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1973 Farm Business Summary by Type of Farming for East Central Minnesota AgEcon
Nodland, Truman R.; Otis, Janet B..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agribusiness.
Ano: 1974 URL:
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1973 Farm Business Summary by Type of Farming for Northern Minnesota AgEcon
Miller, Barbara B.; Otis, Janet B.; Nodland, Truman R.; Persons, Edgar.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agribusiness.
Ano: 1974 URL:
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1973 Farm Business Summary by Type of Farming for Southern Minnesota AgEcon
Nodland, Truman R.; Otis, Janet B.; Persons, Edgar.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agribusiness.
Ano: 1974 URL:
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1975 Agricultural Outlook AgEcon
Hasbargen, Paul R.; Christiansen, Martin K.; Hawkins, Richard O.; Egertson, Kenneth E.; Fuller, Earl I.; Anthony, Willis Eugene.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agribusiness.
Ano: 1974 URL:
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Skinner, Richard W..
Case Studies are a very valuable management training technique. There is a void of good cases in food distribution and the Food Distribution Research Society should undertake a project to fill this void.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agribusiness.
Ano: 1974 URL:
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A comparison between models describing the influence of temperature on the development rate of copepods OMA
Heip, C.H.R..
Four mathematical expressions relating development time to temperature are compared. All four yield good predictions of the development rate of the copepod <i>Tachidius discipes</i>. The use of the equation of Belehradek is criticized. It is concluded that the power equation D= aT<sup>b</sup> gives the best approximation in this case.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Temperature effects; Copepoda [copepods].
Ano: 1974 URL:
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A concise revision of the Flacourtiaceae of New Caledonia anf the Loyalty Islands Naturalis
Sleumer, H..
A taxonomic revision of the Flacourtiaceae of New Caledonia incl. the Loyalty Islands, based mainly on the recently very enriched materials deposited in the Paris Herbarium. This resulted in a total of 53 species, belonging to 4 genera: Casearia, Homalium, Xylosma, and the endemic genus Lasiochlamys; 21 species and 1 variety were described as new and 5 new combinations were made.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1974 URL:
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A cytological investigation of flowering plants from the Canary Islands Naturalis
Loon, J.Chr. van.
The chromosome numbers of 85 species of flowering plants from the Canary Islands were determined; 5 of the counts turned out to be new. Notes on some species are given. Numbers deviating from previous counts proved to occur in Polycarpaea divaricata (Pit.) Poir. and Koeleria phleoides (Vill.) Pers. 49 counts are new for the Canary Islands and are listed in table 2.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1974 URL:
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Sneed, Ruth; Ott, Gene.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agribusiness.
Ano: 1974 URL:
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A irrigação por gotejamento em berinjela (Solanum melongena, L.) Anais da ESALQ
Vieira,D. B.; Manfrinato,H. A..
O presente trabalho relata os dados obtidos em um experimento de campo, onde estudou-se o efeito da irrigação por gotejamento aplicada em três níveis diferentes de intensidade de chuva em cultura de berinjela, em comparação com a irrigação por sulcos de infiltração, método tradicional para a rega dessa cultura. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o método de irrigação por gotejamento permitiu a obtenção de melhores rendimentos, em relação a utilização da irrigação por sulcos de infiltração. A irrigação por gotejamento a baixa intensidade de chuva, foi a que proporcionou os melhores rendimentos da cultura de berinjela.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1974 URL:
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A irrigação por gotejamento I parte: influência sobre as relações solo-água Anais da ESALQ
Manfrinato,Hélio A..
Por meio de colunas de terra, convenientemente preparadas em laboratório, em tubos cilíndricos, estudou-se a distribuição da umidade no momento da infiltração, aplicando-se água em forma de gotas, simulando chuva, a oito diferentes intensidades, com duas repetições para cada tratamento. Verificou-se que quando se reduzia a intensidade de aplicação da água, a intervalos mais ou menos constantes, aquele teor de umidade também decrescia, e vice-versa. Constatou-se também que, quando as intensidades de gotejamento eram muito pequenas, o teor de umidade se reduzia com menor intensidade, caminhando para um limite, ao qual se atribuia com lógica e senso, ser a capacidade de campo do solo.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1974 URL:
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A mancha foliar "olho de rã" em soja. Infoteca-e
REIS, E. M..
Este trabalho tem por objetivo dar melhores informações sobre a mancha foliar “olho de rã”, permitindo assim a segura identificação do agente causal.
Tipo: Separatas Palavras-chave: Mancha Foliar; Fungo; Doença Fúngica; Soja.
Ano: 1974 URL:
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Binswanger, Hans P..
Invention possibilities are reformulated using research processes which have a cost and different implications for rates and biases of technical change. In the comparative static model a firm has the choice to build a plant of existing design or to improve it by research. The firm maximizes present value over the lifetime of the plant. Research costs and present value of capital and labor costs influence research mix and rate and bias to technical change. Controversies in the literature of induced innovation are discussed in terms of the model. A rise in labor costs does not necessarily lead to a more labor saving bias.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Institutional and Behavioral Economics.
Ano: 1974 URL:
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A nation of strangers Buscador Latinoamericano
Vance Packard; Packard, Vance.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: CAMBIO SOCIAL; ESTADOS UNIDOS.
Ano: 1974 URL:
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A new index measuring evenness OMA
Heip, C.H.R..
A new evenness index based on the Shannon-Wiener information <i>H</i> is defined as (<i>e<sup>H</sup></i> -1)/(<i>S</i> -1). This index is theoretically superior to other evenness indices and has a better statistical behaviour.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1974 URL:
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Huffman, Donald C.; Schupp, Alvin R..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Demand and Price Analysis.
Ano: 1974 URL:
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A new species of Alloeotomus Fieber (Heteroptera, Miridae, Deraeocorinae) from Cyprus Naturalis
Önder, F..
Introduction Recently I had the occasion to examine a collection of 230 unidentified specimens of the family Miridae kindly loaned to me for examination by the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden, Netherlands. All these were collected in Cyprus. Three specimens belong to the genus Alloeotomus Fieber and represent a new species which is described here. Until now the southernmost limits of the distribution of Alloeotomus were Sicily (Wagner, 1954) in the west and Peking (China) (Reuter, 1903) in the east. The discovery of the new species from Cyprus has extended this limit further to the south. There are now five species in the genus Alloeotomus including the new one. A key to facilitate their identification is given in this paper. Alloeotomus...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.75.
Ano: 1974 URL:
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A new species of anostomid characoid fish, Anostomus spiloclistron, from the Nickerie river system of western Surinam (Pisces, Cypriniformes, Anostomidae) Naturalis
Winterbottom, Richard.
A new species of the anostomid characoid genus Anostomus is described from the Nickerie river system of western Surinam. The new species appears to be most closely related to A. plicatus Eigenmann, 1912, from the Essequibo river system of Guyana. Diagnostic features include the number of lateral line scales, the number of midventral scales between the pelvis and the anus, certain proportional measurements, and differences in the colour pattern.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1974 URL:
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A new species of Paeonodes (Therodamasidae, Cyclopoida), a parasitic copepod of the fish Tilapia melanotheron from the Sakumo-lagoon, Ghana, Africa Naturalis
Banning, Paul van.
A new species of the genus Paeonodes Wilson, 1944 (Therodamasidae, Cyclopoida, Copepoda), P. lagunaris, is described from Tilapia melanotheron Rüppel, 1852, of the Sakumo-lagoon, Ghana, Africa. The new species is compared with the hitherto known two species of the genus Paeonodes and the relationship of the genus with euryhaline waters is discussed.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1974 URL:
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A new species of Platyonitis Janssens from Kenya, with notes on the genus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Naturalis
Krikken, J..
The genus Platyonitis Janssens is diagnosed, and the two species are keyed. P. smeenkorum sp. nov. from Kenya is described and illustrated. P. oberthuri Janssens is illustrated and Kenyan records are given. The status of Epionitis Balthasar is briefly discussed.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.75.
Ano: 1974 URL:
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