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Provedor de dados:  Nature Precedings
País:  United Kingdom
Título:  Design and construction of a new Drosophila species, D.synthetica, by synthetic regulatory evolution
Autores:  Eduardo Moreno
Data:  2011-10-10
Ano:  2011
Palavras-chave:  Biotechnology
Genetics & Genomics
Evolutionary Biology
Resumo:  Here, I merge the principles of synthetic biology^1,2^ and regulatory evolution^3-11^ to create a new species^12-15^ with a minimal set of known elements. Using preexisting transgenes and recessive mutations of Drosophila melanogaster, a transgenic population arises with small eyes and a different venation pattern that fulfills the criteria of a new species according to Mayr's "Biological Species Concept"^7,10^. The genetic circuit entails the loss of a non-essential transcription factor and the introduction of cryptic enhancers. Subsequent activation of those enhancers causes hybrid lethality. The transition from "transgenic organisms" towards "synthetic species", such as Drosophila synthetica, constitutes a safety mechanism to avoid hybridization with wild type populations and preserve natural biodiversity^16-18^. Drosophila synthetica is the first transgenic organism that cannot hybridize with the original wild type population but remains fertile when crossed with other transgenic animals.
Tipo:  Manuscript
Fonte:  Nature Precedings
Direitos:  Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

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