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Provedor de dados:  OAK
País:  Japan
Título:  脂肪交雑粒子のあらさおよび胸最長筋の形状に関する画像解析値を用いたBMSナンバーの推定
Prediction of BMS Number Using Coarseness of Marbling Particles and Shape of M. longissimus thoracis Obtained from Image Analysis for Beef Rib Eye as Parameters
Autores:  長谷川, 未央
口田, 圭吾
佃, 秀雄
加藤, 浩二
鈴木, 三義
三好, 俊三
KATO, Koji
SUZUKI, Mitsuyoshi
Data:  2004-02
Ano:  2004
Palavras-chave:  Coarseness of marbling
Japanese Black
Prediction of BMS number
Resumo:  BMSナンバーの格付の際に,その評価を左右する要因の一部として考えられる脂肪交雑粒子のあらさ(あらさ)および胸最長筋の形状(形状)について画像解析により評価し,新たに単独粒子のあらさ指数の検討を行った.さらに,あらさおよび形状に関する情報を加味した,客観的なBMSナンバー推定法を検討した.分析には,黒毛和種間接検定材料牛446頭の枝肉横断面画像ならびに格付記録を用いた.胸最長筋内に存在する極端にあらい単独の粒子を識別するため,最大粒子のあらさを全体の粒子のあらさで除した,単独粒子のあらさ指数を算出した.同程度の脂肪面積比であるにもかかわらず,BMSナンバーが低く評価された要因について検討するため,サンプルの脂肪面積比と格付によるBMSナンバーごとの平均脂肪面積比との差(脂肪面積比の差)を解析対象とし,それが正であったサンプル(n=193)について,格付によるBMSナンバーに対するあらさや形状の影響を調査した.さらに,全データを用いてあらさおよび形状を考慮したBMSナンバーの推定を行った.単独粒子のあらさを用いることで,より好ましくないと推察される,胸最長筋内に単独で存在する粒子を選別できることが確認された.脂肪面積比の差と全体の粒子のあらさとの間に有意な正の相関が示され,BMSナンバーの評価を下げる要因のひとつを特定できた.画像解析により推定されたBMSナンバーと格付によるBMSナンバーとの差が±0である割合は51.4%,±1以内である割合は92.4%となった. Grading of the Beef Marbling Standard (BMS) number would be influenced not only by the ratio of marbling area to M. longissimus thoracis (rib eye) area but also by the coarseness of marbling particles and the shape of the rib eye. The aim of this study was to predict the BMS number with consideration to the coarseness of marbling particles and the shape of rib eye by using the obtained images. The coarseness of marbling particles and the shape of rib eye by computer imaging analysis,which were considered as the possible causes of a decrease in the BMS number,were investigated,and “Coarseness of single particle" was suggested. Pictures of the rib eye area of 446 Japanese Black steers with BMS number assigned by examiners of Wagyu Registry Association were used. The coarseness of a single particle was calculated by dividing the coarseness of the maximum particle by the overall coarseness and was used to distinguish a single particle on the rib eye from other marbling particles. The effect of the coarseness of marbling particles or the shape of rib eye on the grading of the BMS number was investigated to account for the decrease in the BMS number of rib eye with the same level of marbling percentage. For each BMS number,193 samples that had a larger ratio of fat area than the average ratio were used. The BMS numbers were classified into four levels to examine the cause of the decrease in the BMS number in each level. Next,the BMS number was predicted for 446 carcasses using multiple regressions that considered the coarseness of marbling particles and the shape of rib eye. By using the coarseness of a single particle as index,a single particle on the rib eye that could have caused the decrease in the BMS number could be distinguished. There was a positive and significant correlation between the difference of fat area ratio (the difference between the fat area ratio and the average of the fat area ratio for each BMS number) and the overall coarseness,implying that the overall coarseness would cause a decrease in the BMS number. Also,the effect of the coarseness of marbling particles or the shape of rib eye on the difference of fat area ratio varied in each BMS level. Percentages of the difference between the assigned BMS number and the predicted BMS number being ±0 and ±1 were 51.4% and 92.4%, respectively.
Idioma:  Japonês
Editor:  日本畜産学会
Formato:  application/pdf
Direitos:  日本畜産学会

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