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Shallow Ploughing of Leys – Comparison of Different Plough and Cultivator Types Organic Eprints
Alföldi, Thomas.
The ploughing of a meadow to a maximum depth of 10 cm to perform a strip-till is a great challenge. At a machine demonstration of FiBL, the performances of six ploughing devices, namely two different plough models, two shallow cultivators and two machines driven by a power takeoff (PTO), were compared. All machines could plough the leys at a maximum depth of 10 cm under the given conditions, but gave different field surface results. The film shows how the presented devices work and how successful they are. The choice of a machine for a specific farm is highly dependent on the prevailing soil conditions, the weed pressure and its crop rotation, and should be carefully considered.
Tipo: Practice tool Palavras-chave: Soil; Buildings and machinery; Weed management.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Improved weed management in organic crop production Organic Eprints
Melander, B.; Olesen, J.E..
Weed problems can constrain organic crop production resulting in significant losses in yield and quality. Especially perennial weed species such as Elytrigia repens, Cirsium arvense and Tussilago farfara are posing problems as arable cropping systems do not hamper their vegetative proliferation sufficiently. Annual weeds may also reach unacceptable infestation levels leaving the growers with poor yielding crops and severe future weed problems owing to the shedding and spread of weed seeds. Effective weed management is a key component for successful organic crop production and a prerequisite to increase the yielding potential of many organic crop production systems. Weed problems are most severe on stockless arable farms because the supply of nutrients can...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions; Weed management.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Salat, A.; Armengot, L.; Sans, F.X.; Blanco-Moreno, J.M..
Several agricultural practices can be used to control weed population thus avoiding the use of herbicides. Tillage, fertilization and growth of a green manure are found among them. In the context of a mid-term experiment set up in an organic field in Gallecs (Barcelona), we analysed the effect of chisel vs mouldboard ploughing, application of fertilizer and growth of a green manure on the density of weeds and on composition of the weed community. We evaluated weed density and community composition in April 2012 (spelt crop), February 2013 (green manure cover) and May 2013 (chickpea crop) and also analysed the sources of variation of density for the most abundant species in all periods. Our results show that, under the cereal crop, mouldboard plough had a...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Weed management.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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The arable vegetation of Baltic organic cereal fields as shaped by crop management Organic Eprints
Hofmeijer, Merel A.J.; Melander, Bo; Salonen, Jukka; Verwijst, Theo; Zarina, Livija; Gerowitt, Bärbel.
Weeds remain to be the main challenge within this agricultural system, especially perennials in the north European realm. Because of increased interest in agrobiodiversity functioning, weeds should be kept within manageable limits, while on the other side encourage a specie rich weed flora. One of the PRODIVA project objectives is to investigate to which extent these two aspects can be addressed through the use of diversified crop management. In order to research this objective, weed and management data were obtained from organic farms in the baltic region over the course of two years (2015-2016) in spring sown cereal crops. The impact of the local environment and management factors on the occurring weed communities was studied in multivariate analysis...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general; Crop combinations and interactions; Weed management.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Integrating Physical and Cultural Methods of Weed Control – Examples from European Research Organic Eprints
Melander, Bo; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Barberi, Paolo.
Increasing concerns about pesticide use and a steadily increasing conversion to organic farming have been major factors driving research in physical and cultural weed control methods in Europe. This paper reviews some of the major results achieved with non-chemical methods and strategies especially adapted for row crops (e.g. corn, sugar beet, onion, leek, and carrot) and small grain cereals (e.g. barley and wheat). In row crops, intra-row weeds constitute a major challenge and research has mainly aimed at replacing laborious hand weeding with mechanization. A number of investigations have focussed on optimising the use of thermal and mechanical weeding methods against intra-row weeds, such as flaming, harrowing, brush weeding, hoeing, torsion weeding...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Weed management.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Cover crops in cereals – better companions than weeds? Organic Eprints
Salonen, Jukka; Zarina, Livija; Melander, Bo.
Cover crops have gained popularity in cereal cropping now that they are one of the subsidized options in agri-environmental schemes of the EU. Several studies on cover/catch crops affecting nutrient leaching have been published but less information is available concerning their applicability for weed management. In our opinion, combinations of crop and cover crop types as well as crop sequencing conform IPM principles and optimize weed management. The PRODIVA project (ERA-Net Core Organic Plus Action, aims at identifying weed community associations with most common crop types in organic crop production systems. We will clarify the characteristics and relative competitiveness of cover crops providing strong weed suppression without...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Weed management.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Falsk såbed sparer tid til roehakning Organic Eprints
Rasmussen, Jesper.
Etablerer man et falsk såbed i roemarken, kan man glæde sig over mindre ukrudt, men samtidig falder udbyttet. I artiklen præsenteres en model, som kan anvendes til at beregne hvor meget tid der kan spares til håndhakning ved at udsætte såtidspunktet og hvor meget udbytte der tabes.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Root crops; Weed management; Soil tillage.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Lay-down working cart improves efficacy of hand weeding Organic Eprints
Leinonen, P.; Närkki, V..
Manual weed control is often the major limiting factor for organic vegetable production on a farm level. We have developed a Crawler, a wagon designed to support and transport a worker on the field.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Weed management.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Spring cereal variety mixtures and their relevance for weed suppression in agroecological conditions of Latvia Organic Eprints
Piliksere, Dace; Zarina, Livija.
Good weed suppression ability is required characteristic for crops grown in organic conditions. Some authors report that crop variety mixtures can be more effective in weed suppression than the varieties in pure sowings (DidonandRodriguez,2006). Some other studies show that variety mixtures do not suppress weeds better than their pure components(Kautetal.,2008). The aim of the present study was to evaluate spring cereal(barleyandoat)variety mixtures for their weed suppression ability in agroecological conditions of Latvia. This report includes some results from the ERA-NET CoreOrganicPLUS project “Crop Diversification and Weeds(PRODIVA)”.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Weed management.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Unkrautbekämpfung im Biogemüsebau: Handeln bevor man das Problem sieht Organic Eprints
Koller, Martin.
Dass Unkraut im Gemüseacker aufkommt, ist eine sichere Wette, man kann sogar behaupten, dass in einem Acker, auf dem das Unkraut nicht wächst, der Boden – und damit der Produzent – ein grundlegendes Problem hat.
Tipo: Web product Palavras-chave: Vegetables; Weed management.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Vegetationskundliche Untersuchungen auf Äckern des ökologischen Landbaus am Beispiel ausgewählter Betriebe in Mittel- und Norddeutschland Organic Eprints
Himstedt, M.; van Elsen, T..
Als Teil eines Forschungsprojektes wurde die Ackerwildkrautvegetation auf Flächen von fünf ökologisch bewirtschafteten Höfen in verschiedenen Naturräumen Deutschlands untersucht. Die Untersuchung von Rand- und Innenbereichen sowie von Transekten liefert einen Beitrag zur Diskussion über die Auswirkungen der Schlaggrößen auf die Artenvielfalt. Im Rahmen der Untersuchungen wurden sieben Rote-Liste-Arten gefunden sowie Pflanzengesellschaften der Roten Liste. Im Randbereich der Äcker ist der Anteil gefährdeter Arten höher und die Ackerwildkraut-Gesellschaften sind hier vollständiger ausgeprägt als im Innenbereich. Ein Vergleich des Arteninventars ökologisch und konventionell bewirtschafteter Flächen unterstreicht den Beitrag des Ökologischen Landbaus zum...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Weed management; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Robotic weed monitoring Organic Eprints
Bochtis, D.D.; Sørensen, C.G.; Jørgensen, R.N.; Nørremark, M.; Hameed, I.A.; Swain, K.C..
In this paper, an integrated management system for the planning and activation of a field monitoring task is presented. The architecture of the system is built around a mobile robotic unit. The internet-based architecture of the system includes a station unit that works as a mobile on-farm operating console, the mobile robotic unit and a field server for generating and storing maps. The hypothesis is that it is possible to automate the planning and execution of the operation of monitoring the in-field weed density and species distribution. The developed planning system includes the automatic field geometrical representation and the route planning for the mobile unit. For the field representation two algorithmic approaches for automated track generation...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Weed management.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Conceptual and user-centric design guidelines for a plant nursing robot Organic Eprints
Sørensen, C.G.; Jørgensen, R.N.; Maagaard, J.; Bertelsen, K.K.; Dalgaard, L.; Nørremark, M..
Current service robots have relatively primitive behaviours and limited interaction with the environment. Technological foresights have indicated that the next generation of service robots will demonstrate a high degree of autonomy and reliability, have minimal impact on the environment, and will interact in a flexible way with the user. It is necessary therefore, to determine the functional requirements for a future energy-efficient robotic bioproduction system from the perspective of various stakeholders, together with the development of a high-level framework for designing and prototyping the common functionalities of mobile robots. This study presents technical guidelines for the design of a plant nursing robot. The methodology uses Quality Function...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Weed management.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Sådan kan du begrænse ukrudtet på økologiske marker Organic Eprints
Bech, Gustav; Melander, Bo.
Gennemgang af 5 grundregler til regulering af ukrudt, når sædskiftet planlægges
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Weed management.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Melander, Scientist Bo.
The most recent advances in European research on non-chemical weed control methods and strategies for horticultural and agricultural crops are presented.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Weed management.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Kõrreliste vahekultuuride mõju umbrohtumusele Organic Eprints
Talgre, Liina; Eremeev, Viacheslav.
Umbrohud võistlevad kultuurtaimedega toitainete ja vee pärast ning muudavad kultuurtaimedele sobivat mikrokliimat. Kuid umbrohud suurendavad ka bioloogilist mitmekesisust ja on toiduks paljudele kasulikele putukatele. Umbrohtudel on oluline roll ka mulla orgaanilise aine moodustamises. Järelikult on mahetootmises esmatähtis umbrohtude kontrolli all hoidmine, mitte nende absoluutne hävitamine. Umbrohtumine on enamasti probleemiks hõredate külvide puhul, normaalse tihedusega taimik on umbrohtude suhtes konkurentsivõimelisem. Maheviljeluses tuleb kasutada umbrohtumuse kontrolli all hoidmiseks ennetavaid meetmeid, üheks võimaluseks on kasvatada peale põhikultuuri koristamist vahekultuure. Vahekultuurid vähendavad ka toitainete leostumist ja nende poolt...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions; Crop husbandry; Weed management.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Mixtures of varieties of spring cereals for weed suppression in organic crop production Organic Eprints
Zarina, Livija; Kaczmarek, Sylvia; Melander, Bo; Sonderskov, Mette.
The suppression of weeds exerted by the crop plays a significant role for weed management in organic crop production. Crop species have different competitive abilities against weeds but also crop varieties vary in their suppression of weeds. Previous studies with varieties of spring cereals have demonstrated marked differences in the suppression of weeds caused by different attributes, such as stem height and leaf area index. However, little is known when different varieties of the same cereal species are mixed in different compositions both in terms of the number of varieties included and the seed rates at which they are established. Some studies have focused on yield and disease aspects but this study aimed to identify and select blends of cultivars of...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions; Crop husbandry; Weed management.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Direct Seeding of Faba Beans in Organic Agriculture Organic Eprints
Köpke, Prof. Ulrich; Schulte, Harald.
Field experiments carried out at two experimental sites over two years showed that temporary direct seeding (DS) of faba beans (FAB) is possible in Organic Agriculture (OA) when weed pressure of perennials is low. Weed density of DS treatments was significantly lower when compared with mouldboard plough (MP, control) although no clear effects on annual weeds were given by the precrop oats neither by the amount of crop residues (0, 4, 6 t ha-1) nor the sowing density of autumnal sown oats (0, 600, 1200, 1800 seeds m- ) simulating hail-shattered grains. No significant differences in grain yield but lower costs of labour and fuel were determined for DS compared with MP. Estimated DS gross margins exceeded MP gross margins when DS yield losses remained lower...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Weed management; Soil tillage.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Prototype til beslutningsstøttesystem til ukrudtsbekæmpelse i økologisk jordbrug Organic Eprints
Melander, Bo.
Prototype af beslutningsstøttesystem til ukrudtsbekæmpelse
Tipo: Working paper Palavras-chave: Weed management.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Contributions de Hansueli Dierauer dans la Technique Agricole 2012 Organic Eprints
Dierauer, Hansueli.
Le désherbage thermique. Technique Agricole, 10.05.2012, Page 46 Maîtrise des adventices : Quelle sarcleuse choisir ? Technique Agricole, 13.01.2012, Page 10
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Weed management.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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