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Populations nord-atlantiques et méditerranéenne de Bathypterois dubius (Aulopiformes : ipnopidae) ArchiMer
Quero, Jean-claude; Ribes, V.
A northern North Atlantic population of Bathypterois dubius is distinguished and compared to the southern North Atlantic population and the Mediterranean population. B. mediterraneus is a junior synonym of B. dubius. NOT CONTROLLED OCR
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Synonymy; Populations; MED; ANE; B. mediterraneus; Bathypterois dubius; Ipnopidae.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Summer phytoplankton in the Levant Sea, biomass and limiting factors ArchiMer
Berland, B; Burlakova, Z; Georgieva, L; Izmestieva, M; Kholodov, V; Krupatkina, D; Maestrini, S; Zaika, V.
Phytoplankton biomass has been studied in the Levant Sea (Eastern Mediterranean) during summer 1983 in order to picture its vertical distribution as well as its limitation mechanisms. Biological tests carried out on the natural populations of the Basin show that P is the first biomass-limiting element and that N is the second. The simultaneous input of P and N, however, is not sufficient to induce growth; this suggests that Mn has an essential role in the phytoplanktonic growth in this ultra-oligotrophic water. Discussion deals with the significance of the deep chlorophyll a maximum and with the physiological processes allowing it to last.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MED; Eastern Mediterranean Nitrogen Phosphorus Chlorophylls Biomass Temperature effects Nutrients (mineral) Vertical distribution Limiting factors Phytoplankton.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Structure genetique des flets (Platichthys flesus , Teleostei, Pleuronectidae) ArchiMer
Berrebi, P; Agnese, J; Vianet, R.
Six populations of flounder (Platichthys flesus ) from the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts were analysed by enzymatic electrophoresis at 21 loci. The results confirm the separation of the species in three genetic groups. Differences between these genetic groups have also been observed.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MED; France A; Atlantic Platichthys flesus Pleuronectidae Pisces Taxonomy Geographical distribution Enzymes Genes Genotypes Population genetics.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Contraintes reglementaires dans l''acces au foncier maritime rencontrees par l'aquacultueur marin ArchiMer
Grua, P.
The maritime public land access, and the private one, are well ruled for the shell-fish culture but problems come into sight for the new marine cultures (new species aquaculture) because of the interaction with others economical activities and the needs of the preservation of the ecosystem. Two aims are suggested in order to improve this situation.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MED; France ANE; France Maritime legislation Ecosystem management Land use Marine aquaculture Aquaculture regulations.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Observation en Mediterranee de la microsporidie Ameson (Nosema) nelsoni (Sprague, 1950), un parasite de la crevette Parapenaeus longirostris Lucas. ArchiMer
Campillo, Albert; Comps, Michel.
Ameson (Nosema) nelsoni, a microsporidian originally described from North-American shrimps has been observed as a parasite of P.longirostris in the Mediterranean.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MED; Parapenaeus longirostris; Ameson (Nosema) nelsoni; New records; Parasites.
Ano: 1977 URL:
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Evolution of bacterial communities precipitating carbonate, in Mediterranean lagoons water and sediment: Study on experimental conditions. ArchiMer
Castanier, S; Maurin, A; Bianchi, A.
To determine if carbonate precipitation is an active or passive bacterial phenomena, factorial analysis has been realized with 880 strains isolated from different samples of sea water and muds kept in various conditions of incubation. Results show the existence of a strong anti-correlation between carbonate precipitation and amino-acid ammonification. Carbonate precipitation is not a passive phenomena linked with amino-acid ammonification.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MED; Biogeochemistry; Mathematical analysis; Water analysis; Sediments; Amino acids; Bacteria; Coastal lagoons; Chemical precipitation; Calcium carbonates.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Microflore et anchoitage. ArchiMer
Campello, Francois.
The author studies the microbial phenomena which occur during the maturation of French anchovies, some from the Basque, the others from the Roussillon coast. There are some differences in relation with the origin of the fishes. On a marine agar, the microflora of the Mediterranean ones is almost constant or in a light diminution while that of the Atlantic ones is climbing during 9 weeks before a decline. On an extremely salted agar and in the both origins the archaebacteria are increasing in number during 5 to 6 weeks and diminishing before. The complete ripening is obtained within 16-17 weeks. The limits of the significance of the microbiological analysis are discussed.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MED; France; ANE; Clupeidae; Pisces; Engraulis encrasicolus; Microorganisms; Curing; Processing fishery products.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Effect of winter conditions upon phytoplankton production in North-Western parts of the Mediterranean Sea ArchiMer
Finenko, Z.
The investigations have been done with the aim of determining the effect of winter conditions upon the spatial distribution of phytoplankton in the areas featured by different convectional mixing.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MED; Western Mediterranean Geographical distribution Seasonal variations Biomass Vertical distribution Winter Phytoplankton.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Pisciculture marine et environnement en France: specificite par rapport a l'eau douce ArchiMer
Kempf, Marc; Merceron, Michel; Dosdat, Antoine.
French marine fish farming deals with several species: sea bass, sea bream, turbot, trout and salmon. In 1992, 20 M fingerlings and 2600 t of fish were produced, for a turnover of 165 MFF: This very technical activity is developing, but still fragile and risky. Environment protection regulation applied to marine fish farming directly inspires from that in force in fresh water, which comes from the industry: i.e. the so-called "classified installation" regulation, concerning activities likely to produce polluting effluents. It does not really adapt to diluted effluents, like fish growing ones, and still less to marine farming; this is true for parameters like biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COB) and, to a lesser extent, for...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MED; France ANE; France Suspended particulate matter Legislation Production management Environmental protection Fish culture.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Contribution a l'Etude des Serrans, Serranus Cuvier, 1817 (Pisces, Serranidae) de la Reserve Naturelle Marine de Cerbere-Banyuls (Pyrenees-Orientales, France). ArchiMer
Oliver, Guy; Pichot, Yves; Pichot, Paul.
The authors study two populations of Serranus cabrilla, one with a yellow color, the other with a deeper color (orange and brown). They try to see if it is eventually possible to join this duality of coloring to a biochemical difference by the electrophoresis of the eye lens proteins. This technique can give useful indications in a taxonomic study. The results of this work could indicate that the species Serranus cabrilla presents two populations which are separating and tending to a specific individualization. This speciation, perhaps, will tend to the individualization of two species that will be named : Serranus cabrilla for the "red combers" and "Serranus flavus for the "yellow combers".
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MED; France Serranus cabrilla Population genetics Proteins Electrophoresis.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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L'aquaculture francaise en bref ArchiMer
Dosdat, Antoine; Kempf, Marc; Merceron, Michel; Paquotte, Philippe.
Aquaculture in France is characterised by great species diversity. Furthermore, traditional activities (farming of marine shellfish and freshwater fish) coexist with still-developing recent ones (marine fish farming, new pratices in shellfish rearing, etc.). Traditional cultures are the main contributors to the tonnage produced and employment generated. Another noticeable point is the importance of the western part of the country, which carries the main part of the production (> 80 %): the Channel Atlantic coast for shellfish, and nearby rivers for freshwater salmonid farming. On the Mediterranean coast, marine fish farming of bass and bream, as well as shellfish production by new methods (mussels on longlines in open waters), are developing. Important...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MED; France ANE; France France Environmental protection Coastal zone Species diversity Aquaculture.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Study on biochemical polymorphism of two natural populations (Atlantic Morocco, and Roussillon) of elvers and eels Anguilla anguilla and comparison with two samples in culture. ArchiMer
Yahyaoui, A; Brusle, J; Pasteur, N.
15 Types of allozymes were electrophoretically studied and variability of 24 genes analyzed and compared between Atlantic and Mediterrancean elvers (Anguilla anguilla ). No genetic difference was observed. The genetic homogenity agrees with a similar origin, the Sargasso Sea. Identity of enzymatic genes as found between different lots in culture and variation in growth was rather due to comportemental patternlike overcrowding than to genetic differences.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MED; France; Languedoc Roussillon ASE; Morocco Anguilla anguilla Anguillidae Pisces Fish culture Natural populations Genes Genetics Enzymes Biopolymorphism.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Régime alimentaire de symphodus (Crenilabrus) ocellatus des côtes sud de la Tunisie OceanDocs
Bouain, A.; Ouannes-Ghorbel, A.; Jarboui, O.; M’rabet, R..
Symphodus (Crenilabrus) ocellatus of the Tunisian southern Gabes coasts feeds on the small bentic invertebrates of shallow medowe bed. The preferential preys of this Labridae fish are crustaceans and mollusces. Trophic variations of this fish by seasons show its specific adaptive response to changes in environment.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: MED; Tunisia; South coast; Régime alimentaire; Crustacés; Mollusques; Côtes sud de la Tunisie Symphodus ocellatus Labridae Diets Food organisms Prey selection Shellfish Zoobenthos Shellfish Zoobenthos
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Young thresher shark <Alopias vulpinus> (bonnaterre, 1788) Chondrichthys, elasmobranchs (sharks) alopidae, from the tunisian coast (Central Mediterranean) OceanDocs
Nakamura, I.; Hattour, A..
On April 2004, some young thresher sharks were observed in some municipal fish markets of Tunis. One specimen was brought back to the INSTM for identification; it is a juvenile Alopias vulpinus. This paper give a description of the juvenile and the geographical distribution of this species of which landings in the Tunisian harbors become more and more rare.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: MED; Tunisia Alopidae Alopias vulpinus Geographical distribution Shark fisheries Geographical distribution
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Karyological study of three Monocelis-species, and description of a new species from the Mediterranean, <i>Monocelis longistyla</i> sp.n. (Monocelididae, Plathelminthes) OMA
Martens, P.M.; Curini-Galletti, M.C..
<i>Monocelis longistyla</i> sp.n. from littoral sandy habitats of the Mediterranean is described. The karyotypes of <i>Monocelis fusca, M. lineata</i> and <i>M. longistyla</i> sp.n. were analysed. A basic karyotype for the genus Monocelis is postulated and its probable evolution from the basic karyotype of the family Monocelididae and within the genus is discussed. The karyotype of <i>M. longistyla</i> seems to have evolved from the basic Monocelis karyotype by pericentric inversions. However from the analysis of the karyotype in different populations of <i>M. lineata</i> the species appeared not to be homogeneous (European populations versus the Canadian population).
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Animal morphology; Karyology; New species; Monocelis longistyla; MED.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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