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Comparison of the quantification of caffeine in human plasma by gas chromatography and ELISA BJMBR
Carregaro,A.B.; Woods,W.E.; Tobin,T.; Queiroz-Neto,A..
In the present study we evaluated the precision of the ELISA method to quantify caffeine in human plasma and compared the results with those obtained by gas chromatography. A total of 58 samples were analyzed by gas chromatography using a nitrogen-phosphorus detector and routine techniques. For the ELISA test, the samples were diluted to obtain a concentration corresponding to 50% of the absorbance of the standard curve. To determine whether the proximity between the I50 of the standard curve and that of the sample would bring about a more precise result, the samples were divided into three blocks according to the criterion of difference, in modulus, of the I50 of the standard curve and of the I50 of the sample. The samples were classified into three...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Gas chromatography; ELISA; Caffeine; Plasma; Quantification.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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