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Provedor de dados:  ArchiMer
País:  France
Título:  Millennial meridional dynamics of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool during the last termination
Autores:  Lo, L.
Shen, C. -c.
Wei, K. -y.
Burr, G. S.
Mii, H. -s.
Chen, M. -t.
Lee, S. -y.
Tsai, M. -c.
Data:  2014-12-23
Ano:  2014
Resumo:  To develop an in-depth understanding of the natural dynamics of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP) during the last deglaciation, stacked north-(N-) and south-IPWP (S-IPWP) thermal and hydrological records over the past 23-10.5 ka were built using planktonic foraminiferal geochemistry data from a new core, MD05-2925 (9.3 degrees S, 151.5 degrees E, water depth 1661 m) in the Solomon Sea and eleven previous sites. Ice-volume-corrected seawater delta O-18 (delta O-18(SW-IVC)) stacks show that S-IPWP delta O-18(SW-IVC) values are indistinguishable from their northern counterparts through glacial time. The N-IPWP SST (sea surface temperature) stacked record features an increasing trend of 0.5 degrees C ka(-1) since 18 ka. Its S-IPWP counterpart shows an earlier onset of temperature increase at 19 ka and a strong teleconnection to high-latitude climate in the Southern Hemisphere. Meridional SST gradients between the N- and S-IPWP were 1-1.5 degrees C during the Bolling/Allerod period and 1 degrees C during both Heinrich event 1 and the Younger Dryas, due to a warmer S-IPWP. A warm S-IPWP during the cold events could weaken the southern hemispheric branch of the Hadley cell and reduce precipitation in the Asian monsoon region.
Tipo:  Text
Idioma:  Inglês

Editor:  Copernicus Gesellschaft Mbh
Formato:  application/pdf
Fonte:  Climate Of The Past (1814-9324) (Copernicus Gesellschaft Mbh), 2014-12-23 , Vol. 10 , N. 6 , P. 2253-2261
Direitos:  Author(s) 2014. CC Attribution 3.0 License


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