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1961 Annual Report of the Central Minnesota Farm Management Service for T.V.A. Test Demonstration Cooperation 31
Nodland, Truman R.; Erickson, D.E..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1962 URL:
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1961 Report of the Farm Management Service for Vocational Agriculture in West Central Minnesota 31
Smith, Ralph; Nodland, Truman R..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1962 URL:
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20a. Cadeira, química orgânica e biológica 43
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1962 URL:
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A absorção do manganês pela cana de açúcar, Co 419, em função da idade 43
Pellegrino,D.; Catani,R.A.; Bergamin Filho,H.; Glória,N.A. da.
In this paper the authors have studied the manganese absorption by the sugar cane plant, variety Co 419, in samples cut monthly, from the 6th to 15th month of life in the climate prevailing at Piracicaba, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. From October to February (6 th to 10 th month of the plant life), which coincided with the rainy season, the manganese content was higher in the stalk than in the leaves, for both treatments, fertilized and unfertilized. There was a sharp decrease in manganese content in the stalks, after February, in both reatments. In the leaves there was little variation in manganese content throughout the plant tissue. The stalks from the unfertilized plots had a larger variation in manganese content, specially from the 6 th to the 10 th...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1962 URL:
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A Monograph on Spanish Palaeozoic Crinoidea 16
Breimer, A..
It has been the aim of this study to give a comprehensive description of the important crinoid fauna's of the Palaeozoic core of North Western Spain (provinces Palencia, León and Asturias). This was opportune since fine collections of crinoids had been made during the years 1955—1960 by students of Leiden University (Holland). Moreover, existing collections of Spanish crinoids have not recieved hitherto due attention. Up to the present day only ten species of Palaeozoic crinoids have been known from Spain. Five new genera and sixteen new species of Spanish crinoids are now described. Fourteen previously described genera are reported for the first time to occur in Spain, either from new species or from species not yet sufficiently well known to allow...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1962 URL:
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A new species of the genus Rivulus from Ecuador with additional records of Rivulus from the Upper Amazon and Ucayali rivers 16
Hoedeman, J.J..
During August 1961 I received from Mr. E. Roloff (Karlsruhe, Germany), a well-known aquarist, three specimens of an unidentified Rivulus. The specimens were collected by Mr. Roloff during his journey to Ecuador early 1961. The sampling place is described by him in the followinig words: „Die Rivulus stammen aus einem kleinen, sehr schattigen Bach, der in die Lagune von Limoncocha mündet. Das Wasser ist sehr weich (etwa 1° DH) und hat eine Temperatur von etwa 26° Celcius, die sich natürlich zeitweilig noch erhöht. Der Bach ist nur etwa 1 Meter breit und hat einen geringen Wasserstand, oft nur 20 bis 25 cm. Die Rivulus halten sich hauptsächlich zwischen den Baumwürzeln und den hineingefallenen Zweigen auf. Büsche und Bäume überschatten diesen Bach sehr...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1962 URL:
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A Note on the FAO Guiding Principles for Price Support Measures 31
Lewis, Jack Neville; Muir, D.A..
Several international agencies have in recent years sought to establish a generally accepted code of behaviour to be observed by countries in formulating their agricultural policies. The objectives and vision of problems stimulating these endeavours have varied. OEEC aimed primarily at coordination of the agricultural policies of participating countries in order to increase efficiency and incomes in agriculture for the region as a whole. GATT and FAO have been primarily concerned with the repercussions of domestic agricultural problems upon the levels and stability of international trade, with the consequences for the terms of trade of primary-exporting countries, especially of those in a less advanced stage of economic development, and with the need to...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 1962 URL:
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A precipitação do estrôncio na forma de cromato em meio amoniacal e hidroalcoolico 43
Catani,R. A.; Perez,J. T.; Bergamin Filho,H..
O presente trabalho relata os dados relativos a análise qualitativa e quantitativa do precipitado, que se forma quando se adiciona a uma solução contendo estrôncio, dicromato de potássio, em meio amoniacal e hidroalcoólico. Em lugar de se formar cromato de estrôncio simples, SrCrO4, forma-se um cromato que além do estrôncio, contém os ions amônio e potássio. Soluções padrões contendo desde 1, 8 até 50,5 mg de estrôncio, foram tratadas com solução de dicromato de potássio 2 normal, amoníaco e solução hidroalcoólica com 95% de álcool absoluto. O precipitado foi pesado e a equação de regressão que relaciona o peso do estrôncio colocado e o peso do precipitado obtido, e a seguinte: Y = 4,58 X + 0, 84, onde: X é o pêso em miligramas, do estrôncio colocado Y é o...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1962 URL:
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A preliminary revision of the Belonidae 16
Mees, G.F..
INTRODUCTION Difficulties with the identification of some West-Indian Belonidae and an investigation into the merits of the generic name Strongylura as against Tylosurus led to a revision of the Belonidae, the result of which is published here. As will be seen on the following pages, this revision is by no means final; many problems remain to be solved, much synonymy given here is doubtful, lack of material prevented me from investigating the possible presence of slight geographic variation in the widely distributed species; some apparently valid species are left out altogether (I listed their names on p. 5) because no material has been available, and other names remain doubtful as it has not been possible to examine the type specimens. There is also the...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.81.
Ano: 1962 URL:
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A reassessment of Belonidium Mont. & Dur 16
Dennis, R.W.G..
A study of the sole original species of Belonidium Mont. & Dur. revealed that this generic name has been misapplied by subsequent authors. The taxon is redefined as a subgenus of Dasyscyphus S. F. Gray. A brief account is given of the latter genus and its subdivisions and of other genera assigned to the Hyaloscyphaceae trib. Lachneae ( Psilachnum Höhn., Diplocarpa Massee) and subfam. Trichocyphelloideae ( Lachnellula P. Karst., Perrotia Boud.) transferred from the Helotiaceae to the Hyaloscyphaceae, as well as of some other genera, Trichodiscus Kirschst., Lasiobelonium (Sacc.) Sacc. and Zoellneria Vel. The taxonomic significance of lanceolate paraphyses, characteristic in the Hyaloscyphaceae of the Lachneae, and in other families of Helotiales is...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1962 URL:
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A relação k/mg em fôlhas de algodoeiro cultivado em condição de campo 43
Mello,Francisco de A. F. de.
In this paper the author presents the results of a study on the K and Mg correlations in cotton leaves from an experiment carried out under field condition. He concluded that the percentages of those elements vary in an inverse ratio. It is possible that K had depressed the Mg absorption by plants.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1962 URL:
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A review of the genera and species of the Bomolochidae (Crustacea, Copepoda), including the description of some old and new species 16
Vervoolt, W..
During a recent survey of Pacific psammophilous and phycophilous copepods an isolated female Bomolochus was found, the identification of which, in absence of its host, proved to be particularly troublesome. It became necessary to check the descriptions of all species of the genus Bomolochus Von Nordmann, 1832, and of several other genera of Bomolochidae, in the course of which I tried to find a satisfactory grouping of the many species described. This effort in so far proved to be disappointing that a fairly large number of species is so inadequately characterized that recognition, in absence of the host, is next to impossible. Taxonomy of parasitic copepods has, unfortunately, long been influenced by the obstinate notion that each host species should...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.74.
Ano: 1962 URL:
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A revision of Gypsophila, Bolanthus, Ankyropetalum and Phryna 16
Barkoudah, Y.I..
This work was undertaken at the suggestion of Dr. J. Lanjouw and Dr. F. P. Jonker. The citation heading this paragraph indicates that the group of Caryophyllaceae with which it deals, presents unusual taxonomic difficulties. At first, it was intended to restrict the revision to the genus Gypsophila. However, in the course of the work it was realized that the small genera Bolanthus, Ankyropetalum and Phryna could not be left out of account as they had been regarded by some authors as subdivisions of Gypsophila and by others as near relatives of this genus. For this reason a complete revision of these genera too was included. The only previous revision of Gypsophila is that published by Williams (1889). His study, largely based on data derived from the...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1962 URL:
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Candler, Wilfred V.; Townsley, Robert.
Statistical estimation of the demand function for most industrial, and many agricultural, products is inhibited by price fixing or price stabilizing arrangements which prevent observation of the full range of possible price-quantity combinations. In the period 1956 to 1961 the London butter market has illustrated how markedly price can fluctuate, when not subject to a stablizing agreement. In the period 1958 to 1961 estimates of retail sales of butter are available, and these permit the estimation of the demand for butter at retail. The time lag between production and consumption decisions means that there is no problem of identification. The present study uses weekly price and quantity information, and there is a serious problem of auto-correlation of the...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Demand and Price Analysis.
Ano: 1962 URL:
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Aantekeningen over Cochlearia officinalis L. s.l., 1, Herbariumonderzoek van Cochlearia officinalis L. en C. anglica L 16
Maarel, E. van der.
Of Cochlearia officinalis L. and C. anglica L. 160 herbarium specimens with well developed basal and cauline leaves, and with flowers or mature fruits, all collected in the Netherlands, have been investigated. Fig. 1, j shows a theoretical frequency distribution curve of a single character for two well distinguishable species in general. Fig. 1, a-g show the frequency distribution curves of the measured characters of the species under discussion: a. angle of attachment of the lamina to the petiole in the basal leaves (explained in fig. 1, h and i for C. officinalis and C. anglica respectively); b. length-breadth relation of basal leaves; c. id. of stem leaves; d. length of petals; e. length of style; f. length-breadth relation of septum, and g. length of...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1962 URL:
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Aantekeningen over Cochlearia officinalis L. s.l., 2, Populatieonderzoek aan Cochlearia officinalis L. en C. anglica L 16
Maarel, E. van der.
In a previous paper (VAN DER MAAREL, 6) the results of an investigation of herbarium specimens of Cochlearia officinalis and C. anglica as to their distinguishing characters have been published. Now similar measurements of populations of these two species are described of which the results are shown in fig. 1, a-d and table I. It appears that the so obtained averages are very near those found in measurements of herbarium specimens. Table II gives the 1% confidential limits of those averages. Characters a, d and f seem to be the most useful ones. The occurrence of intermediate populations is considered by the author as a result of introgressive hybridization. The importance of the phenomenon for the study of some aspects of plant taxonomy, ecology and...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1962 URL:
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Aanwinsten voor de Nederlandse adventief-flora, 1 16
Ooststroom, S.J. van; Reichgelt, Th.J..
This first part of a series of acquisitions to the Netherlands adventitious flora contains descriptions of 1. Chenopodium nitrariaceum (F. v. Muell.) F. v. Muell. ex Benth., 2. Amaranthus bouchonii Thell., and 3. Brassica carinata A. Braun.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1962 URL:
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Aanwinsten voor de Nederlandse adventief-flora, 2 16
Ooststroom, S.J. van; Reichgelt, Th.J..
This paper contains acquisitions to the Netherlands adventitious flora from the year 1960. 1. Trifolium alexandrinum L., a species originally known only cultivated from the eastern part of North Africa, was found as an alien in an onion field at Poortvliet, near a wool factory at Tilburg, and along a roadside between Made and Geertruidenberg. Specimens formerly mentioned from the Netherlands under this name, appeared to belong to T. echinatum Bieb. 2. Senecio squalidus L., a species of mediterranean origin, naturalized in the British Isles since 1794, and also in recent years in France, Belgium and Sweden, was found in the Netherlands near the town of Middelburg in a storage yard for scrap-iron. 3. A number of plants escaped from cultivation, found in 1959...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1962 URL:
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Aanwinsten voor de Nederlandse adventief-flora, 3 16
Ooststroom, S.J. van; Reichgelt, Th.J..
This paper contains acquisitions to the Netherlands adventitious flora from the year 1961. 1. Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats. This is the second species of the subgenus Acnida (L.) Aellen found in the Netherlands. The first species, A. tamariscinus Nutt. was found in 1953 as a wool-alien. In October 1961 both dioecious species were collected growing together along a roadside near Wageningen, introduced with corn. Differential characters between the two species are given and also a figure of a bract (fig. 1, a), an outer (fig. 1, b) and an inner tepal (fig. 1, c) of a female flower of A. palmeri. A. palmeri occurs in the southwestern United States and in Mexico. 2. Polygonum capitatum Hamilt. ex Don (fig. 1, d) was found in 1960 in a beet field between Wylre...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1962 URL:
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Aberrant Forms of the Genus Clio Linnaeus, 1767, with a Review of the Genus Proclio Hubendick, 1951 (Gastropoda, Pteropoda) 16
Spoel, S.v.d..
The examination of two aberrant Pteropods collected during a trip with the whale factory-ship ”m.s. Willem Barendsz” led to the conclusion that they were animals in a resting stage. The histology and the anatomy of the totally aberrant soft parts was discussed. The shells of the specimens indicate that these animals are the species Clio antarctica Dall, 1908. One aberrant specimen belonging to the species Clio sulcata (Pfeffer, 1879), collected during the same trip with the whale factory-ship, was examined and it shows that this animal was in a stage between the resting stage and the normal, active, stage. Three specimens of the species Clio pyramidata (Linnaeus, 1767, forma lanceolata (Lesueur, 1813), collected by the Texas and the Dana expedition, were...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1962 URL:
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