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1966 Report of the Vocational Agriculture Farm Management Program in West Central Minnesota AgEcon
Hartog, Edward; Nodland, Truman R..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1967 URL:
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Crocombe, R.G..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: International Development.
Ano: 1967 URL:
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A citricultura no município de Limeira estudada através de fotografias aéreas verticais Bragantia
Coelho,Arnaldo Guido de Souza.
Ano: 1967 URL:
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A concentração e a quantidade de micronutrientes e de alumínio no cafeeiro, Coffea arabica, L., variedade mundo novo (B.Rodr.) Choussy, aos dez anos de idade Anais da ESALQ
Catani,R.A.; Pellegrino,D.; Bittencourt,V.C.; Jacintho,A.O.; Graner,C.A.F..
O presente trabalho relata os dados obtidos sôbre a concentração e a quantidade de micronutrientes, boro (B), cloro (Cl), cobre (Cu), ferro (Fe), manganês (Mn), molibdênio (Mo) e zinco (Zn), no tronco, ramos, fôlhas e frutos do cafeeiro, Coffea arabica, L., variedade mundo novo (B.Rodr.) Choussy, aos dez anos de idade e crescendo em solo latosólico da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", em Piracicaba. Além dos micronutrientes, são apresentados dados sobre a concentração e a quantidade de alumínio, nas citadas partes do cafeeiro.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1967 URL:
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A conspectus og the genus Allophylus (Sapindaceae). The problem of the complex species Naturalis
Leenhouts, P.W..
Allophylus, at present with c. 255 accepted species, is considered as one of the largest genera of the Sapindaceae. It is distributed throughout the tropics of the Old and the New World, and shows a wide ecological range. Although somewhat variable in vegetative characters, there is a striking homogeneity in fertile characters, by which the generic disposition is easily spotted all over the world. Specific delimitation is renowned difficult in this genus (chapter 2). An analysis of the revision given by Radlkofer in his monograph of the Sapindaceae in ‘Das Pflanzenreich’, Heft 98 (1931—34) reveals that the characters, accepted by him as diagnostic, are all extremely vague, and often grading or overlapping. Of course, the species defined by these characters...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1967 URL:
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A determinação da água livre em fertilizantes Anais da ESALQ
Alcarde,J.C.; Catani,R.A.; Furlani,P.R..
O presente trabalho relata os dados obtidos sôbre a perda de pêso de diversos fertilizantes simples e misturas de fertilizantes, quando submetidos a dois métodos de determinação da água livre: o método baseado no uso de estufa comum, na faixa térmica de 100-105°C (método clássico), e o método da estufa a vácuo, que usa temperatura de 50°C, associada a baixa pressão (20 polegadas de mercúrio de vácuo). Os resultados obtidos pelo método clássico foram mais elevados que os determinados através do método da estufa a vácuo, tanto para os fertilizantes simples como para as misturas. Nos fertilizantes simples a diferença entre os resultados dos dois métodos foi mais acentuada nos materiais que possuiam componentes hidratados. Nas misturas, as maiores diferenças...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1967 URL:
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A determinação da água livre em substâncias puras Anais da ESALQ
Catani,R.A.; Alcarde,J.C.; Furlani,P.R..
O presente trabalho relata os dados obtidos sôbre a determinação da água livre em diversas substâncias puras pelo método baseado no uso da estufa comum a 100-105ºC (método clássico) e pelo método que usa 20 polegadas (ou 50 mm de mercúrio) de vácuo a 50°C. As substâncias empregadas foram cloreto de sódio, sulfato de cálcio dihidratado, ortofosfato monocálcico monohidratado, ortofosfato bicálcico dihidratado, ortofosfato monácido de amônio e uréia cristalizada. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que o método que usa estufa a vácuo a 50°C apresenta uma tendência de retirar apenas a água livre das substâncias estudadas. Por outro lado, o método clássico que emprega estufa comum a 100-105°C, além da água livre, retira também uma fração variável da água de...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1967 URL:
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A determinação do cobre pelo método calorimétrico do dietilditiocarbamato de sódio Anais da ESALQ
O trabalho em aprêço, relata o estudo de diversos aspectos do método espectrofotométrico da determinação do cobre pelo dietilditiocarbamato de sódio. Dentre os aspectos estudados, podem ser citados os seguintes: a) Reativo: influência da concentração e sua conservação em função do tempo. b) Influência da quantidade de EDTA. c) Solventes: escolha do solvente, do comprimento de onda e do filtro. d) Estabilidade do composto. e) Estudo da amplitude, exatidão e precisão do método. f) Aplicação do método, na determinação do cobre em plantas e solos.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1967 URL:
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A field study on the ecology of Centaurium vulgare Rafn Naturalis
Freijsen, Arnoldus Henricus Joseph.
In deze oecologische studie wordt een beschrijving en analyse gegeven van het milieu van de plantensoort Centaurium vulgare Rafn (Duizendguldenkruid). Voorzover mogelijk wordt aangetoond hoe de verspreiding en de wijze van voorkomen van deze plantensoort bepaald worden door de milieufactoren. Het onderzoek is gebaseerd op gegevens verzameld in het veld, vooral in de duinen en op de kwelders van het eiland Terschelling. Centraal in het onderzoek stond het object Centaurium vulgare, waarvan verschillende facetten besproken worden zoals de nomenclatuur, de morphologie, de levensloop, de variabiliteit en het areaal. De volgende belangrijke punten uit deze bespreking kunnen genoemd worden: De levenscyclus van Centaurium vulgare duurt twee jaren. Naast de...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1967 URL:
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A floristic study of forests and bog vegetation, Northwestern Minnesota Naturalis
Janssen, C.R..
Single vegetation plots in forests and bogs in the deciduous and coniferoushardwood formation in northwestern Minnesota were studied according to the field methods of the Zürich-Montpellier system. Plots and species were arranged so that the greatest coincidence of occurrences was obtained. Species that show approximately similar amplitudes were united in sociological groups. Plant communities typified by these groups were placed in a hierarchy. The plant communities appear to intergrade but are not completely continuous. Definite concentrations of occurrences remain present in the ordination. Fourteen main types of vegetation are recognized. Their relations to the environment are discussed, and their relations to vegetation in other regions are indicated....
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1967 URL:
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A further contribution to our Oological knowledge of the Island of Java (Indonesia) Naturalis
Hellebrekers, W.Ph.J.; Hoogerwerf, A..
The present authors independently from one another studied oological material from Java. The results of their studies are combined in the present paper. Hellebrekers deals with three collections, held by the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie at Leiden, brought together (a) by M. E. G. Bartels and his sons (4770 shells), (b) by J. G. Kooiman (280 shells), and (c) by H. J. V. Sody (175 shells). Of these collections those made by Bartels and Sody consist almost exclusively of eggs from West Java, while that made by Kooiman originates from East Java. Hoogerwerf gives details of 1020 shells of his own collection, almost all of which originate from West Java. These were obtained after the appearance in 1949 of a paper in which he published the colour...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.83.
Ano: 1967 URL:
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A ideologia da sociedade industrial Buscador Latinoamericano
por Hebert Marcuse; Marcuse, Hebert.
Ano: 1967 URL:
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A influência de grãos pretos em ligas com cafés de bebida mole Anais da ESALQ
Gomes,F. Pimentel; Cruz,Vivaldo F. da; Castilho,Antonio de; Teixeira,Aldir Alves; Pereira,Luiz S. de P..
Os autores estudam a influência de grãos pretos em ligas com cafés brasileiros de bebida Mole. Foram ensaiadas porcentagens crescentes de grãos pretos: 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 e 50%. Realizaram-se dois ensaios de degustação em blocos incompletos equilibrados, com t = 10 tratamentos, k = 4 parcelas por bloco, r = 6 repetições, b = 15 blocos, X = 2. Cada parcela era formada por 3 xícaras de tipo padrão e foi provada por 3 degustadores, que davam sua opinião xícara por xícara. Os dados coletados são, pois, 1080, isto é, 540 para cada um dos dois ensaios. Mas cada ensaio tinha realmente apenas 60 parcelas, a cada uma das quais correspondia a média das 9 opiniões sôbre ela emitidas (3 degustadores x 3 xícaras). As bases deste método experimental são as...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1967 URL:
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A monograph of the genus Barringtonia (Lecythidaceae) Naturalis
Payens, J.P.D.W..
A brief history is given on the circumscription and subdivision of Lecythidaceae and the position of Barringtonia. All aspects, also of auxiliary disciplines point to affinity with Myrtaceae but warrant separate family status. The conviction is that only one family is concerned, not two, or even three, as Knuth proposed. The subdivision of Lecythidaceae appears to meet with great difficulty. It does not seem to be possible to divide the family in tribes which would be restricted to the New and Old Worlds respectively, affinities running transoceanic. In the present revision of the genus Barringtonia 39 species are distinguished, 3 of which have one or a few new subspecies, varieties, or forms; three species are newly described. A survey is given of the...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1967 URL:
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A new combination and a new species in Saraca L. (Caesalpiniaceae) Naturalis
Wilde, W.J.J.O. de.
During a precursory study in the genus Saraca it became evident that the number of fertile stamens and the size and degree of persistency of the bracteoles are major characters in the delimitation of the species. The genus extends from India and Ceylon to S.W. China and Tonkin, and as far east as to Celebes. The Celebes material (4 collections) was found to represent a species new to science. In the group with 6—8(—10) stamens, and with small (2—8 mm long) bracteoles, of which the Indian material was hitherto mostly referred to Saraca indica L., it appeared that two species are concerned, viz.: I. Bracteoles erect, clasping the pedicel, persistent. India, Ceylon, E. Pakistan, Burma west of the Irrawaddy River; otherwise cultivated. Fig. 1A Saraca asoca...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1967 URL:
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A new combination in Fimbristylis (Cyperaceae) Naturalis
Kern, J.H..
Fimbristylis ovata (Burm .ƒ.) Kern, comb. nov. — Carex ovata Burm. ƒ. Fl. Ind. (1768) 194; Kük., Pfl. Reich, Heft 38 (1909) 103. — Cyperus monostachyos L., Mant. 2 (1771) 180. — Abildgaardia monostachya (L.) Vahl, En. Plant. 2 (1806) 296. — Fimbristylis monostachya (L.) Hassk., Pl. Jav. Rar. (1848; 61. — Iriha monostachya (L.) O. Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 (1891) 751. Burman’s description of his Carex ovata is very short: ‘Spica terminali ovata feminea. Missa ex Java’. Raymond, Mém. Jard. Bot. Montréal no 23 (1959) 78, suggested that the neglected name might be the correct one for Carex tricephala Boeck. (1875), the only Carex species of the area that would fit Burman’s description. To me this supposition seemed unlikely, as Carex tricephala is a very rare...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1967 URL:
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A new species of Curvularia Naturalis
Aa, H.A. van der.
Curvularia papendorfii, isolated from South African soil, is described as a new species. This species is characterized by greater overall dimensions than in any of the known species, and a hilum to the spore that is not protuberant at all.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1967 URL:
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A new species of Roupala (proteaceae) in Suriname Naturalis
Mennega, Alberta M.W..
Arbor 8 m alta, altitudine pectoris 20 cm diam.; ramuli teretes, glabri. Folia coriacea, glabra, plana, late elliptica vel late obovata, apice obtusa, rotundata vel subacuminata, basi attenuata et in petiolum decurrentia, 9-12 cm longa, 5-7½ cm lata, statu sicco supra viridia, leviter nitida, infra olivacea, opaca, marginibus subrevolutis, integris; costa et nervi primarii utraque facie prominentes, nervi primarii infimi tenues, inconspicui, spatio brevi margine paralleli, ii paris secundi costae paralleli et valde proximi supra basin folii, tum divergentes sub angulo 30°, plus minusve recti inter costam et marginem et 1-1½ cm a margine remoti, nervis primariis paris tertii coniuncta in parte tertia superiore laminae; nervi primarii tenuiores singuli vel...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1967 URL:
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A new species of Scambicornus (Copepoda, Cyclopoida, Lichomolgidae) associated with a holothurian in Madagascar, with notes on several previously described species Naturalis
Humes, Arthur G..
A new lichomolgid copepod, Scambicornus lobulatus, associated with a holothurian, Bohadschia graeffei, is described from the region of Nosy Bé, Madagascar. Certain previously described species of Scambicornus in that area are redescribed in part. New host records are: S. campanulipes from Actinopyga lecanora and A. miliaris, S. idoneus from Argiodia nobilis and Holothuria scabra, S. modestus from Brandtothuria impatiens and either Microthele difficilis or Urodemas ehrenbergi, and S. tuberatus from Bohadschia marmorata.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1967 URL:
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A new species of shrimp, Rhynchocinetes hiatti (Crustacea, Decapoda) Naturalis
Holthuis, L.B.; Hayashi, K.-I..
The present paper describes a new species of the genus Rhynchocinetes from the Indo-West Pacific region. The species, R. hiatti n. sp., whose name has repeatedly appeared in print as a nomen nudum, is closely related to R. rigens Gordon from the Atlantic but distinguishable from the latter by the presence of pterygostomian spine, the peculiar colour pattern and other small differences.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Crustacea; Rhynchocinetes hiatti n. sp.; Rhynchocinetes rigens Gordon; New species; 42.74.
Ano: 1967 URL:
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