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1960 Annual Report of the Central Minnesota Farm Management Service for T.V.A. Test Demonstration Cooperation AgEcon
Nodland, Truman R.; Hasbargen, Paul R..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1961 URL:
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1960 Report of the Farm Management Service for Vocational Agriculture in West Central Minnesota AgEcon
Smith, Ralph; Nodland, Truman R..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1961 URL:
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A composição química da goiabeira (Psidium guajava L.) Anais da ESALQ
Sobr,M. O. C. do Brasil; Mello,F. A. F. de; Haag,H. P.; Leme Jr.,J..
This paper deals with the mineral composition fresh and dry matter production of different organs of 4, 5 old guava (Psidium guajava L.) growth on sandy soil (Savanna) without fertilizer. The data obtained for fresh and dry matter productior are present in table 2 (in Portuguese). The concentration of the elements are presented in table 3 (in Portuguese). Finally, the total amounts of elements absorbed by guava are given in the following table: Element Plant (grams) Fruits (grams) Nitrogen (N) 42,55 20,4 Phosphorus (P) 3,84 2,3 Potassium (K) 52,01 31,3 Calcium (Ca) 47,81 0,2 Magnesium (Mg) — 2,4
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1961 URL:
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A discussion of the size of recent red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) compared with prehistoric specimens Naturalis
Walvius, M.R..
Red deer ( Cervus elaphus L.) are known from many prehistoric sites in Western Europe; a number of these are usually of great size as compared with contemporary animals. This essay is an attempt to summarize the literature concerning the size of the prehistoric red deer in comparison with the recent species and to discuss the different influences of the habitat (extent and character of the biotope, food, climate) on the dimensions of red deer. It is the intention that it should attribute to a better understanding of the factors that may have caused the great size of many prehistoric red deer and to try and find out if a similarity between the variation during the course of postglacial times and the local variation in relation to the habitat exists. Most...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1961 URL:
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A disponibilidade do fósforo de oiversos fosfatos estudada por meio do método de Neubauer" Anais da ESALQ
Catani,R. A.; Glória,N. A. da.
In order to study the phosphorus availability from various phosphates fertilizers an experiment was performed according to the biological seedling method of Neubauer. The physico-chemical properties of the soil "terra roxa-misturada", a red soil derived from basaltic rocks are given in the Portuguese text. Rice (Oryza sativa, L.) instead of rye (Secale cereale, L.) was used. Five replications of each of the following treatments were made: 1 - check, with 350 g of sand 2 - 350 g of sand plus 100 g of soil 3 - 350 g of sand and plus 100 g of soil plus 40 mg of P2O5, from superphosphate. 4 - 350 g of sand plus 100 g of soil plus 40 mg of P2O5. from Olinda (Brazil) phosphorite. 5 - 350 g of sand plus 100 g of soil plus 40 mg of P2O5 from Florida (U. S. A.)...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1961 URL:
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A Hydnum from Kashmir Naturalis
Maas Geesteranus, R.A..
Mycoleptodonoides Nikol. is compared with other genera, Hydnum aitchisonii Berk, is redescribed, and for it the new combination Mycoleptodonoides aitchisonii (Berk.) Maas G. is proposed.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1961 URL:
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A influência dos fatôres irrigação e estação do ano sôbre a fineza e a resistência da fibra do rami Bragantia
Medina,Júlio César; Ciaramello,Dirceu; Toselo,Rino Natal; Venturini,Wanderley R..
Os autores analisam e discutem os resultados dos estudos sôbre os efeitos da irrigação e estação do ano nas características de resistência à tração e de fineza das fibras do rami Murakami, em amostras de fibras desgomadas químicamente e correspondentes às posições base, centro e poiila dos caules.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1961 URL:
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A misrepresentation through a misleading diagnosis in Winberg’s Florula Javanica Naturalis
Vuijk, J..
Spiranthes sinensis (Pers.) Ames, also known under the synonym S. australis (R. Br.) Lindl., is a terrestrial orchid widely spread in Asia, which is rather well known in Western Europe, because it has repeatedly been found growing spontaneously in pots in orchidhouses. In Blumea 6(2): 361 (1950) the plant described as Ophrys lancea Thunb. ex Sw. was considered to be identical with the first and it was thought that the recombination Spiranthes lancea (Thunb. ex Sw.) B. B. S. was necessary. The reasons given for this transfer were: (1) the short diagnosis of Ophrys lancea given by Winberg in Florula Javanica, p. 8 (1825); (2) the original diagnosis of O. lancea in Swartz’s well-known dissertation on the classification of orchids in Kongl. Vet. Akad. Handl....
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1961 URL:
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A new species of Eriocaulon from Sumatra Naturalis
Royen, P. van.
Herba valde caespitosa. Folia linearia, interdum falcata, 0.8—4 X 0.2—0.5 cm, vel basi interdum subabrupte usque ad 1 cm dilatata, glabra, axillis pilis longis albis munita. Pedunculi 0.5—4 cm longi, 5—8-costulati. Bracteae involucrantes oblongae vel ovato-oblongae, pallide luteae, glabrae; bracteae florales conchatae, late ovatae, panduratae vel oblongo-obovatae, nigrescentes sed interdum basi pallide lutei, extus parte apicali albo-pilosae. Receptaculum longe pilosum. Flos ♂: sepala 3, interdum 2, connata, basi excepta nigrescentia, parte apicale albo-pilosa; petala 3, connata, glandulosa, extus apice et intus omnino albo- vel luteo-pilosa. Flos ♀: sepala 3, libera, naviculata, nigra, extus parte apicali albo- vel luteo-pilosa; petala 3, inaequalia,...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1961 URL:
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Dillon, John L.; Burley, Harry T..
Some notes prove something ; others disprove something. This one does neither. It merely sketches a simple model of the grazing complex. Of itself, the model is no more than an attempt to specify the more important economic relationships of the grazing complex in an explicit, orderly fashion. Although of undoubted importance, these relationships so far appear to have received little attention. Despite its naivete, the model establishes the virtual impossibility of estimating the parameters ideally needed to specify a profit maximizing system of grazing, even if we assume away climatic and price uncertainty, and the diversity of pasture types, history and location. On the positive side, the model suggests a framework for assessing grazing experiments in...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1961 URL:
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A propos de l’élevage en captivité de jeunes phoques (phoca vitulina Linnaeus, 1758) Naturalis
Gijzen, Agatha.
La naissance de jeunes phoques a lieu dans nos régions, en général au cours des mois de juin—juillet. C’est alors qu’après une gestation d’environ 11 mois, le jeune vient au jour, mesurant 80—85 cm de longueur et pesant de 12 à 20 kg; il est la plupart du temps déjà recouvert du deuxième pelage brillant aux reflets argentés. Le pelage embryonal du début (lanugo) est de façon générale rejeté avant la naissance, mais parfois aussi pendant le processus de la mise bas; on le trouve alors sur la côte avec l’arrière-faix. La mère nourrit son rejeton (pup) à terre, jusqu’à ce qu’il soit devenu dodu (± 4 semaines), après quoi il est abondonné à lui-même (1). Après quelques jours ou quelques semaines de difficultés, le jeune a finalement appris à s’alimenter et se...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1961 URL:
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A Reconsideration of Net Profit as a Measure of Financial Success in Farming AgEcon
Mason, George.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1961 URL:
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A revision of Dendrophthora (Loranthaceae) Naturalis
Kuijt, Job.
There comes a time in the history of nearly every genus when it becomes almost immoral to add new species without first having surveyed the genus as a whole. Dendrophthora has reached this state. From the time of its first recognition as a separate entity to the present, new species have been described, often on very tenuous grounds, and usually without an indication of infrageneric relationships, until today we are faced with a staggering mass of specific epithets in complete chaos. The genus has not been comprehensively studied for more than half a century, and no balanced attempt has as yet been made to establish natural divisions within. Having become interested in the morphology of this and the related genus Phoradendron (KUIJT, 1959), I was naturally...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1961 URL:
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Epstein, T.S..
The purpose of the Rabaul Market Survey was threefold: Firstly, to study the price-forming mechanism, to find out how sellers arrive at a price which by previous observation was found to be almost uniform for the same commodity all over the market on anyone day. Secondly, to study the part the market plays in the over-all Tolai economy; and thirdly, to find out how the market fits into the whole Gazelle Peninsula economy. Since I am not aware of any generally accepted technique to study markets, in particular native markets in under-developed areas, I shall start by outlining the techniques employed in the Rabaul market survey. I shall then go on to discuss the price-forming mechanism as I found it operating at Rabaul market, which will be followed by an...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Demand and Price Analysis.
Ano: 1961 URL:
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A systematic review of the Indo-Australian Zosteropidae (Part II) Naturalis
Mees, G.F..
INTRODUCTION In this, the second part of my revision of the Zosteropidae, 26 species are dealt with, all belonging to the genus Zosterops. The remaining 12 species of the genus and all the other genera, will be treated in the third part, the preparation of which is in progress. Unfortunately, it becomes more and more clear that no revision of the Pacific forms of the Zosteropidae can be really satisfactory without a visit to the American Museum of Natural History, where all the material of the Tring Museum and of the Whitney South Sea Expedition is assembled. Even though the co-operation of the authorities of that museum is above praise, I have usually been able to examine part of their series only, and no type specimens at all. More important is that the...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.83.
Ano: 1961 URL:
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Absorção de uréia pelas fôlhas do cafeeiro Bragantia
Mendes,Heli Camargo; Franco,Coaracy M.; Gallo,J. Romano; Moraes,Mário Vieira de.
Tem sido preconizada a aspersão de soluções de uréia na folhagem das plantas, como fonte de nutrição nitrogenada. No presente trabalho são relatados quatro ensaios, cuja finalidade principal foi verificar a capacidade de absorção da uréia por via foliar no cafeeiro, pois são divergentes as opiniões sôbre a eficiência de suas fôlhas no aproveitamento desse produto. A análise foliar íevelou aumento do teor de N total na maioria dos casos em que as fôlhas haviam sido aspergidas com soluções de uréia a 2,5% todavia, cafeeiros com cêrca de 10 anos, no campo, não mostraram reações sintomatológicas correspondentes, enquanto plantas novas, em vasos, recebendo o mesmo tratamento, posteriormente apresentaram folhagem verde normal. A solução de uréia comercia!,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1961 URL:
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Activité du bâteau-pilote-de-pêche "Lutin" et possibilités de développement de la pêche dans le quartier de Nice ArchiMer
Maurin, Cl.
Le présent bulletin rend compte des résultats acquis par le chalutier "Lutin" au cours de son activité de "bateau-pilote-de-pêche" pendant les mois d'octobre et de novembre 1960 et des conclusions que nous avons été amenés à tirer à la suite de ces expériences.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1961 URL:
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Adubação da batatinha com vários fosfatos Bragantia
Boock,O. J.; Freire,E. S..
Ano: 1961 URL:
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Adubação da batatinha - experiência com calcário, sulfato de magnésio e NPK Bragantia
Boock,O. J.; Küpper,A.; Freire,E. S..
Ano: 1961 URL:
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Adubação da batatinha - experiências em solos de baixa fertilidade Bragantia
Boock,O. J.; Freire,E. S..
Neste artigo são apresentados os resultados de três experiências de adubação da batatinha (Solanun tuberosum L.) conduzidas em solos extremamente pobres, sendo que as áreas utilizadas para duas delas eram de cerrados, ou melhor, de «campos limpos». Nas três experiências os canteiros sem calagem e sem adubos produziram muito pouco. A influência da calagem foi nula em uma e grande nas outras duas. Calcário e dolomita mostraram-se equivalentes. Em duas experiências o efeito da adubação mineral com NPK foi magnífico e não dependeu da presença de corretivos; na outra, porém, êle só foi apreciável na presença dos corretivos e do estêrco. Nesta última experiência, a única em que figurou estêrco, o efeito dêste foi pequeno quando empregado sòzinho, mas elevou-se...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1961 URL:
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