Registros recuperados: 2.089 | |
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Joiris, C.R.; Billen, G.; Lancelot, MH.; Daro, M.H.; Mommaerts, J.-P.; Bertels, A.; Bossicart, M.; Nijs, J.; Hecq, J.H.. |
The various biological compartments of the Belgian coastal zone of the North Sea were studied since 1971. The synthesis of available data on carbon cycling includes phytoplankton biomass and activities (particulate and dissolved primary production, respiration) , zooplankton biomass and activities (grazing, respiration) and planktonic and benthic microbial heterotrophic activities. These various carbon flux estimates allow the development of an overall budget of carbon cycling. This budget shows the importance of microbial (planktonic and benthic) heterotrophs versus zooplankton in the utilization of primary production. Comparison with literature data suggests that this could be a general feature of coastal, as opposed to open sea ecosystems. |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Ano: 1982 |
URL: http://www.vliz.be/nl/open-marien-archief?module=ref&refid=6908 |
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Nijssen, H.; Tuijl, L. van; Isbrücker, I.J.H.. |
This catalogue resulted from our attempts (since 1963) to accommodate and modernize the labelling of type-material of Recent fishes in the collections of the Zoölogisch Museum Amsterdam (ZMA), now named Institute of Taxonomie Zoology, University of Amsterdam. We traced 6625 type-specimens of 714 nominal species or subspecies, 228 of which are primary type-specimens (holotype, lectotype, or neotype); moreover, the collection contains one or more syntypes of 222 nominal (sub-) species. A few syntypes are presently indicated as future lectotype in the collection, awaiting publication by various specialists. Such specimens are not distinguished in this catalogue. It is possible that lectotype designations for some species have been validly published, which... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1982 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/506026 |
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Phillips, Kathryn S.; Price, David W.. |
Comparative analysis of food demand expansion of a cash program, as compared to the food stamp program, is important for measuring trade-offs between goals of raising farm income and increasing food expenditures of the poor. A theoretical basis for assessing food demand impacts under each program is presented. Two effects are analyzed: 1) The effect on food demand of the individual household and 2) The effect of food demand at the aggregate level. Both indifference curve analysis and psychological need level theory are used. |
Tipo: Journal Article |
Palavras-chave: Demand and Price Analysis; Food Security and Poverty. |
Ano: 1982 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/32419 |
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Jenkins, P.D.. |
An investigation was made into the systematics of white-toothed shrews (Crocidura) occurring in Malaya and Indonesia. Most of the forms recorded from this area have been found to represent one of four species: C. fuliginosa (Blyth, 1855), C. attenuata Milne-Edwards, 1872, C. maxi Sody, 1936 or C. monticola Peters, 1870, while the status of a few others remains unresolved at this stage. Each species is discussed and distinguishing features are given in tabular form. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.84. |
Ano: 1982 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/319266 |
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Willemse, L.P.M.. |
The genera Microlaena R. Br., Petriella Zotov, and Tetrarrhena R. Br. are included in Ehrharta Thunb. (Gramineae-Ehrharteae), which necessitates four new combinations in the latter. In Malesia Ehrharta is represented by two taxa originally included in Microlaena: E. diplax F. v. Muel. var. giulianettii (Stapf) L. P. M. Willemse (M. giulianettii Stapf) and E. stipoides Labill. var. stipoides [M. stipoides (Labill.) R. Br. var. stipoides]. Descriptions of and notes on these taxa are given. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1982 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/525192 |
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Geesink, R.. |
Commercially available tree altimeters are expensive and heavy, and my personal experience with these instruments is thus minimal. During my last expedition I only used it now and then in the base camp to correct my ’feeling for estimation’. I have little doubt that colleagues will recognize these feelings. After my return I regretted this attitude to some extent and tried to design a cheap and light alternative device. It is drawn on the next page, and easy to construct: Make a copy of the drawing. Photocopies are generally not exact enough, causing differences to 5 m in this scheme, due to barrel- and cushionshaped distortion by the lens. I advise to copy the drawing by hand on transparent paper. Glue this copy (preferably with epoxy-resin to make it... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1982 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/533507 |
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Registros recuperados: 2.089 | |