Registros recuperados: 51 | |
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YAMAGUCHI, Toshiro; ENDO, Yoshiro; NAMBO, Yasuo; SATO, Fumio; SASAKI, Naoki; YAMADA, Kazutaka; 南保, 泰雄; 佐々木, 直樹; 山田, 一孝. |
Equine bone scintigraphy is usually performed with horses in standing position under sedation. However, swaying motion often leads to poor-quality images. To examine the usefulness of motion correction (MC) processing, equine bone scintigrams were evaluated using Scheffé’s method of paired comparisons. A significant difference in evaluation scores was detected by analysis of variance (F test, P<0.01). According to all observers, Yardstick analysis scores were higher for images use of MC processing than for those no use of MC processing, for all parts. Overall scores of 5 observers were as follows: without MC 100% acquisition time (AT, lowest), use of MC with 25% AT, MC 50% AT, MC 75% AT and MC 100% AT (highest). Thus, MC processing shortens AT in equine... |
Palavras-chave: Bone scintigraphy; Equine; Motion correction; Scheffé’s method of paired comparisons. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/3894 |
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LEE, Ki-Ja; KISHIMOTO, Miori; SHIMIZU, Junichiro; KOBAYASHI, Yoshiyasu; MATSUMOTO, Kotaro; SASAKI, Naoki; ISHII, Mitsuo; INOKUMA, Hisashi; IWASAKI, Toshiroh; MIYAKE, Yoh-Ichi; YAMADA, Kazutaka; 古林, 与志安; 松本, 高太郎; 佐々木, 直樹; 石井, 三都夫; 猪熊, 壽; 山田, 一孝. |
We report here the non-contrast and contrast-enhanced computed tomography performed in two calves with brain abscess and multiple pulmonary abscesses with pharyngeal abscess, respectively. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography was useful in the diagnosis of these diseases in both calves. The diseases were confirmed by histopathological examination. |
Palavras-chave: Abscess; Cattle; Contrast-enhanced CT; Diagnosis. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/3891 |
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山田, 一孝; 喜澤, 香織; 丹羽, 理恵; 櫻井, 達也; 岸本, 海織; 清水, 純一郎; 室谷, 直義; 池水, 智博; 小嶋, 靖; YAMADA, Kazutaka; KIZAWA, Kaori; NIWA, Rie; SAKURAI, Tatsuya; KISHIMOTO, Miori; SHIMIZU, Junichiro; MUROYA, Naoyoshi; lKEMIZU, Tomohiro; KOJIMA, Yasushi. |
腫瘍の犬3症例にハタケシメジ抽出物を投与し経過を観察した。肝腫瘍症例は投与開始から1カ月後に,直腸癌症例は9カ月後に死亡したが,脳腫瘍症例は23カ月経過した現在も生存している。ハタケシメジ抽出物の腫瘍に対する直接的な効果は不明であったが,3症例とも投与後に末梢血液中のリンパ球数が増加した。このことから,ハタケシメジ抽出物には犬の腫瘍症例の末梢リンパ球数を増加させる働きがある可能性が示唆された。 The clinical courses of three canine tumor cases were observed after administration of capsulated Hatakeshimeji extract (Lyophyllum decastes Sing.). The liver tumor case died one month after administration of the ectract,the rectal carcinoma case in nine months. but the brain tumor case is alive for 23 months. However it is unclear what directly effect the administration Hatakeshimeji has on a tumor,the number of lymphocytes increased after the administration of Hatakeshimeji in all thrεe cases. Therefore,it suggests that Hatakeshimeji plays a role in... |
Palavras-chave: 犬; ハタケシメジ抽出物; リンパ球; Dog; Hatakeshimeji (Lyophyllum decastes Sing.); Lymphocyte. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/2927 |
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EL-KHODERY, Sabry; YAMADA, Kazutaka; AOKI, Daisuke; KAMIO, Kyouhei; KISHIMOTO, Miori; SHIMIZU, Junichiro; KOBAYASHI, Yoshiyasu; ISHII, Mitsuo; INOKUMA, Hisashi; YAMAUCHI, Sen-ichi; MATSUI, Takane; 山田, 一孝; 古林, 与志安; 石井, 三都夫; 猪熊, 壽. |
Computed tomography (CT) was used for diagnosis of brain abscess in a 6-month-old, Japanese black calf presented with neurological dysfunction, compulsive circling and vision disturbance. CT images showed asymmetric lateral ventricles, and presence of intra-cranial multiple low absorption lesions surrounded by capsule suggestive of abscess in the right cerebral hemisphere. Postmortem examination revealed marked swelling of right cerebral hemisphere and olfactory bulb. Multilocular large abscess containing creamy pus was found to occupy most area of periventricular and lateral ventricle. Fusobacterium necrophrum was isolated from the abscess contents as the causative agent. These results demonstrate that CT is useful tool for tentative diagnosis of bovine... |
Palavras-chave: Bovine; Brain abscess; CT. |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/3926 |
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永田, 祥代; 山田, 一孝; 上野, 博史; 古林, 与志安; 佐藤, 基佳; NAGATA, Sachiyo; YAMADA, Kazutaka; UENO, Hiroshi; KOBAYASHI, Yoshiyasu; SATO, Motoyoshi. |
カメの体幹部は甲羅に覆われているため、単純X線撮影では得られる情報が少ない。そこで今回、ミシシッピーアカミミガメに対するX線CTによる断層撮影検査の有用性について検討した。まず基礎的検討として、臨床的に健康な6匹を用い、軟部組織、肺および骨のCT値を計測し、その結果からそれぞれの組織の観察に適したウインドウを設定した。また、病理学的検索の結果、全ての個体において肝臓の脂肪変性が認められ、肝臓のCT値が低い個体ほど変性の程度が大きく、CT値の高い個体ほど変性の程度が小さかった。このことから、肝臓のCT値の差により脂肪変性の程度を診断することが可能であった。さらに、臨床例についてCT検査を実施したところ、それぞれ、消化管内異物、肺炎および卵塞の診断が可能であった。以上の成績より、ミシシッピーアカミミガメの臨床診断において従来の単純X線撮影では読影が困難であった体幹部軟部組織について、CTにより詳細な情報を得ることが可能であった。よって、カメの臨床診断にはCTによる断層画像診断の積極的な利用が望まれる。 In turtles,conventional radiographic techniques give little information on the interna1 organs because of the density of the shell. Therefore, computed tomography (CT) was attempted in six clinically normal red-eared sliders(Trachemys scripta elegans). The CT values were measured in soft tissues such as the... |
Palavras-chave: CT; CT値; 脂肪変性; カメ; 単純X線; Computed tomography; CT value; Fatty metamorphosis; Turtle; X-ray. |
Ano: 2001 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/2928 |
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佐々木, 直樹; 山田, 一孝; 石井, 三都夫; 松井, 基純; 羽田, 真悟; 松本, 高太郎; 古岡, 秀文; 古林, 与志安; 猪熊, 壽; SASAKI, Naoki; YAMADA, Kazutaka; ISHII, Mitsuo; Matsui, Motozumi; HANEDA, Shingo; Matsumoto, Kotaro; FURUOKA, Hidefumi; KOBAYASHI, Yoshiyasu; INOKUMA, Hisashi. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/4378 |
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Registros recuperados: 51 | |