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Morphometric Indices in Santa Ines Sheep International Journal of Morphology
da Costa,Ricardo Lopes Dias; Quirino,Celia Raquel; Afonso,Vivian Alves Costa; Pacheco,Aline; Beltrame,Renato Travassos; Madella-Oliveira,Aparecida de Fátima; Costa,Aline Mineiro; da Silva,Roberto Machado Carneiro.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of period of the year, year of the birth, sex and age on morphometric indices, such as body capacity, body indices, body side indice, anamorphosis indice, compactness indice and body proportionality indice. The correlation between these characteristics was calculated. Santa Ines sheep offspring from the birth to 12 months-old, at the Estado do Rio de Janeiro were used. Measurements were obtained from animals under an extensive scheme within three years of study totaling 2,601 observations. In this work, the year of birth, sex, animal age and triple interaction between these effects have influenced (P<0.05) morphometric indices. According to body and compactness indices averages also was verified that the...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Correlation; Morphometry; Sheep; Weight.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Reproductive performance of Santa Inês ewes fed protected fat diet PAB
Costa,Ricardo Lopes Dias da; Fontes,Reginaldo da Silva; Cunha,Eduardo Antonio da; Bueno,Mauro Sartori; Quirino,Celia Raquel; Afonso,Vivian Alves Costa; Otero,Walter Guimarães; Santos,Luis Eduardo dos; Dias,Ângelo José Burla.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the reproductive performance of Santa Inês ewes fed a diet supplemented with protected fat. Intervals from lambing to first clinical estrus and to conception, conception rate, prolificacy, live weight and body condition were determined. After lambing, 60 ewes and their offsprings were weighted and randomly assigned to three treatments, based on age, body weight and number of born lambs. Treatments consisted of: control diet, or control diet plus 30 g of protected fat, from lambing to day 25 of post-lambing (Sup25), or to day 60 of post-lambing (Sup60). Out of 60 evaluated ewes, 93.3% returned to estrus, and 74.5% got pregnant, with 73.53% lambing rate and 196.5 days lambing interval. The average periods from...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ovis aries; Conception rate; Estrus; Lambing interval; Nutrition.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Simulação e análise econômica da produção in vivo e in vitro de embriões em bovinos PAB
Beltrame,Renato Travassos; Quirino,Celia Raquel; Barioni,Luis Gustavo; Lima,Vera Fernanda Martins Hossepian de.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito das variáveis número de receptoras, protocolo de sincronização, indicadores de eficiência reprodutiva e custo da prenhez na eficiência econômica da produção in vivo e in vitro de embriões, em bovinos. Elaborou-se um aplicativo de simulação que permite ao usuário inserir os parâmetros das variáveis de entrada. Um cenário base, originado a partir de taxas tradicionais de eficiência das técnicas de produção in vivo (TE) e in vitro (PIVE) de embriões bovinos, foi introduzido no aplicativo de simulação como critério para comparação dos resultados. O aplicativo desenvolvido foi capaz de reproduzir os cenários de TE e PIVE. A produção de embriões foi simulada com o uso de simulação estocástica. Posteriormente...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bos taurus; Bovinos; Modelos; Receptoras; Reprodução; Viabilidade.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Simulation and economic analysis of bovine sex selection R. Bras. Zootec.
Beltrame,Renato Travassos; Quirino,Celia Raquel; Barioni,Luís Gustavo; Lima,Vera Fernanda Martins Hossepian de.
A simulation model implemented in the programming software Delphi XE® was applied to evaluate sex selection in bovine. The hypothesis under investigation was that a dynamic model with stochastic and deterministic elements could detect the sexed semen technique to minimize pregnancy cost and to determine the adequate number of recipients required for in vivo (ET) and in vitro embryo production (IVP) in the proposed scenarios. Sex selection was compared through semen sexed using flow cytometry (C1) and density gradient centrifugation techniques (C2) in ET and IVP. Sensibility analyses were used to identify the adequate number of recipients for each scenario. This number was reinserted into the model to determine the biological and financial values that...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Beef cattle; In vitro fertilization; Modeling; Stochastic simulation.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Biometry and ultrasound evaluation of testicles and accessory glands in Santa Ines rams R. Bras. Zootec.
Ribeiro,Mariana da Silva; Quirino,Celia Raquel; Bartholazzi Junior,Aylton; Pacheco,Aline.
ABSTRACT This work aimed to investigate the relationship between echogenicity, testicular biometry, and accessory gland biometry and evaluate the echogenicity pattern of these structures in Santa Ines rams. Fifty-four healthy Santa Ines sheep were classified into three age groups: group 1 - 3 to 5 months (pre-pubertal); group 2 - 7 to 11 months (pubertal); and group 3 - 13 to 28 months (sexually mature). The averages of testicular biometry and bulbourethral gland biometry were different among age groups. The testicular parenchyma was homogeneous with low echogenicity (pre-pubertal group) and medium echogenicity (pubertal and sexually mature groups), suggesting that testicular echogenicity can be a helpful tool to identify the start of puberty. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ovine; Semen; Testicle; Ultrasonography.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Análise multivariada das medidas morfométricas de potros da raça Mangalarga Marchador: análise discriminante R. Bras. Zootec.
Pinto,Luís Fernando Batista; Almeida,Fernando Queiroz de; Quirino,Celia Raquel; Cabral,Grasiele Coelho; Azevedo,Pedro Cezar Nehme de; Santos,Edson Mauro.
Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar as medidas morfométricas de potros e potras da raça Mangalarga Marchador utilizando a análise discriminante. As medidas corporais foram feitas na semana do nascimento dos potros, em 55 potros e 41 potras; aos seis meses de idade, em 35 potros e 37 potras; e aos doze meses de idade, em 19 potros e 31 potras. Foram efetuadas 25 mensurações lineares, envolvendo altura, comprimento, largura e perímetros além de 11 medidas angulares. A análise discriminante foi utilizada para verificar as diferenças morfológicas entre os animais em função do sexo e das idades dentro de cada sexo. As medidas de relevantes para evidenciar o dimorfismo sexual foram as seguintes: nos animais recém-nascidos, os perímetros do boleto e do...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Eqüinos; Medidas angulares; Medidas lineares; Morfologia.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Environmental effects and repeatability of the follicular diameter in mares R. Bras. Zootec.
Rua,Miguel Alejandro Silva; Quirino,Celia Raquel; Matos,Luis Fonseca; Rodrigues,Ana Cláudia Cerqueira; Bartholazzi Junior,Aylton.
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of environment on follicular diameter and repeatability of the size of preovulatory follicles of mares. Temperature, rainfall, and photoperiod were measured, and their effects were evaluated on follicular dynamics. Data were studied by analysis of variance of follicular size and environment traits. During the five years, 7% double ovulations and 159 anovulatory follicles were recorded. Mean preovulatory follicle diameters of left and right ovaries were 39.3±3.8 and 39.2±3.5 mm respectively. There was no effect of evaluation year on follicular diameter. Reproduction season affected the right preovulatory follicle diameter. There was no effect of temperature and rainfall on follicular diameter....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Female; Horse; Reproduction.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Economic optimization of the number of recipients in bovine embryo transfer programs Scientia Agricola
Beltrame,Renato Travassos; Barioni,Luis Gustavo; Maestri,Breno Dala; Quirino,Celia Raquel.
Purchase and maintenance of recipient females account for a large proportion of the costs and determine the number of calves that can be produced in an embryo transfer program. However, the large variability of embryo production by the donors and the need to purchase and synchronize the recipients before knowing the number of embryos collected make it difficult for the decision maker to identify the ideal number of recipient females to allocate. An ex-ante evaluation to determine the optimal number of recipient females was carried out through a sensitivity analysis for the ratio between the number of recipients and donors in a simulation model. The variability for the number of embryos collected was accounted for by applying the Monte Carlo simulation...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Monte Carlo; Mathematical model; Simulation; Cost estimation; Estrus synchronization.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Probability density function of the number of embryos collected from superovulated Nelore breed donors Scientia Agricola
Beltrame,Renato Travassos; Barioni,Luis Gustavo; Quirino,Celia Raquel; Dantas,Ozanival Dario.
Several models have been developed to evaluate reproductive status of cows through concentration of progesterone in milk, the effect of sex selection in the commercial production of herds and bioeconomic performance of the multiple ovulation and embryo transfer system in select herds. However, models describing the production of embryos in superovulated females have yet to be developed. A probability density function of the number of embryos collected by donors of the Nelore breed was determined. Records of 61,928 embryo collections from 26,767 donors from 1991 to 2005 were analyzed. Data were provided by the Brazilian Association of Creators of Zebu and Controlmax Consultoria e Sistemas Ltda. The probability density function of the number of viable...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Zebu; Cattle; Reproduction; Model.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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