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Provedor de dados:  Organic Eprints
País:  Germany
Título:  INTRODUCING TREES IN DAIRY AND POULTRY FARMS - Experiences dairy and poultry farmers' networks in The Netherlands
Autores:  Bestman, Monique
Eekeren, Nick van
Luske, Boki
Vonk, Mark
Anssems, Emiel
Boosten, Martijn
Bree, Miriam van
Data:  2014-10
Ano:  2014
Palavras-chave:  Dairy cattle
Crop combinations and interactions
Farming Systems
Sheep and goats
Resumo:  In the Netherlands networks of goat, cow and poultry farmers started to grow trees in their fields and outdoor runs. This was done for different reasons: animal welfare (shelter); production of fodder, biomass, litter or fruits; spread of minerals from manure; increase biodiversity; keep away certain wild animals that carry diseases. In this abstract we present the project activities and the first experiences from the farmers. The so-called ‘silvopastoral’ systems (= combination of trees and animals) are applied traditionally already long times in Africa and Mediterranean countries. Now we apply them in modern, relatively high input animal husbandry systems.
Tipo:  Conference paper, poster, etc.

Bestman, Monique; Eekeren, Nick van; Luske, Boki; Vonk, Mark; Anssems, Emiel; Boosten, Martijn and Bree, Miriam van (2014) INTRODUCING TREES IN DAIRY AND POULTRY FARMS - Experiences dairy and poultry farmers' networks in The Netherlands. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]
Formato:  application/pdf

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