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Provedor de dados:  ArchiMer
País:  France
Título:  Impact of Environmental Covariation in Growth and Mortality on Evolving Maturation Reaction Norms
Autores:  Marty, Lise
Dieckmann, Ulf
Rochet, Marie-joelle
Ernande, Bruno
Data:  2011-04
Ano:  2011
Palavras-chave:  Phenotypic plasticity
Growth-reproduction trade-off
Source-sink population structure
Density dependence
Selection gradient
Resumo:  Maturation age and size have important fitness consequences through their effects on survival probabilities and body sizes. The evolution of maturation reaction norms in response to environmental covariation in growth and mortality is therefore a key subject of life-history theory. The eco-evolutionary model we present and analyze here incorporates critical features that earlier studies of evolving maturation reaction norms have often neglected: the trade-off between growth and reproduction, source-sink population structure, and population regulation through density-dependent growth and fecundity. We report the following findings. First, the evolutionarily optimal age at maturation can be decomposed into the sum of a density-dependent and a density-independent component. These components measure, respectively, the hypothetical negative age at which an individual's length would be 0 and the delay in maturation relative to this offset. Second, along any growth trajectory, individuals mature earlier when mortality is higher. This allows us to deduce, third, how the shapes of evolutionarily optimal maturation reaction norms depend on the covariation between growth and mortality (positive or negative, linear or curvilinear, and deterministic or probabilistic). Providing eco-evolutionary explanations for many alternative reaction-norm shapes, our results appear to be in good agreement with current empirical knowledge on maturation dynamics.
Tipo:  Text
Idioma:  Inglês

Editor:  Univ Chicago Press
Formato:  application/pdf
Fonte:  American Naturalist (0003-0147) (Univ Chicago Press), 2011-04 , Vol. 177 , N. 4 , P. E98-E118
Direitos:  2011 by The University of Chicago

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