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1971 Farm Business Summary By Type of Farming for Northern Minnesota AgEcon
Nodland, Truman R.; Persons, Edgar; Otis, Janet B..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1972 URL:
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1971 Farm Business Summary By Type of Farming for Southern Minnesota AgEcon
Nodland, Truman R.; Persons, Edgar; Otis, Janet B..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1972 URL:
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1971 Specialized Beef Cow Operations in Northern Minnesota AgEcon
Nodland, Truman R..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1972 URL:
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1973 Agricultural Outlook AgEcon
Anthony, Willis Eugene; Cuykendall, Charles H.; Hasbargen, Paul R.; Egertson, Kenneth E.; Hawkins, Richard O.; Hamre, Melvin L.; Christiansen, Martin K..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1972 URL:
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A 2,2' - dipiridil cetoxima, como reagente para determinação espectrofotométrica do cobalto Anais da ESALQ
Jacintho,Antonio Octavio.
A presente nota relata alguns aspectos dos estudos preliminares sobre a aplicação da 2,2' - dipiridil cetoxima como reagente para a determinação colorimétrica do cobalto. Nesta oportunidade, procurou-se principalmente analisar os problemas decorrentes da aplicação da técnica descrita por HOLLAND & BOZIC (1968), na determinação do cobalto em plantas.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1972 URL:
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A computer-based registration system for geological collections Naturalis
Germeraad, J.H.; Freudenthal, M.; Boogaard, M. van den; Arps, C.E.S..
The new computer-based registration system, a project of the National Museum of Geology and Mineralogy in the Netherlands, will considerably increase the accessibility of the Museum collection. This greater access is realized by computerisation of the data in great detail, so that an almost unlimited number of operations to select and sort the data is possible. A flexible design of annotating information, mainly in plain words, saves considerable time. The fast mechanical data processing permits the efficient preparation of catalogues which contain selected information about the geological collection; as an additional benefit labels may be produced at low costs. The RGM system disposes of the burden of classical registration books and card-indexes, without...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 38.03.
Ano: 1972 URL:
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A Consumer Test of Canned Seasoned Salad Tomatoes AgEcon
Degner, Robert L.; Connolly, Chan C.; Nichols, John P.; Stephens, Thomas S.; Lime, Bruce J..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Consumer; Canned Tomatoes; Salad Tomatoes; Seasoned Tomatoes; Consumer/Household Economics; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 1972 URL:
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A Consumer Test of Citrus Drinks made from Comminuted Whole Citrus Fruit AgEcon
Nichols, John P.; Degner, Robert L.; Connolly, Chan C.; Lime, Bruce J.; Cruse, Robert.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Consumer; Citrus; Whole Citrus Fruit; Citrus Fruit; Consumer Test; Consumer/Household Economics; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 1972 URL:
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Nanayakkara, Upali.
The main objective of this paper is to critically examine the GOPEC's evaluation of the peasant colonization segment of the GOV program, "the core of the problem that this committee was called upon to report". This examination is intended to ascertain whether the benefit-cost assessment of the GOPEC was, in fact, correctly executed, and to see whether the main policy conclusion of the GOPEC with regard to peasant colonization - that "policy makers take a long, hard look at the advisability of diverting resources to what is essentially a social welfare function in an economy where the greatest need is to maximize production" - follows from the GOPEC's analysis. The second objective is to determine whether benefit-cost analysis was adequate for providing...
Tipo: Thesis or Dissertation Palavras-chave: Community/Rural/Urban Development.
Ano: 1972 URL:
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Ajobo, Owolabi.
The objective of this paper is to develop a dynamic model that may be useful in the analysis of investment in long term tree crop agriculture. The model is based on linear programming as modified by fixed assets theory. The starting point is the Heady-Loftsgard dynamic linear programming model restated in a stochastic form and imbedded in a decision theoretic construct to give a stochastic mixed integer programming model. The paper goes into a discussion of problems associated with agricultural data collection in Nigeria-on the conviction that specific use of any model can only come after the data problem has been reasonably solved.
Tipo: Thesis or Dissertation Palavras-chave: Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 1972 URL:
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A evolução da população de Manaus-1950 a 1970. I - Evolução da população e dos padrões de mortalidade Acta Amazonica
Fonseca,Vania; Corrêa,Cleusa Maria.
Sinopse Com o objetivo de se conhecer a evolução da população de Manaus nas duas últimas décadas, foi feito um estudo que abrangeu quatro aspectos: evolução da população, mortalidade, natalidade e migração, sendo aqui apresentadas análises sobre a evolução da população e dos padrões de mortalidade.
Ano: 1972 URL:
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A Lantern Fish, Hygophum benoiti (Cocco, 1838), washed ashore in The Netherlands (Pisces, Myctophoidei, Myctophidae) Naturalis
Nijssen, H..
A small Lantern Fish, Hygophum benoiti (Cocco, 1838), was washed ashore at the beach of the village of Zandvoort in the Netherlands. This is the first record of a member of the family Myctophidae in the coastal waters of the Netherlands, and the northernmost record for the species. The occurrence of the species in the northern part of the North Atlantic is discussed, and the specimen is illustrated.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1972 URL:
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A laranja como uma solução para agricultura do Recôncavo e Litoral Norte do Estado da Bahia. Infoteca-e
O objetivo do presente trabalho é dar publicidade a um tema de relevante importância sócio-econômica para o Estado da Bahia. Trata-se da citricultura, encarada dentro do aspecto econômico, analisando-se o custo de produção e rendimento por hectare, o que a evidencia como uma das culturas mais rentáveis do Recôncavo Baiano, assunto que vem prendendo a atenção dos órgãos de crédito atuante na zona. A importação da citricultura em bases industriais, além do aspecto econômico visado, tem na produção de frutos altamente nutritivos e medicinais e na possibilidade de descortinaram novo horizonte para a economia baiana, uma justificativa de ordem social.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Laranja.
Ano: 1972 URL:
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Yiemphat, Nualsri.
Michigan ranks among the top five asparagus producing states in the United States; ranking forth in production, and second in its seasonal group. As of 1970, the five leading states in asparagus were: (1) California, (2) New Jersey, (3) Washington, (4) Michigan, and (5) Illinois. Although the total acreages employed for asparagus production has been decreasing -3,800 acres between 1969 and 1970 -Michigan's has been increasing - 900 acres for the same period. The marked decrease in asparagus production over the past decade may be explained by strong foreign competition, especially from Taiwan since 1964; and from competing enterprises in certain areas and from asparagus farms sharing in the natural attrition of all farms in the U.S. The objective of...
Tipo: Thesis or Dissertation Palavras-chave: Demand and Price Analysis.
Ano: 1972 URL:
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Chisholm, Anthony H..
An efficient procedure is proposed for making welfare payments to low income farm families. This is a negative income tax. It uses the income tax system for linking directly transfer payments to income needs, without unduly adverse effects on resource allocation. The negative income tax proposal is considered in relation to rural adjustment and reconstruction.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural Finance; Public Economics.
Ano: 1972 URL:
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Hoyt, John S., Jr..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Public Economics.
Ano: 1972 URL:
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A new character with systematic value in Euchirella (Copepoda, Calanoida) Naturalis
Vaupel-Klein, J.C. von.
INTRODUCTION The present paper deals with some morphological features found in the species of the genus Euchirella Giesbrecht, 1888, family Aetideidae. In the course of my studies on the genus, I noted that the structures situated on the anterior surface of the endopodites of the first pair of swimming legs, which will be described below, have never been given the attention they obviously deserve. In none of the principal works on Calanoida, e.g., Scott (1909), Sars (1924-25), Rose (1933), and Brodskii (1950) these structures are dealt with in the text. The same holds for the important reviews by Vervoort (1957, 1963), and Tanaka & Omori (1969). Although most authors somehow figure a row of spinules on the tubercle of the endopodite, their drawings are...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.74.
Ano: 1972 URL:
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A new deep-sea Nymphon (Pycnogonida) collected by the "Galathea" off Kenya Naturalis
Stock, J.H..
Description of Nymphon residuum spec. nov., a blind, uniunguiculate deep-sea species, collected by the Galathea Expedition at Station 241, off Kenya, in 1510 meters.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.74.
Ano: 1972 URL:
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A new genus for the Australian leptodactylid frog Crinia darlingtoni Naturalis
Tyler, M.J..
INTRODUCTION Crinia darlingtoni Loveridge, 1933, was described from a series of four specimens collected by P. J. Darlington at the Queensland National Park, Macpherson Range, Queensland, and distinguished by the rudimentary condition of the first finger and the extremely small first toe. Loveridge noted that some specimens bore a resemblance to C. acutirostris Andersson in colouration but did not discuss the phylogenetic relationships of his new species. For a generic revision Parker (1940) examined a juvenile paratype and on the basis of a similarity in the condition of the prevomer, he associated C. darlingtoni with C. leai Fletcher, C. rosea Harrison and C. laevis (Günther). In the last species he also recognized two sub-species, C. l. laevis and C. l....
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.82.
Ano: 1972 URL:
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A new scincid lizard of the genus Leiolopisma from New Guinea Naturalis
Zweifel, R.G..
The lizard fauna of New Guinea numbers over 150 species (for a list, now well out-dated, see Loveridge, 1948), and probably more than two-thirds of these belong to the family Scincidae. With the exception of studies by Brown (1953, 1954) on the genus Emoia, the large and diverse scincid fauna has received little attention from herpetologists since De Rooij (1915) summarized existing knowledge. The validity of many named forms is questionable, and details of distribution and ecology are known for virtually none. The purpose of the present paper is to describe an evidently unnamed species that has been confused with a widespread Papuan species, Leiolopisma miotis. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to acknowledge with thanks the help of the following persons who...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.82.
Ano: 1972 URL:
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