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Provedor de dados:  OceanDocs
País:  Belgium
Título:  Abundancia relativa y rendimiento máximo sostenible de la merluza común (Merluccius hubbsi)
Relative abundance and maximal sustainable yield of the common hake (Merluccius hubbsi)
Autores:  Otero, H.O.
Data:  2007-11-17
Ano:  1980
Palavras-chave:  Catch/effort
Potential yield
Hake fisheries
Resumo:  The statistics provided by the Argentinean Fishing Vessel and the biological data collected by scientist in the last eleven years, allow us to estimate different aspects of the population dynamics of the common hake (Merluccius hubbsi). This work deals with the relative abundance and the maximal sustainable yield of this species, considering the bonaerense stock of the Southewest Atlantic. Analyzing the effective fishing density, concluding remarks can be made. The high catches of 1967 (more than 600.000 tons.)made by the Russian Fleet, affected the fishing density in 1968. Since 1969, the resource recovered the high density level as a consequence of a decrease in the catches and in the fishing effort, but vulnerability of the stock is shown.
Tipo:  Journal Contribution
Idioma:  Espanhol
Identificador:  Revista de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero, 2. p. 13-22

Editor:  Mar del Plata: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP)

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