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1958 Annual Report of the Central Minnesota Farm Management Service for T.V.A. Test Demonstration Cooperation AgEcon
Nodland, Truman R.; Hasbargen, Paul R..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1959 URL:
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1958 Annual Report of the Northeastern Minnesota Farm Management Service AgEcon
Behr, M.R.; West, Donald A.; Nodland, Truman R..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1959 URL:
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1958 Report of the Farm Management Service for Vocational Agriculture in West Central Minnesota AgEcon
Smith, Ralph; Nodland, Truman R..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1959 URL:
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A absorção de nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio, cálcio, magnésio, enxôfre e silício pela cana de açúcar, Co 419, e o seu crescimento em função da idade Anais da ESALQ
Catani,R. A.; Arruda,H. C.; Pelegrino,D.; Bergamin F.°,H..
This paper describes the data obtained for the growth of sugar cane, Variety Co 419, and the amount and rate of absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, and silicon, according to the age of the plant, in the soil and climate conditions of the state of S. Paulo, Brazil. An experiment was installed in the Estação Experimental de Cana de Açúcar "Dr. José Vizioli", at Piracicaba, state of S. Paulo, Brazil, and the soil "tèrra-roxa misturada" presented the following composition: Sand (more than 0,2 mm)........................................................................ 8.40 % Fine sand (from 0,2 to less than 0,02 mm)................................................. 24.90 % Silt (from 0,02 to less than 0,002...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1959 URL:
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A cinza do pinhão paraguaio Bragantia
Viégas,A. P..
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1959 URL:
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A further extension of Elminius modestus Darwin on the west coast of France Naturalis
Crisp, D.J..
In previous publications Bishop & Crisp (1957, 1958) described the distribution of Elminius modestus on the coasts of France, based on surveys made in 1953 and 1954. Further information including some observations made in 1955 was given by Bishop, Crisp, Fischer-Piette & Prenant (1957). Elminius was shown to be centred on three main areas; the Channel coast east of Cap de la Hague, the river systems of North Brittany, and the Rade de Brest. Further south scattered individuals only were to be found, nowhere in sufficient abundance to allow the majority to breed. Bishop & Crisp (1957) pointed aut that the scarcity of Elminius on this part of the Brittany coast was surprising, since there are numerous suitable estuaries and harbours and an...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1959 URL:
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A multiplicação da seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis muell.-arg.) por meio de estacas Bragantia
Mendes,Luiz O. T..
A seringueira é uma planta cujas estacas normalmente enraizam com muita dificuldade. Daí o autor ter estudado uma maneira de multiplicar essa planta por meio de estacas, pelo estrangulamento de sua haste, com um fio de arame bem apertado. Decorridos vários dias após tal operação, as estacas são cortadas logo abaixo do callus formado e plantadas em areia. Vários ensaios foram realizados no Instituto Agronômico do Norte, para estudar em que lugar da haste deve ser feito o estrangulamento, bem como quantos dias depois da operação devem as estacas ser colhidas. Os resultados mostram que o estrangulamento deu melhores resultados quando feito logo abaixo de uma gema ou do ponto de inserção de uma ou de duas fôlhas, e que a colheita das estacas deve ser feita...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1959 URL:
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Candler, Wilfred V..
This paper will take a new look at budgeting. It will be argued that with the development of linear programming, budgeting can be seen to have several disadvantages as a research tool. The development of linear programming as an aid to farm management research will then be examined. This examination will lead to the development of a slight refinement of conventional budgeting methods. This refinement may reasonably be termed parametric budgeting.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 1959 URL:
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A new Staurogyne from the Territory of Papua Naturalis
Bremekamp, C.E.B..
The new species described below belongs like St. leplocaulis Brem. (in Nova Guinea, new ser., 8: 129. 1957) to the subgenus Telrastichum, which is characterized by the presence in each of the ovary cells of circ. 60 ovules arranged in four rows and by the lower flowers of the inflorescence being subtended by ordinary leaves. The new species is easily distinguishable from St. leptocaulis by its larger and relatively wider leaves and by its obovate-orbicular bracts. Staurogyne latibracteata Brem. n. spec. ad subgenus Tetrastichum pertinens, caule ascendente et anthisre appendiculatis ad St. Neesii (Vidal) C. B. Clarke ex Merr., St. rivularem Merr. et St. leptocaulem Brem. accedens, caule pilis capitatis vestito praesertim St. Neesii et St. leptocauli similor...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1959 URL:
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A pedra flexível, descrita por Anchieta Bragantia
Viégas,A. P..
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1959 URL:
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A species of Antirhea (Rubiaceae) from Suriname Naturalis
Bremekamp, C.E.B..
Antirhea surinamensis Brem. n. spec. ramulis novellis non resinosis, inflorescentiis multifloris, bis ramificatis, floribus 4-meris, ovariis paucilocularibus ad A. obtusifoliam Urb., A. coriaceam (Vahl) Urb., A. Shaferi Urb., A. occidentalem Urb., A. tenuifoliam Urb., A. panamensem Standl, accedens, sed a speciebus his omnibus ovario et capsula 3-loculari, pedunculis longioribus distinguenda, a speciebus his A. panamensi solum excepta insuper foliis acutissime exeuntibus, ab A. obtusifolia insuper foliis basi acutis, ab A. coriacea inflorescendae ramulis brevioribus, ab A. occidentali et A. panamensi corolla extus pilosula diversa. Habitus nondum accurate notus, sed certe arborescens. Rami novelli glabri vel interdum sparse sed longius pilosi, non...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1959 URL:
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A species of Septobasidium shedding its immature basidia Naturalis
Boedijn, K.B..
A new species of Septobasidium is described, in relation with which the position of the genus Uredinella is discussed.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1959 URL:
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A study of Heterophylly and Inflorescence structure in Dendrophthora and Phoradendron (Loranthaceae) Naturalis
Kuijt, Job.
Heterophylly is frequent in Dendrophthora and Phoradendron, and may take many forms. The concepts prophyll, cataphyll, and scale-leaf are briefly discussed and defined as to usage in the Phoradendreae. Various morphological details of patterns of heterophylly, flower orientation and seriation, fusion of prophylls, phyllotaxy, sex distribution and inflorescence position are traced as far as the available material permits. A typology of inflorescences in these two genera is proposed, based on flower seriation. Anatomical observations on a few species of both genera have revealed striking and unsuspected structural differences between the inflorescences of some seemingly related species, but also similarities which cross the intergeneric boundary. The...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1959 URL:
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A Study of the Economics of Bulk Handling of Wheat on Farms AgEcon
Candler, Wilfred V..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 1959 URL:
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A vitalização agro-pecuária da fronteira Brasil - Guiana Francesa. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Material não-convencional Palavras-chave: Agropecuária; Clevelandia do Norte; Colonia Militar de Clevelandia; Clima; Solo; Vegetação; Desenvolvimento Rural; Desenvolvimento Agrícola; Agriculture; Amazonia; Climate; Soil; Vegetation.
Ano: 1959 URL:
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Ação de inseticidas sistêmicos no algodoeiro Anais da ESALQ
Toledo,Francisco Ferraz de.
1. No presente trabalho foram abordados diversos aspectos relacionados com a aplicação dos inseticidas sistêmicos no algodoeiro. 2. A variedade utilizada nas experiências relatadas foi a I. A. Campinas 817 e os ensaios, tanto de laboratório como de campo, foram relacionados em detalhe. 3. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os sistêmicos utilizados não afetaram, em ensaios com germinador, a capacidade de germinação das sementes. Também os resultados do ensaio de campo indicaram que as plantas, no que se refere ao florescimento, ao número de capulhos, ao pêso, à produção e à capacidade de germinação das sementes bem como às características das fibras, comprimento, uniformidade, resistência, finura, maturidade, porcentagem e índices de fibra e de sementes,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1959 URL:
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Activity of the thyroid and the pituitary gland in the viviparous Cyprinodonts Lebistes reticulatus (Peters), Xiphophorus helleri Heckel and Xiphophorus maculatus Günther during the development of the gonopodium Naturalis
Stolk, A..
A description is given of the activity of the thyroid and of the pituitary gland during the development of the gonopodium in the viviparous Cyprinodonts Lebistes reticulatus (Peters), Xiphophorus helleri (Heckel) and Xiphophorus maculatus (Günther). During this process the thyroid gland and the glandular lobe (lobus anterior and lobus intermedius) show a gradual increase in activity. This activity was in general most pronounced in Lebistes reticulatus (Peters) and weakest in Xiphophorus maculatus (Günther). This increase in activity suggests that the developement of the gonopodium is probably regulated endocrinally. For the determination of the state of thyroid and pituitary activity use was made of the quotients d/n and D/n (Lever, 1948 and 1950; cf....
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1959 URL:
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Addenda, corrigenda et emendanda Naturalis
Holttum, R.E.; Kramer, K.U..
As has been done in Series I, Flowering Plants, it seems useful to complete the volume with worthwhile additions and corrections. Page numbers are provided with either a or b denoting the left and right columns respectively.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1959 URL:
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Additional notes on Dilleniaceae 1—9 Naturalis
Hoogland, R.D..
Since the publication of the Revision of the Genus Dillenia (Blumea 7, 1952, pp. 1—145) a number of additional collections have come to my notice. As is to be expected, the most interesting ones are from Eastern Malaysia, where the genus has developed a high degree of diversity and where the number of collections is still relatively small.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1959 URL:
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Adubação da mamoneira II: experiências de espaçamento x adubação Bragantia
Canecchio Filho,Vicente; Freire,E. S..
Para estudar a influência do espaçamento sôbre o efeito dos três nutrientes essenciais na cultura da mamoneira anã, variedade IA-38, em-1951-52 foram instaladas quatro experiências nas Estações Experimentais de Ribeirão Prêto (terra-roxa legítima), Mococa (solo massapê-salmourão), Jahú (teira-roxa-misturada) e Campinas (terra-roxa-misturada). Enquanto as três últimas só foram conduzidas durante um ano agrícola, a de Ribeirão Prêto foi continuada em 1052-53 com as mesmas plantas e sem nova adubação. Em tôdas elas se usaram, num esquema fatorial com fusão parcial das interações espaçamentos x fósforo x potássio, três espaçamentos (1,50x1,20, 1,00x0,90 e 1,00x0,45m), três níveis de fósforo (0, 60 e 120 kg/ha de P2O5)e três de potássio (0, 30 e 60 kg/ha de...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1959 URL:
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