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Provedor de dados:  Naturalis
País:  Netherlands
Título:  Fig wasps from Ficus dzumacensis, with notes on the genus Sycobiella Westwood
Autores:  Wiebes, J.T.
Data:  1964
Ano:  1964
Palavras-chave:  42.75
Resumo:  A sample of fig wasps from New Caledonia, sent to me by Mr. E. J. H. Corner, contained a species of Blastophaga Gravenhorst (Agaonidae) and a species of Sycobiella Westwood (Torymidae). The insects were reared from the receptacles of Ficus dzumacensis Guillaum. The Blastophaga is of interest because it is the first record of a fig wasp from any Ficus of the section Oreosycea. The species of Sycobiella is the first to become known in both sexes. Sycobiella boschmai sp. n. Series ♀, ♂, ex Ficus dzumacensis Guillaum. (det. E. J. H. Corner), Mt. Kogi, New Caledonia, leg. H. S. McKee, 26 December 1960, no. 7797; coll. Museum Leiden, no. 574; holotype (♂), slide no. 574b, allotype (♀), no. 574a, paratypes (♂, ♀), no. 574c, d, e. Male. — Head (fig. 20) not quite as long as wide. Eyes large. Antennal toruli situated on the dorsal surface, wide apart, with large lateral ridges. Ocelli absent. Epistomal margin very faintly trilobate, with six stout hairs. Mandible large, nearly as long as the head, with a subapical tooth (without glands), and a bidentate axial process (with two glands) near the base. Maxilla with many long, stout hairs. Maxillary palpus (fig. 1) consisting of two segments, the apical segment nearly twice as long as the basal segment; labial palpus consisting of only one segment. Antenna (fig. 11). Scape very large, expanded anteriorly, very shortly stalked; pedicel one fifth the length of the scape; third antennal segment annuliform; the fourth to tenth segments larger, the apical two shaped so as to form a club. Funicular segments with two or three triangular sensilla at the antaxial distal edges, the tenth segment moreover with one sensillum
Tipo:  Article / Letter to the editor
Formato:  application/pdf
Fonte:  Zoologische Mededelingen (0024-0672) vol.39 (1964) nr.3 p.19
Direitos:  (c) Naturalis

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