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Provedor de dados:  Nature Precedings
País:  United Kingdom
Título:  Agriculture: Nanotechnology’s Green Field
Autores:  Siddhartha Sankar Mukhopadhyay
Data:  2012-02-18
Ano:  2012
Palavras-chave:  Chemistry
Earth & Environment
Resumo:  Natural agricultural production functions in open system, where energy and matter are exchanged freely between geosphere (especially pedosphere), biosphere, and atmosphere. The self regulation of biophysical processes in these spheres is crucial for global sustainability. However, modern farming practices have stressed the system to the extent that damaged C, N, and P cycles are threatening catastrophic consequences. High food-wastage coupled with high food price, high soil fertility zones but low crop productivity, and highly productive irrigated farming marred with ecological disasters are examples of global paradoxes associated with modern farming. High incidence of pesticide residues in soil and water bodies, low use efficiency of agricultural inputs, vulnerability to climate, and low conversion of energy by crops leaving high amount of residues and their subsequent burden on environment, and hunger and malnutrition in many parts of the world are threatening civilizations to crumble. Nanotechnology promises to break these vicious cycles, because technology is based on applying exact amounts of inputs for use by the crops, and only when they are required. Some of the examples are: nanofabricating nutrient ions to improve nutrient use efficiency, targeted use of nano-pesticides, holding of water and then releasing it at the time of crop need by nps, forecasting and elimination of diseases, packaging of food to improve shelf-life, protecting food during storage, DNA nanotechnology, smart treatment delivery systems, bioanalytical nanosensors, bioselective surfaces, nanobioprocessing, protection of the environment by the reduction and conversion of agricultural materials into valuable products, design and development of new nanocatalysts to convert vegetable oils into biobased fuels and biodegradable industrial solvents, and controlled ecological life support system.
Tipo:  Presentation
Fonte:  Nature Precedings
Direitos:  Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

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