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1 ทศวรรษ งานพัฒนาพันธุ์ข้าวนาที่สูงในพื้นที่โครงการสถานีพัฒนาการเกษตรที่สูง ตามพระราชดำริบ้านนาเกียน อำเภออมก๋อย จังหวัดเชียงใหม่ โดยเกษตรกรมีส่วนร่วม Thai Agricultural
Nipon Boonmee; Sumlee Bunyawjwat; Booriboon Somrit; Waree Chaithep; Sathaporn Kanjanaphan; Siwapong naruban; Roj Dlongsuwan; Yuttapong Kittikunchedchu; Wanpen Phattana-aree; Ketwadee Sompamit; Chamnong Nantima; Suriya Tidlao; Akapol Prasert; Petcharat Prasert.
Reciprocation of Queen Sirikit’s commanded to slove a problem rice harvest insufficeint for consumption of farmmers whose live in area of High land Agricultural Development Royal Project, Ban-Nagian, Ampur Omkoi, Chiangmai. The project proceeded for a decade (2548-2557 BE). Project objective is to reach rice varieties which appropriate to condition and consumption in the area lead to acceptance and utilization of the new varieties. Project procedures includes researching each varieties, comparing output, developing varieties that are common in the area into pure line, developing seedstock manufacturing to support “Bank of Royal Rice” activity and found that Ka-Saw (SMGC02001) which is the popular rice variety, in addition to there are 2 predominant...
Tipo: Collection Palavras-chave: Queen Sirikit’s commanded; Rice harvest; Farmers’participation; Promising lines; Seed production; Royal Projects; Bank of Royal Rice; พระราชเสาวนีย์; ผลผลิตข้าว; เกษตรกรมีส่วนร่วม; สายพันธุ์ข้าวดีเด่น; การผลิตเมล็ดพันธุ์; โครงการในพระราชดำริ; ธนาคารข้าวพระราชทาน.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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100 Argumente für den Biolandbau Organic Eprints
Rebholz, Theresa; Rentsch, Deborah; Schmutz, Res; Wenzel, Leonore.
Der Biolandbau bietet vielfältige Vorteile. Die in diesem Argumentarium aufgelisteten guten Gründe für den Biolandbau zeigen auf, dass diese Landbaumethode zu Recht von den Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten immer stärkeren Zuspruch erhält und von der Politik gefördert wird. Die vorliegenden Argumente werden vor allem durch Forschungsergebnisse abgestützt, aber auch durch Schweizer Bioverordnungen und -richtlinien. Viele der zitierten Quellen sind online zugänglich, u.a. in der Datenbank «Organic Eprints». Der entsprechende Link ist jeweils bei der Quelle angegeben. Die Liste erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general Consumer issues Education; Extension and communication.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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100 arguments en faveur de l'agriculture biologique Organic Eprints
Rebholz, Theresa; Rentsch, Deborah; Schmutz, Res; Wenzel, Leonore.
L’agriculture biologique offre de nombreux avantages. Les bonnes raisons de choisir le bio qui sont présentées dans cet argumentaire montrent que cette méthode d’agriculture reçoit à bon droit toujours plus l’approbation des consommatrices et des consommateurs et qu’elle est encouragée par la politique. Ces arguments reposent surtout sur des résultats scientifiques, mais aussi sur les ordonnances et cahiers des charges biologiques suisses. Nombre de sources citées sont accessibles en ligne, entre autres sur le site «Organic Eprints». Le lien correspondant est toujours mentionné avec la source. Cette liste d’arguments n’a pas la prétention d’être exhaustive.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general Consumer issues Education; Extension and communication.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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13C Photoassimilate partitioning in sweet cherry (Prunus avium) during early spring Ciencia e Investigación Agraria
Ayala,Marlene; Lang,Gregory A.
Stored reserves are critical for the early spring growth of reproductive and vegetative sinks in sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.). To study the distribution of carbon storage reserves on new, highly productive hybrid rootstocks in sweet cherry, an experiment was established using 5-yr-old cv. 'Regina' on the semi-vigorous rootstock 'Gisela®6' ('GI®6'). Using whole-canopy enclosure chambers, five trees were pulse-labeled three times with high levels of 13CO2 during the fall. At leaf drop, leaves, buds, wood, bark and roots were sampled for gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. The storage organs with the highest percentages of excess 13C atoms were the roots and the older wood in the trunks, branches and buds. During the spring, newly...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Fruit set; 'Gisela®' rootstock; Sink; Spring remobilization stage I; Storage reserves; Transition.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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17,20β-P and cortisol are the main in vitro metabolites of 17-hydroxy-progesterone produced by spermiating testes of Micropogonias furnieri (Desmarest, 1823) (Perciformes: Sciaenidae) Neotropical Ichthyology
Vizziano Cantonnet,Denise; Mateo,Magdalena; Alberro,Andrés; Barrios,Florencia; Fostier,Alexis.
The aim was to investigate the major C21 steroids produced by spermiating white croaker Micropogonias furnieri (Sciaenidae) in order to establish the potential mediator of gamete maturation in males of this species. The testes steroid production at the spawning season was identified incubating the 3H-17-hydroxy-4-pregnene-3,20-dione precursor through thin layer chromatography, high pressure liquid chromatography, enzymatic oxydation, acetylation and immunochemistry analyses. 17,20β-Dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20β-P) and 11β,17,21-Trihydroxy-4-pregnene-3,20-dione (cortisol) were the main metabolites produced. Contrary to what we expected, 17,20β,21-Trihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one was not detected. Circulating levels of 17,20β-P were undetectable in immature...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Male gonad; Maturing steroids; Reproduction; Steroid synthesis; White croaker.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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1-methylcyclopropene effects on volatile profile and quality of 'Royal Gala' apples produced in Southern Brazil and stored in controlled atmosphere Ciência Rural
Thewes,Fabio Rodrigo; Both,Vanderlei; Brackmann,Auri; Ferreira,Daniele de Freitas; Wagner,Roger.
ABSTRACT: Apple volatile aroma depends of complex interaction among organic compounds. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) application on volatile profile and quality on 'Royal Gala' apples produced in Southern Brazil and stored under controlled atmosphere condition (CA; 1.0kPa O2+1.2kPa CO2; 0.5±0.1°C; 94±1% relative humidity). Volatile profile was determined after eight month of CA storage plus 7 days of shelf life via solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometer. In the volatile profile were identified 8 esters, 11 alcohols, 6 aldehydes, 6 acids, 2 ketones, 1 ether and 1 terpene. 1-MCP application reduced significantly the main volatile compounds...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Malus domestica; Solid phase microextraction; Fruits; GC/MS.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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1st Press release: SOILVEG project kicked off in Italy, in the European Capital of Culture 2019 Organic Eprints
Canali, S.; D'Oppido, D..
"Improving soil conservation and resource use in organic cropping systems for vegetable production through introduction and management of Agro-ecological Service Crops” (SoilVeg) is an innovative European research project, led by the Italian Agricultural Research Council (CRA) and funded, at European level, by Core Organic Plus. It has kicked off last March 2015, in Matera, the Italian city recently awarded European Capital of Culture: for 3 years, 9 European countries and 14 partner Institutions will be working together with the aim to study the better management of Agro-ecological Service Crops.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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1º Workshop de Aplicações de Espectroscopia NIR e Quimiometria em Análise de Solos: Embrapa Solos - Rio de Janeiro de 04 a 05 de dezembro de 2014. Infoteca-e
O presente texto visa documentar os resumos de oito palestras ministradas no 1º Workshop de Aplicações de Espectroscopia NIR e Quimiometria em Análise de Solos. Os principais temas abordados neste texto são: (1) preparo de amostras de solo para Espectroscopia NIR; (2) técnicas quimiométricas aplicadas à espectroscopia NIR; (3) desenvolvimento e validação de métodos multivariados em espectroscopia NIR; (4) figuras de mérito em análise multivariada; e (5) aplicação da espectroscopia NIR em matrizes de interesse agronômico.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Análise química; Análise do solo.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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2 dages slutfodring med korn reducerer ikke skatol hos hangrise Organic Eprints
Møller, Sønke; Marbibo, Hanne.
Hangrise fodret med en pelleteret kornblanding bestående af 48 procent byg og 48 procent hvede samt fedt og vitaminer/mineraler fra to dage før slagtning, reducerede ikke det gennemsnitlige skatoltal i nakkespæk sammenlignet med grise fodret med en standard slagtesvineblanding frem til slagtning. Slagtevægten blev i gennemsnit reduceret med 2,3 kg.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general; Feeding and growth; Health and welfare; Farm nutrient management.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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20 anos de experimentação em Integração Lavoura-Pecuária na Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste: relatório 1995-2015. Infoteca-e
Colaboradores: Carmen Regina Pezarico, Michely Tomazi, Christiane Congro Comas, Alceu Richetti, Fábio Martins Mercante, Germani Concenço.
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Integração lavoura-pecuária.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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20 Jahre Modellbetrieb für Ökolandbau in Müncheberg. Teil 1: Entwicklung von Humus- und Nährstoffgehalten Organic Eprints
Bachinger, Johann; Bloch, Ralf; Reckling, Moritz; Stein-Bachinger, Karin.
Acht Felder der Versuchsstation des ZALF in Müncheberg in Nordostdeutschland wurden 1993 als Modellbetrieb mit einer Leguminosen-betonten Fruchtfolge auf Ökologischen Landbau umgestellt. Je Feld wurde 1995 ein Monitoringversuch mit je 5 Ernte- bzw. Beprobungsparzellen angelegt. Neben Ernteerhebungen erfolgte eine jährliche Krumenbeprobung zur Untersuchung der Entwicklung der Gehalte an organischem Kohlenstoff (Corg) und Stickstoff (Norg) sowie der P- und K-Verfügbarkeit. Eine deutliche Zunahme der Corg-Gehalte zeigte sich nur auf den Flächen mit Texturklasse Sand. Dagegen stiegen die Norg-Gehalte auch auf den besseren Böden, allerdings in geringerem Maße, an. Die P-Verfügbarkeit pegelte sich nach einem anfänglichen Rückgang auf Werte der Versorgungsstufe...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Nutrient turnover; Soil.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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20 Jahre Modellbetrieb für Ökolandbau in Müncheberg. Teil 2: Wie ertragslabil sind Körnerleguminosen im Vergleich zu Getreide und Mais? Organic Eprints
Reckling, Moritz; Döring, Thomas F.; Bloch, Ralf; Stein-Bachinger, Karin; Bachinger, Johann.
Auf dem Modellbetrieb für Ökolandbau in Müncheberg wurden von 1993 bis 2013 Feldversuche zur Ermittlung der Ertragsstabilität von zwei Körnerleguminosen (Schmalblättrige Lupine und Futtererbse), Wintergetreide (Roggen und Weizen), Hafer und Silomais durchgeführt. Zwei orthogonale Datensätze wurden genutzt um die temporären Ertragsschwankungen der Einzelkulturen zu vergleichen. Beide Körnerleguminosen zeigten die geringste Ertragsstabilität von allen untersuchten Kulturen. Dies war sowohl für varianzbasierte als auch für regressionsbasierte Stabilitätsparameter der Fall. Gründe für die geringe Ertragsstabilität sind unzureichend bekannt. Es müssen Strategien für das Management entwickelt werden, um mit den großen Schwankungen umzugehen.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Production systems Cereals; Pulses and oilseeds Crop husbandry.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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2014年度アメリカ獣医外科学会(ACVS)に参加して OAK
佐々木, 直樹.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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210Po and 210Pb trophic transfer within the phytoplankton–zooplankton–anchovy/sardine food web: a case study from the Gulf of Lion (NW Mediterranean Sea) ArchiMer
Strady, Emilie; Harmelin-vivien, Mireille; Chiffoleau, Jean-francois; Veron, Alain; Tronczynski, Jacek; Radakovitch, Olivier.
The transfer of 210Po and 210Pb in the food web of small pelagic fishes (from phytoplankton and zooplankton to anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus and sardine Sardina pilchardus) is investigated in the Gulf of Lion (GoL). We present original data of 210Po and 210Pb activity concentrations, C and N stable isotope ratios, measured (i) from different size classes of phytoplankton and zooplankton during spring and winter in different environments of the GoL, and (ii) in two fish species. Significant spatial patterns based on 210Po, 210Pb activity concentrations and 210Po/210Pb ratios in the different plankton size classes are evidenced by hierarchical clustering, both in spring and winter. This variability, also observed for C and N stable isotopes ratios, is...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Po-210; Pb-210; Phytoplankton; Zooplankton; Pelagic fishes; Mediterranean Sea.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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24-h variation in soil respiration after a long dry season in a Sudano-Sahelian region Scientia Agricola
Yemadje,Pierrot Lionel; Guibert,Hervé; Blavet,Didier; Olina,Jean-Paul; Chevallier,Tiphaine; Deleporte,Philippe; Bernoux,Martial.
Soil respiration is a major component of the global carbon cycle which links ecosystems and the atmosphere. To evaluate the reaction of soil respiration after wetting, during a dry period, soil respiration and associated environmental factors were measured over a 24-h period, during the dry season in North Cameroon after wetting the soil. Over 24-h, soil respiration rates followed a quadratic curve during the day coming close to linear at night, while soil temperature and moisture together explained at least 73 % of the variations during the 24-h observed. These soil respiration rates increased during the morning, peaked between 11h00 and 13h00 and then decreased gradually to the minimum around 06h00. These observations were used to propose a method for...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Diel soil respiration; Soil temperature; Soil moisture.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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25 recomendações técnicas para o viticultor: dicas para controlar pragas e doenças da videira. Infoteca-e
No Brasil, houve nas últimas décadas um significativo aumento da produção vitícola e dos produtos elaborados com as uvas processadas. O Estado do Rio Grande do Sul é o maior produtor de uvas e seus derivados, sendo responsável por 90% da produção e comercialização destes no mercado. A Serra Gaúcha responde por 85% do montante desta produção e comercialização.
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Praga da videira; Videira; Recomendações técnicas; Viticultura; Praga de Planta; Doença de Planta.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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2,6-Diaminopimelic acid (DAPA) in microbial protein quantification of heifers fed different forage sources R. Bras. Zootec.
Couto Filho,Cristovão Colombo de Carvalho; Saliba,Eloísa de Oliveira Simões; Rodriguez,Norberto Mario; Barbosa,Geraldo Sérgio Senra Carneiro; Freitas,Regeane Martins de; Resende,Matheus Pinheiro Diniz.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the flow of nitrogenous compounds, protein degradability, rumen degradation of total carbohydrate and organic matter and microbial efficiency in heifers subjected to diets containing corn silage, sugarcane or Tifton. For this purpose, the 2,6-diaminopimelic acid (DAPA) technique was adopted and analytical procedures for amino acids by HPLC were adapted. Six rumen-fistulated Holstein-Zebu heifers with 480 kg of initial BW and at 24 months of age kept in individual tie stalls were assigned to two 3 × 3 Latin squares. Omasal digesta dry matter and microbial dry matter flows were determined using the isolated, purified and enriched lignin (LIPE®) and DAPA markers, respectively. Isolated bacteria from rumen showed on...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Corn silage; Flow of nitrogen compounds; HPLC; Microbial efficiency; Protein degradability; Sugarcane.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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3D modelling of summer hypoxia in a highly turbid urbanized macrotidal estuary, coupling hydrodynamics, sediment transport and biogeochemical processes ArchiMer
Lajaunie Salla, Katixa; Sottolichio, Aldo; Thouvenin, Benedicte; Litrico, Xavier; Abril, Gwenael.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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3rd African Organic Conference Brochure 2015 Organic Eprints
Brochure to the 3rd African Organic Conference with all details pertaining to the conference.
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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A 6600 year earthquake history in the region of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman subduction zone earthquake ArchiMer
Patton, Jason R.; Goldfinger, Chris; Morey, Ann E.; Ikehara, Ken; Romsos, Chris; Stoner, Joseph; Djadjadihardja, Yusuf; Udrekh,; Sri Ardhyastuti,; Gaffar, Eddy Zulkarnaen; Vizcaino, Alexis.
In order to investigate the possibility of a long-term paleoseismic history from offshore sedimentary records in Sumatra, we collected 144 deep-sea sedi-ment cores in the trench and in lower slope piggyback basins of the Sumatra accretionary prism. We used multibeam bathymetry and seismic reflection data to develop an understanding of catchment basins, turbidity current pathways, and depositional styles, as well as to precisely locate our gravity cores, piston cores, Kasten cores, and multicores. We use detailed physical property data, including computed tomographic X-ray, gamma density, magnetic susceptibility, grain-size analysis, faunal analysis, and smear slides, to evaluate the turbidite stratigraphy and sedimentology at each site. We use radiocarbon...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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