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Organic Eprints
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Título: |
Obstacles, levers and impacts of organic farming development in Camargue
Autores: |
Delmotte, Sylvestre
Lacombe, C
Couderc, Vincent
Mailly, F
Mouret, J.C.
Lopez-Ridaura, S
Barbier, J.M.
Data: |
Ano: |
Palavras-chave: |
Community development
Farm economics
Social aspects
Environmental aspects
Resumo: |
We are presenting an analysis of the obstacles and levers for the development of organic cropping systems in Camargue, documented with a multicriteria analysis of scenarios of organic farming (OF) development. This communication is built using results from on-farm agronomic monitoring, stakeholders and farmers’ interviews and the use of models for integrated assessment of scenarios. At the farm level, the obstacles are related to identification of profitable cropping systems and rotations that include enough rice, conversion being therefore risky as impacting financial management and requiring a labour reorganisation. At the regional level, the constraints are related to the absence of advisory services for technical issues, and to the lack of coordination among the different stakeholders, to the low incentive of the public policies to convert, and to a relatively opaque organization of the supply chains. At the regional level, we analysed the consequences of two scenarios related to OF development on criteria such as the rice surface area, the quantity and quality of water, energy consumption or the employment generated. These results are expected to contribute to the definition of an action plan about OF development by the local stakeholders.
Tipo: |
Journal paper
Identificador: |
Delmotte, Sylvestre; Lacombe, C; Couderc, Vincent; Mailly, F; Mouret, J.C.; Lopez-Ridaura, S and Barbier, J.M. (2013) Obstacles, levers and impacts of organic farming development in Camargue. [Freins, leviers et impacts du développement de l’agriculture biologique en Camargue.] Innovations Agronomiques, 32, pp. 213-226.
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