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1962 Annual Report, Central Minnesota Farm Management Service for T.V.A. Test Demonstration Cooperators; 1962 Annual Report, T.V.A. Test Demonstration Farms AgEcon
Nodland, Truman R.; Miller, Marlen F.; Hasbargen, Paul R..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1963 URL:
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1962 Report of the Farm Management Service for Vocational Agriculture in West Central Minnesota AgEcon
Smith, Ralph; Nodland, Truman R..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1963 URL:
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A absorção de ferro pela cana de açúcar, Co 419, em função da idade Anais da ESALQ
Bittencourt,V. C. de; Catani,R .A.; Pellegrino,D.; Glória,N. A. da.
This paper describes the results obtained from the determination of iron in sugar cane according to the age of the plant, in the soil and climate conditions of the state of S. Paulo, Brazil. The iron was determined by 1-10- phenanthroline method, in samples cut monthly from 7th to 15th month from an experiment consisted de 3 plots fertilized with amonium sulfate, superphosphate and potassium cloride. The concentration of iron in the stalks and in the leaves varies according to the age of the plant. A ton of fresh stalks 15 months old contains 78,71 g of iron.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1963 URL:
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A amostragem da cana-de-açúcar para determinações tecnológicas Anais da ESALQ
Gomes,F. Pimentel; Valsechi,O.; Abreu,Clovis P. de; Oliveira,Enio Roque de.
The authors carried out 3 experiments on the sampling of sugar cane for technological determinations, one with each of the varieties Co 419, CB 40-69 and CB 41-58, in Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brasil. The main intent of the project was to compare 2 methods of sampling, namely: 1) Method A, where the sample is a hill (CATANI et al, 1959) or, more generally, 20 stalks all together in a randomly selected point of the furrow; 2) Method B, where 20 stalks are taken, from 20 points evenly spread but on the whole plot. Coefficients of variation for 20 stalk samples Variety Characteristic 20 stalks per hill 1 stalk per hill Brix 4.8% 1.9% Pol 6.4% 2.5% CB 40-69 Coefficient of purity 2.1% 0.83% Available sucrose 7.3% 2.7% Weight 6.6% 6.9% Brix 5.3% 1.8% Pol...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1963 URL:
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A Comparative Study of the Feeding Mechanisms of some African Cyprinidae (Pisces, Cypriniformes) Naturalis
Matthes, H..
Although there exists an extremely voluminous literature on Cyprinid fishes and the morphology and physiology of some species has been intensively studied by various authors, very little is yet known about feeding mechanisms and their functioning in most members of this family. So far as known, only some European species — e.g. Cyprinus carpio, Carassius auratus, Rutilus rutilus Gobio gobio — one Asian (Labeo rohita), and one African (Labeo horie) have been investigated thoroughly as regards their morphology in relation to their feeding habits. Moreover ,the ecology of most African species is only scantily known.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1963 URL:
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A Comparative Study of the Soil Fauna in forests and cultivated land on sandy soils in Suriname Naturalis
Drift, J. van der.
1. In the coastal area of Suriname the soil and surface fauna were studied in various types of agricultural land, and compared with the fauna in the adjacent forests. 2. In primeval forest the soil macroarthropods are less numerous than in secondary forest (Formicidae excluded). They range generally from 2,000 to 3,000 per m2 in the primeval forest and from 3,000 to 4,500 per m2 in the secondary forest. In cultivated land the numbers range in general from 1,500 to 2,500 per m2. In recently reclaimed land the numbers of soil macroarthropods are very small and amount to 15-30% of those in the adjacent forests. In the older agricultural soils they range from 50 up to 130% of the numbers of arthropods in forest soil. 3. The surface fauna is best developed in...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1963 URL:
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A correction Naturalis
Maas Geesteranus, R.A..
In Persoonia 2: 389. 1962, the new combination Hydnellum piperatum (Coker) Maas G. was proposed, but it escaped my attention that the basionym, Sarcodon piperatus, had not been provided with a Latin description, rendering the new combination invalid. The following diagnosis, taken from Coker’s description and augmented with a few notes of my own, should validate the name.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1963 URL:
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A Cytotaxonomic study of Viola in the Netherlands Naturalis
Gadella, T.W.J..
1. The chromosome numbers of 10 species of the genus Viola in the Netherlands were determined. 2. Viola riviniana has various chromosome numbers: 2n = 35, 40, 45, 46, 47 (most often 2n = 40). 3. It was not possible to find a correlation between the external morphology and the various chromosome numbers in V. riviniana. 4. Despite the variability of V. riviniana it proved impossible to divide the Dutch material into subspecies. 5. Some differential characters of V. riviniana and V. reichenbachiana are described. 6. V. canina is not variable in cytological respect in the Netherlands. 7. V. calaminaria is not related to V. lutea but to the V. tricolor complex.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1963 URL:
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A fabric study of Lherzolites Naturalis
Collée, A.L.G..
The solution of the problem whether the ultrabasic inclusions in lavas are accumulation products of early crystallized minerals of the lavas in which they occur, or fragments of the earth’s peridotite shell carried to the surface by the eruptive force of the lavas, largely depends on the answer to the question whether these inclusions are tectonites or not. The structure of the specimens from Auvergne (France), which formed the main subject of this study, has been proved conclusively to be of a tectonic nature, from the macroscopically visible intersecting slip planes which are definitely younger than the banding of the specimen, as well as from microscopic evidence that suggests that both the olivine and enstatite crystals are concentrated in the...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1963 URL:
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A granulometria da fração areia dos solos da Serra de Santana Bragantia
Queiroz Neto,José Pereira de.
O método de análise granulométrica foi aplicado sistemáticamente ao estudo da fração areia de alguns perfis de solo da Serra de Santana. As amostras de cada perfil foram colhidas obedecendo às variações morfológicas encontradas, principalmente texturais. Após passar em peneira de 2,0 mm de abertura de malha, foram tomadas subamostras de 100 g que, após separação da argila e do limo, foram passadas no conjunto de peneiras. Os resultados obtidos mostraram uma diminuição da porcentagem da fração areia com o aumento de profundidade, havendo estabilização a certa distância da superfície. Essa diminuição em profundidade não se repartiu igualmente por tôdas as classes de tamanho. De modo geral, a diminuição das porcentagens das partículas maiores que 0,147 mm foi...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1963 URL:
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A history of the weiman Republic Buscador Latinoamericano
Erich Eyck; Eyck, Erich.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: ALEMANIA ORIENTAL; HISTORIA.
Ano: 1963 URL:
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A Method for Measuring Water Intake Rate into Soil for Sprinkler Design NWISRL
Tovey, Rhys; Pair, Claude H..
Tipo: Conference or Workshop Item Palavras-chave: Infiltration; Research methodology; Mass Import - autoclassified (may be erroneous).
Ano: 1963 URL:
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A new deal for Latin America the Alliance for Progress. Buscador Latinoamericano
Lincoln Gordon; Gordon, Lincoln.
Ano: 1963 URL:
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A new forma of the species Clio pyramidata Linnaeus, 1767 and a new resting-stage of Clio pyramidata Linnaeus, 1767 forma sulcata (Pfeffer, 1879) (Gastropoda, Pteropoda) Naturalis
Spoel, S. van der.
A new form is described in the polytypic species Clio pyramidata LINNAEUS, 1767. This new forma excisa was found at 57°31'S 02°56'W and it is related to the forms convexa (BOAS, 1886) and sulcata (PFEFFER, 1879). The shape of the shell of the new form excisa shows a great resemblance to the shape of the shell of these two forms and also a resemblance is present to the shape of the shell of the form martensii (PFEFFER, 1880). This resemblance, however, may indicate a relationship as well as a parallel development. The new forma and the form martensii live in the same area, so that the chemo-physical characteristics of the water may have caused a parallel development. As indicated in a previous paper, the polytypic species Clio pyramidata consists of several...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1963 URL:
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A new subspecies of the Scorpion Rhopalurus Hasethi Naturalis
Bakker, Mieke A..
In his paper on “Scorpions” from Curaçao, Aruba, Bonaire and the Venezuelan Islands, WAGENAAR HUMMELINCK (Stud. fauna Cur. 2, 1940, p. 141) drew attention to the fact that specimens of Rhopalurus hasethi from the island of Aruba possess, on the average, four pectinal teeth less than specimens from Curaçao, the island from which the species was originally described. Lack of time and material prevented this author from paying full attention to other differences. He confined himself to giving a small table, in which the following numbers of pectinal teeth were reported, without a distinction being made between males and females. Curaçao (85 specimens) (22—) 25 — 27.0 — 29 (—30) Bonaire (38 specimens) 24 — 26.6 — 28 (—29) Ave de Barlovento (4 specimens) 24 —...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1963 URL:
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A palynological study on the Quaternary of British Guiana Naturalis
Hammen, T. van der.
Pollen diagrams have been prepared of eight sections of Quaternary sediments from different localities on the coastal plain of British Guiana, and partly dated with the C 14 method. A Riss-Würm interglacial transgression, a Würm-glacial regression and a Holocene transgression have been established. The Würm-glacial vegetation on the place of the present coastal plain area was a poor grass-savanna type. The Holocene transgression at about 9500 B.P. is represented at 23 m. below present sea level and the maximum attained around 6500 B.P. when the relative sealevel was at least 2½ m. above that at present.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1963 URL:
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Hoffman, Earle S..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 1963 URL:
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A revision of the genus Candacia (Copepoda: Calanoida) with an annotated list of the species and a key for their identification Naturalis
Grice, G.D..
The genus Candacia 2) was erected by Dana (1846) for certain copepods found in collections obtained by the U. S. Exploring Expedition of 18381842. When the species referable to this genus were first described three years later, Dana (1849) changed the generic name to Candace. Giesbrecht (1892) established the family Candacidae to accommodate Candace but six years later Giesbrecht & Schmeil (1898) used Dana's first proposed generic name, Candacia, and accordingly changed the family name to Candaciidae. These latter two names have been used by most authors since about 1900. I wish to thank Dr. W. Vervoort for reading and criticizing the manuscript, Miss Abigail Hooper for checking literature references and for preparing distribution charts, and my wife,...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.74.
Ano: 1963 URL:
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A separação do Cálcio de Estroncio mediante o emprego de Resina Trocadora de Íons e de Estroncio Radioativo Sr-89 Anais da ESALQ
Catani,R. A.; Perez,J. T.; Bergamin Filho,H..
O presente trabalho relata os dados obtidos na separação do estrôncio do cálcio, pelo uso de uma solução de NH4- EDTA, com pH entre os valores 4,8 e 5,3, passando através de uma coluna de resina trocadora de cátions. Assim, 200 ml de uma solução a 2,5% de NH4- EDTA com pH = 4,8 e contendo 0,36 mg de estrôncio e 199,2 mg de cálcio (o que dá uma relação de 1 de Sr para 553 de Ca) foram passados através de uma coluna de 25 a 28 ml de resina trocadora de cátions Amberlite IR - 120 (H+) prèviamente preparada. O estrôncio ficou retido na coluna e o cálcio continuou na solução que passou. Depois de passar solução de NH4- EDTA com pH 5,3 e solução de HCl de 0,25 a 0,75 N, o estrôncio foi eluido com solução 3N de HCl. Como empregou-se estrôncio radioativo Sr-89,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1963 URL:
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A seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis Muell.-arg.) na região de campinas, sua adaptação e produtividade Bragantia
Cunha,João Ferreira da.
Realizou-se um estudo sôbre o desenvolvimento de seringueiras (Hevea brasiliensis Muell.-Arg.) e sua produção de borracha em Campinas, Estado de São Paulo, objetivando conhecer as possibilidades do cultivo e exploração dessa planta no planalto paulista. O local da experiência situa-se à latitude 22°53'5, longitude de 47°05'W, e altitude de 663 m, com pluviosidade média anual de 1.400 milímetros. São apresentados os dados de produção de seringueiras de pé franco e do cruzamento Tj-1 X Tj-16, colhidos durante 7 anos consecutivos de sangria, os quais indicam ser a região ecològicamente favorável, permitindo prever a possibilidade de exploração dessa cultura, a qual poderá contribuir para o aumento da produção de borracha natural no Brasil.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1963 URL:
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