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1965 North Dakota TVA Fertilizer Test-Demonstration Program AgEcon
Schaffner, LeRoy W.; Weiser, Virgil L..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 1966 URL:
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1965 Report of the Farm Management Service for Vocational Agriculture in West Central Minnesota AgEcon
Nodland, Truman R.; Hartog, Edward.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1966 URL:
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1º Relatório trimestral da área de pesquisas ecológicas do Guamá (abril-maio-junho): 1966. Infoteca-e
PIRES, J. M.; DIAS, D. P. de S..
Tipo: Material não-convencional Palavras-chave: Pesquisa ecológica; Guamá; Pesquisa.
Ano: 1966 URL:
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A Bibliography of Publications in the Field of Saline and Sodic Soils (though 1964) NWISRL
Carter, D.L..
Tipo: Technical Bulletin Palavras-chave: Soil; Mass Import - autoclassified (may be erroneous).
Ano: 1966 URL:
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A determinação do fósforo em fertilizantes pelos métodos espectrofotométrico e colorimétrico diferenciais do ácido fosfovanadomolíbdico Anais da ESALQ
Catani,R. A.; Pellegrino,D.; Jacintho,A. O..
O presente trabalho relata a determinação do P2O5 em fertilizantes simples e em misturas, pelos métodos, espectrofotométrico (espectrofotômetro Beckman, modelo B) diferencial do ácido fosfovánadomólíbdico e pelo método volumétrico alcalimétrico (fosfomolibdato de amônio). Relata também a determinação do P2O5 solúvel em solução de ácido cítrico a 2% nos mesmos materiais, pelos métodos espectrofotométrico e colorimétrico (Klett-Summerson) dif erenciais e volumétrico. Os dados obtidos permitem afirmar que os métodos espectrofotométrico e colorimétrico diferenciais são precisos e muito mais simples e rápidos que o método volumétrico. Considerando-se que os métodos espectrofotométrico e colorimétrico são mais simples, e rápidos que o método volumétrico e que...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1966 URL:
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"A determinação do potássio em fertilizantes pelo método volumétrico do tetrafenilborato de sódio" Anais da ESALQ
Catani,R. A.; Rossetto,A. J..
O presente trabalho apresenta os dados obtidos sôbre a determinação do potássio em fertilizantes simples (cloreto e sulfato de potássio) e em misturas, pelo método volumétrico baseado no uso de tetrafenilborato de sódio. Cinco amostras de cada adubo simples (cloreto e sulfato de potássio) e cinco amostras de cada mistura (três misturas, contendo 6,31, 12,62 e 18,93 % de K2O, respectivamente) foram pesadas e analisadas separadamente, a fim de se avaliar as características do método. Apreciando-se a simplicidade e a rapidez do método, assim como a precisão e a exatidão dos dados obtidos, pode -se afirmar que o método em questão apresenta as citadas características num nível desejável e satisfatório.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1966 URL:
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A key to the species of the locusta – group of the amphipod genus Gammarus, with notes on their nomenclature Naturalis
Stock, Jan H..
A key to the seven species of the Gammarus locusta-group is given. Four of these have got a new name: G. inaequicauda (= G. campylops Sars non Leach), G. insensibilis (= G. locusta Della Valle non Linnaeus), G. crinicornis (= G. plumicornis Pirlot non Costa) and G. subtypicus (= “Gammarus locusta forme subtypique”, of Rancurel).
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1966 URL:
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A latin american common market? Buscador Latinoamericano
Sidney Dell; Dell, Sidney.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MERCADOS COMUNES.
Ano: 1966 URL:
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A new Dichapetalum from the Solomon Islands (Dichapetalaceae) Naturalis
Leenhouts, P.W..
Liana dioica (?). Ramuli dense fulvo-tomentosi, glabrescentes, in partibus vetustioribus purpureo-brunnei, passim lenticellati. Folia c. 1 cm longe petiolata, elliptica, 16—20 cm longa, 9—11 cm lata, chartacea, juniora in costa nervisque fulvo-pilosa, matura subglabra, subtus sparse minute glandulosa, basi rotundata parum attenuata, apicem versus gradatim late acuminata, apice ipso obtusa, nervis utroque latere 6—8, curvatis, 2 vel 3 superioribus ante marginem conspicue arcuato-conjunctis. Inflorescentiae breviter (2—5 mm) crasseque pedunculata, ramis 2 scorpioideis c. 1½ cm longis, densifloris, breviter denseque fulvopilosis. Flores unisexuales, gemmis femineis tantum visis. Calyx 5-merus, sepalis 2½—3 mm longis, extus dense fulvo-pilosis, intus sparse...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1966 URL:
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A new Frog of the Genus Centrolenella from Suriname Naturalis
Goin, Coleman J..
While studying specimens in the Surinaams Museum in Paramaribo recently, I noticed a single specimen of Centrolenella that surely represents an undescribed species. Dr. D. C. GEIJSKES kindly permitted me to bring this specimen back to Gainesville so that I might draw up a description of it. It may appropriately be called
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1966 URL:
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A new species of Listera from Nepal (Orchidaceae) Naturalis
Balakrishnan, N.P..
Affinis L. longicauli King & Pantling, a qua tamen differt magnitudine minore totius plantae, racemis brevioribus, labello angustiore lineari-lanceolato, sepalis lateralibus 3—4-plo. longiore ad apicem bifido. Herba terrestris, erecta, gracilis, 6—20 cm alta, radicibus carnosis fibrosis e rhizomate brevi; caulis glaber, 3.5—12.0 cm longus infra folia, 1.0—1.5 mm crassus, unica vagina ornatus ad 2—4 cm supra rhizoma, vagina ca 5 mm longa, ca 2 mm lata. Folia sessilia, ovatocordata, ad apicem acuta, 1.5—3.0 cm longa et lata, membranacea, pallide viridia infra, glabra, tenuiter 5—7-nervia. Racemi 3—8 cm longi, glandulari-puberuli, supportantes flores 4—12, distanter dispositos in axillis bractearum, flore infimo 1—2 cm supra folia. Bracteae florales...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1966 URL:
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A new species of piper from the interior of Suriname Naturalis
Görts-van Rijn, A.R.A.; Kramer, K.V..
Suffrutex humilis, caule repente nodoso, ramis foliosis adscendentibus vel raro suberectis, saepe brevibus (ca. 5 cm, usque ad ca. 15 cm), 2-3 mm crassis, dense et plus minusve persistenter crispato-villosis, pills patentibus, fulvis (statu vivo albis?), ad 1 mm longis. Folia ramis et partibus caulum repentium inserta, manifeste petiolata, petiolis plerumque 1-2 (rare ad 5½) cm longis, basi ima solum brevissime vaginantibus, indumento ei ramorum simili. Lamina elliptica, 9-13½ cm longa, 6-7½ cm lata, apice obtusa vel rarius subacuta, basi leviter sed manifeste inaequilatera, rotundata sed vix cordulata, latere uno 2-5 mm breviore et angustius rotundato; margine integro; textura chartacea, nec pellucido- nec glanduloso-punctata, opaca; facie superiore, ut...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1966 URL:
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A new Strychnos from Borneo (Loganiaceae) Naturalis
Leenhouts, P.W..
A subsp. maingayi praecipue characteribus sequentibus differt: Folia 13 cm longa, 5½ cm lata. Inflorescentiae praecipue axillares, tenerae, 1½—2 cm longae, 3—11-florae, glabrae. Flores 4- vel 5-meri. Calyx heterosepalus, sepala dua 1.2 mm longa, tria 0.8 mm longa, omnia ovata, obtusa, extus glabra, ciliolata, intus sparse adpresse brevepilosa. Corolla 4 mm longa; petala sublibera, lanceolata, acuta, apice papillosa. Filamenta 3 mm longa; antherae deltoideae, ½ mm longae, glabrae, thecis lateraliter longitudinaliter dehiscentibus. Pistillum 2¾ mm altum, glabrum. BORNEO. Sarawak: Bt Mersing, Anap, c. 200 m alt., fl. 24-8-1964, Sibal ak Luang S. 21957 (L, Typus) river bank, 15 ft tall climber with pale yellow flowers.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1966 URL:
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A new subspecies of anthreptes malacensis (Scopoli) from the Soela Islands (Aves, Nectariniidae) Naturalis
Mees, G.F..
For over a century the sunbird Anthreptes malacensis has been known to occur on the Soela Islands where it reaches the eastern limit of its distribution, and when Shelley (1877) named Anthreptes celebensis, now known as Anthreptes malacensis celebensis, he included the Soela Islands in its range. In subsequent years apparently only Hartert (1898) has in the briefest possible way discussed specimens from the Soela Islands, stating that they were: "quite like Celebes specimens". At this the matter has rested with the result that in the latest list (van Bemmel, 1948) the Soela Islands are still included in the range of Anthreptes malacensis celebensis. When Stresemann (1932) restricted, in the Celebes, the range of A. m. celebensis to the southern peninsula,...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.83.
Ano: 1966 URL:
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A palynological investigation of some archaeologically interesting sections in northwestern Surinam Naturalis
Laeyendecker-Roosenburg, D.M..
The present article deals with a palynological investigation of an archaeological site in northern Surinam. We succeeded in reconstructing the history of the occupation of this area by means of palynological correlation in connection with radiocarbon dating. An attempt was also made to discover what kind of crops was grown by the early inhabitants.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1966 URL:
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A palynological study in Geonomoid palms Naturalis
Punt, W.; Wessels Boer, J.G..
In a previous palynological study in Cocoid palms the present authors (Punt and Wessels Boer, 1966) were able to demonstrate a rather strong but not absolute correlation between the pollen types and the staminate flower types within the genus Attalea in the broad sense. The existence of partly apparently primitive, partly very advanced flower types within the otherwise close related group of Geonomoid palms made it worthwhile to investigate the same feature in this group. The Geonomoid palms are usually considered to comprise 7-9 genera of monoecious Arecoid palms which share a large number of characteristics (Burret, 1930; Moore, 1966). The group is very obviously a most natural one. The generic distinctions are mainly based on the flower morphology,...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1966 URL:
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A produção de semente de juta em 1965. Infoteca-e
Publicação não convencional. Mimeografado.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Produção de semente; Seed; Production data; Juta; Jute.
Ano: 1966 URL:
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A reapproisal of marxian economics Buscador Latinoamericano
Murray Wolfson; Wolfson, Murray.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MARXISMO.
Ano: 1966 URL:
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A reassessment of the Cyphellaceae Naturalis
Donk, M.A..
A suitable subtitle for this paper would have been “The rise and fall of a family”. What is usually called the Cyphellaceae is an instructive example of a situation not uncommonly encountered in the current systematics of mycology: a family retained in a traditional sense by some mycologists and considered by them as good a family as any, while others are convinced that it is nothing but a handy bin from which part of the contents has already been taken out and disposed of by scattering it over various groups, but which is still needed for keeping what remains. We do not yet know what to do with this considerable remainder, mainly because the published accounts are inadequate and the species have not yet been scrutinized anew in the light of present-day...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1966 URL:
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A re-examination of the Kedung Brubus mandible Naturalis
Tobias, P.V..
During a visit to the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie in Leiden in July 1964, Dr D. A. Hooijer kindly allowed me to re-examine the mandibular fragment which had been discovered by Eugène Dubois on 24 November 1890 at Kedung Brubus, a fossil locality in the Kendeng Beds in Central Java (Dubois, 1891a, 1891b, 1924a, 1924b). As a result of a possibly important new point which emerged during my examination of the specimen, Dr Hooijer urged me to place my observations and their implications on record. It is the purpose of this short paper to do so. BRIEF HISTORICAL SYNOPSIS In his original two notes of 1891, Dubois clearly recognized the fragment as belonging to "Homo spec. indet." He drew attention to the poor chin development and the curious flattening...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.21; 42.85.
Ano: 1966 URL:
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