verschiedenen Merkmale für die Determination an einer...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1934 URL:
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Catalogue des poissons comestibles du Maroc et de la Côte occidentale d'Afrique (du Cap Sorel au Cap Vert), Première partie - Poissons cartilagineux ArchiMer
Belloc, Gérard.
The "Catalogue illustré des Animaux marins comestibles, avec leurs noms communs français et étrangers" (Illustrated catalogue of edible marine animals, with their French and foreign names) (1), published in 1925 by MM. Joubin and Le Danois only included the species found on the French coasts and the surrounding seas. It seemed useful to complete this catalogue at a time when French trawlers extended their fishing areas to the South, all the way to Senegal. The main goal of the previous catalogue was to have the entire country adopting a single official name for each fish. We have to admit that this goal has not been reached and that, for example, the monkfish is still designated using thirty four different names, five of which are used for other completely...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1934 URL:
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Catalogue of the Coreidae in the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie : Part I. Corizinae, Alydinae Naturalis
Blöte, H.C..
As a result of my further work on the reordening of the collection of bugs in the Leiden Museum I am giving now a catalogue of the Coreidae in the Museum, which will appear in some parts, as the group is rather large. Again I was enabled to visit the British Museum (Natural History), and I will include in the present paper some remarks upon species of which types are in this Museum. Of course it was of great importance for the identification of our specimens too, that I could compare the doubtful things with the rich collection in this Museum. I am very thankful to Mr. China again for his kind assistance. Some years ago (in 1928) the Leiden Museum acquired the extensive collection of bugs of Mr. A. J. P. Fokker. This collection has to be kept separately...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.75.
Ano: 1934 URL:
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Cirripeds from the Malay Archipelago in the Zoological Museum of Amsterdam Naturalis
Nilsson-Cantell, C.A..
During several visits to the Zoological Museum, Amsterdam, I have been able to study the whole collection of Cirripeds. Most of the material is already known from Hoek's important study of the Siboga collection. Yet there was some material left undetermined. By the courtesy of the Director, Professor De Beaufort, I have been able to work out this material. For this I want to express here my best thanks, including in this also thanks to the Curator Dr. H. Engel, who afforded me much help by giving information about the localities. Duplicates of this collection are preserved in the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden. In the present paper I have taken up only those species of the collection which are from the Indomalayan region. The rest of the...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.74.
Ano: 1934 URL:
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Contribution aux caractéristiques techniques et biologiques de la pêche à la morue et à l'églefin sur la côte mourmane orientale ArchiMer
Essipov, V. K..
During the year of 1928, in the scientifico-technique station of the Institute for the Study of the Northern Seas in Portchnik, we carried out a number of observations on the cod and haddock longline fisheries. The fish was provided by some fishermen from the camps of Zakhrebetnaïa and Chelpino. We used to study all the fishes caught in one day (i.e. one longline drop) by one fishermen tarel (community) or the other. Each cod or haddock specimen was measured with a tape (in centimetres), weighed with a decimal scale and opened in order to determine its gender and to examine the state of its sexual products. Moreover, we studied separately each specimen's liver and collected some materials on a few specimens in order to determine their age (scales, otolith,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1934 URL:
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Contributions to Indo-Australian Herpetology Naturalis
Brongersma, L.D..
A complete account of all the reptiles then known to occur in the Indo-Australian Archipelago was published by De Rooij in 1915 and 1917. Since this time several new species have been described, while others have been suppressed or revived. Also the problem of geographical variation begins to penetrate in herpetology more and more. While studying the herpetological collections of the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden and the Zoological Museum, Amsterdam, it became clear to me that, though De Rooij's books offer a sound basis for further studies on the reptiles of the Indo-Australian Archipelago, a great deal of revisional work must still be done before our knowledge of the herpetological fauna of that region will be fairly complete. As I can...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.82.
Ano: 1934 URL:
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Editorial Naturalis
Lam, H.J..
Twenty-four years have elapsed since the Institution, then called „’s Rijks Herbarium”, started a series of papers entitled „Mededeelingen van ’s Rijks Herbarium, Leiden”. Exactly 70 numbers have been issued between 1910 and 1933 inclusive, most of them under the directorate of Dr J. W. C. GOETHART, to whom many thanks are due for his arduous work and his many cares in favour of these publications. After the undersigned, oil October 2nd, 1933, had taken over the directorate of the Rijksherbarium from the acting director, Dr W. A. GODDIJN, he could start realizing some projects which, in relation to his tropical experience, seemed more or less promising. First of all it was obvious that the Rijksherbarium should, to a greater degree than had been possible...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1934 URL:
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Etudes sur le salage du poisson ArchiMer
Boury, Maurice.
Le salage, dans les industries de la pêche, prend une place dont il est sûrement inutile de souligner l'importance. Le laboratoire de chimie appliquée de l'Office des Pêches Maritimes se trouve naturellement amené à l'étude de différents problèmes relatifs à cette technique de traitement du poisson. Déjà, dans un précédent fascicule de la présente Revue (1), sont relatés les résultats de recherches, de nature à la fois chimique et bactériologique, sur les phénomènes susceptibles de donner à la morue salée une teinte jaune plus ou moins accentuée et un aspect déplaisant pour le consommateur. Nous allons, maintenant, poursuivre notre contribution à l'étude du salage en traitant de deux autres questions : le rouge de la morue ; le salage du hareng. [OCR NON...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1934 URL:
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Expédition du Sibiriakov en 1932. Première partie - Récit de l'expédition à bord du brise-glace Sibiriakov en 1932 ArchiMer
Vise, Y..
The issue of the practical use of the Marine Northern Road over its entire length between the Barentz Sea and the Behring Strait has always been on the table. Before the revolution of 1917, this issue has been raised for the last time during the Russo-Japanese war. It was dealt with, at the time, by a special commission which reached the conclusion that there was no satisfying answer to the study of the most appropriate Northern Road through the Glacial Ocean using the area comprised between the Cape Tchéliouskine and the Behring Strait. The economic, military and statistical importance of this issue drove the Tsar government to impose some exceptional measures in order to obtain the exploitation of the eastern half of the Glacial Arctic Ocean; and, in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1934 URL:
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Le tassergal ou blue fish (pomatomus saltatrix lacépède = temnodon saltator linné). Résumé des connaissances acquises sur la biologie et l'utilisation de ce poisson ArchiMer
Le Gall, Jean.
In this work, inevitably incomplete, we aimed to summarize the previous studies carried out on the ethology and ecology of the Pomatomus saltatrix (Temnodon saltator), as well as to complete these notions with some observations conducted on the Tassergal from the Moroccan and Mauritanian coasts. This fish, though identifying perfectly with the American Bluefish and as abundant as this latter, is still little known on the African coasts as far as its biology, moves and exploitation are concerned.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1934 URL:
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Les transgressions océaniques ArchiMer
Le Danois, Edouard.
In the teaching of oceanography, the Gulf Stream theory is a dogma. Our children grow up with the history of this famous current; their eyes are obsessed by some beautiful coloured maps on which dark blue lines show, without any doubt, the itinerary of this marine river. Any traveller, captain, fisherman, passenger has seen the Gulf Stream with his own eyes. The entire western European coast owes its mild temperature to the warm waters sent by the Gulf of Mexico. I felt regretful the day I started doubting the existence, in the eastern Atlantic Ocean, of the branches of this beneficial current. Five years at the Roscoff Laboratory, an area especially privileged, had sparked my scepticism. Two polar cruises with Captain Charcot to the Jan Mayen Land,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1934 URL:
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L'expédition du "John Murray" dans l'océan indien ArchiMer
Stanley Gardiner, J..
Geographers have already been asking for a long time for studies to be carried out in the Arabic Sea. This Sea is bordered to the North and to the West by Arabia and Africa; regions where it seldom rains and, consequently, with a very low alluvium input. It is under the influence of the Red Sea through the Gulf of Aden, a basin more than 1 000 fathoms deep, with a low threshold of less 100 fathoms deep to the South. It is also under the influence of the Gulf of Oman, in which opens the very shallow Persian Sea where an important drainage of the earth brought by the Tigris and the Euphrates takes place.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1934 URL:
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