Registros recuperados: 97 | |
Mahe, Kelig; Bellail, Robert; Dufour, Jean-louis; Boiron-leroy, Anne; Dimeet, Joel; Duhamel, Erwan; Elleboode, Romain; Felix, Jerome; Grellier, Patrick; Huet, Jerome; Labastie, Jacques; Le Roy, Didier; Lizaud, Oceann; Manten, Marie-line; Martin, Stephane; Metral, Luisa; Nedelec, Daniel; Verin, Yves; Badts, Vincent. |
This document presents all the techniques used in routine by Ifremer to estimate the age of fish from the calcified piece. The procedure for estimating age describes each technical stage from the taking of the calcified piece through to the supplying of key sizes/ages to the European work groups. This procedure is specific to each species and even each population of fish. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Poisson; TNPC; Préparation; Procédure; Age; Ecaille; Illicium; Otolithe; Sclérochronologie; Fish; TNPC; Preparation; Procedure; Age; Scale; Illicium; Otolith; Sclerochronology. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/7294/rapport-7294.pdf |
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Hamed, Oussama; Dufour, Jean-louis; Chakroun-marzouk, Nadia; Mahe, Kelig. |
Age, growth and mortality of the Starry weever Trachinus radiatus were studied for the first time from 214 individuals collected in the Gulf of Tunis between February 2014 and January 2016. The significant relationship between length-weight was observed for males (a = 0.011, b = 2.992, R2 = 0.981, n = 77) and females (a = 0.010, b = 3.036, R² =0.957, n = 109). Age was estimated by the observation of otoliths transverse thin sections. Age of individuals ranged from 1 to 15 years. The precision was measured by two age estimations from two experts and indicated a good agreement between them (PA = 85.6%, CV = 3.8% and IAPE = 4.1%). The growth parameters of the von Bertalanffy model were TL∞ = 38.41 cm, W∞ = 507.47 g, K = 0.3396 year-1, t0 = 0 year for males... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Growth; Age; Mortality; Trachinus radiatus; Starry weever; Gulf of Tunis; South-Central Mediterranean Sea. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00477/58905/61467.pdf |
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Khaldi, Asma; Chater, Ines; Elleboode, Romain; Mahé, Kelig; Chakroun-marzouk, Nadia. |
Despite the high commercial value of the striped seabream Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Gulf of Tunis, biological data on its age, growth and exploitation rate are lacking. With the aim of estimating growth parameters, 516 individuals, ranging from 6–27.5 cm total length and from 3.5–293.5 g total weight, were collected from the artisanal fishing fleet between February 2014 and July 2016. The somatic growth presented a positive allometry and was described by the equation TW = 6.54 10−3TL3.213. The monthly analysis of the marginal increment of the otoliths revealed that only one annulus was deposited per year. The estimated von Bertalanffy growth parameters were: L∞ = 30.18 cm, k = 0.303 year−1 and t0 = −1.42 years. Total and natural... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Age; Growth; Gulf of Tunis; Lithognathus mormyrus; Lopt; Mortality; Otolithometry; Sparidae; Weight–length relationship. |
Ano: 2021 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00676/78770/80945.pdf |
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Lahaye, V; Bustamante, Paco; Law, J.r; Learmonth, J.a; Santos, M.b.; Boon, J.p.; Rogan, E; Dabin, W; Addink, M.j.; Lopez, A; Zuur, A.f.; Pierce, G.j.; Caurant, Florence. |
Selected trace elements (Cd, Cu, Hg, Se, Zn) were measured in the kidneys and the liver of 104 harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) stranded along the coasts of France, Galicia (Spain), Ireland, Scotland (UK), and the Netherlands. Generally, relatively low concentrations of toxic elements were encountered in the tissues of European porpoises, except for two individuals, which displayed high hepatic Hg concentrations. Also, elevated Cd levels obtained in Scottish porpoises could be related to their feeding preferences and this result suggests an increase of the proportion of cephalopods in their diet with latitude. Moreover, significant geographical differences were seen in hepatic Zn concentrations; the elevated Zn concentrations displayed by porpoises... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Tracers; Multivariate analysis; Diet; Age; Marine mammals; Zinc; Cadmium; Mercury; Heavy metals. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2007/publication-2920.pdf |
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Elleboode, Romain; Oudard, Clemence; Bellamy, Elise; Penil, Caroline; Mahe, Kelig. |
Ce rapport synthétise l'analyse des otolithes d'anguilles prélevés en 2014 dans le cadre du suivi des captures de cette espèce inscrite à la DCF (Data Collection Framework règlement CE n°199/2008 du conseil du 25 février 2008). 212 anguilles ont été prélevées de septembre à décembre 2014 dans le lac de Grand Lieu (n=49), la Loire fluviale (n=51), la Dordogne (n=59) et la Garonne (n=53). La relation entre la longueur totale (Lt) et le poids total (W) des anguilles prélevées en 2014 dans toute la France est du type W = 4.10-4.Lt3,41. Ainsi, les anguilles présentent une allométrie majorante (b=3,41) c’est-à-dire que le poids croit plus vite que la longueur. L'institut IFREMER à travers le pôle national de Sclérochronologie à Boulogne-sur-mer a préparé et... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Anguille; Otolithe; Age; Dordogne; Loire; Garonne; Lac de Grand Lieu. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00310/42082/41385.pdf |
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Bellamy, Elise; Sevin, Karine; Penil, Caroline; Mahe, Kelig. |
Ce rapport synthétise l'analyse des otolithes d'anguilles prélevés en 2013 dans le cadre du suivi des captures de cette espèce inscrite à la DCF (Data Collection Framework règlement CE n°199/2008 du conseil du 25 février 2008). 240 anguilles ont été prélevées en septembre/octobre 2013 dans le lac de Grand Lieu, la Dordogne et la Garonne. La relation entre la longueur totale (Lt) et le poids total (W) des anguilles prélevées en 2013 dans toute la France est du type W = 3.10-7.Lt3,273. Ainsi, les anguilles présentent une allométrie majorante (b=3,273) c’est-à-dire que le poids croit plus vite que la longueur. L'institut IFREMER à travers le pôle national de Sclérochronologie à Boulogne-sur-mer a préparé et interprété les otolithes, pièces calcifiées de... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Anguille; Otolithe; Age; Dordogne; Garonne; Lac de Grand Lieu. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00310/42081/41384.pdf |
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Mahe, Kelig; Elleboode, Romain; Loots, Christophe; Koubbi, Philippe. |
Dusky rockcod, Trematomus newnesi, is a widely distributed neritic circumpolar Antarctic fish species. We conducted a study on age and growth of Trematomus newnesi in coastal waters of Adélie Land in East Antarctica. A total of 289 specimens were collected in 2003, 2005, 2006 and 2009. They consisted of 122 females, 132 males and 35 immature specimens. Total length (TL) and total weight (W) of these fish ranged from 13.5 to 25 cm and 19.7 to 174 g respectively for females and from 12 to 20.9 cm and from 24.1 to 144.1 g for males. The TL/W relationship was described by the following parameters: a=7.2.10-3 and b=3.127, showing no significant difference between sex (ANCOVA, P<0.05). Fish age was estimated by counting annual growth increments on polished... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Antarctic fish; Trematomus newnesi; Otoliths; Growth; Age; Adelie land. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00333/44440/44156.pdf |
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Boufersaoui, Samira; Kassar, Abderrahmane; Mokrane, Zakia; Elleboode, Romain; Mahe, Kelig. |
Background. Striped seabream, Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758), is a bony fish, which has a high economic value on the Algerian coast. Because of the increasing fishing pressure, however, a close monitoring is recommended. The information about the biology of this species, occurring in the south-western Mediterranean Sea and especially in the north African coast, is very limited. The presently reported study provides new estimated data on age and growth parameters of striped seabream in Algeria. Materials and methods. A total of 449 specimens of L. mormyrus were sampled for 2 years (January 2013 to December 2014) from the commercial fishery in the central part of the Algerian coast. The samples were collected monthly. The fish ranged in size from... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Lithognathus mormyrus; Otolith; Age; Growth; Algerian coast; Mediterranean Sea. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00473/58448/61028.pdf |
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Degremont, Lionel. |
As with summer mortalities reported in France between 2001 and 2006, mortality caused by the Ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1) in Crassostrea gigas affects mostly juveniles, although adults can also be impacted to a small extent. This could suggest that both mortalities have similar causes and that establishment of resistance, in particular to the Ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1), depends on either the size or the age of oysters. The present study reports an investigation of both size and age using three cohorts produced during winter and three produced during summer. Each cohort contained oysters genetically selected to be resistant or susceptible to the summer mortality phenomenon, as well as unselected control oysters. Any abnormal mortality was recorded... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Mortality; Crassostrea gigas; Disease resistance; Size; Age; Ostreid herpesvirus. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00157/26799/24909.pdf |
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Dufour, Jean-louis; Chantre, Celina; Elleboode, Romain; Mahe, Kelig. |
Le merlan (merlangius merlangus) est une espèce commerciale importante suivie au niveau européen. La pièce calcifiée utilisée pour l’estimation de l’âge du merlan est l'otolithe. Parmi les 3 paires d'otolithes, ce sont toujours les plus gros, les sagittae qui sont utilisés. Ils conservent la séquence complète des marques de croissance enregistrées (Panfili et al., 2002). Pour observer au mieux ces structures, la technique de coupe transversale a été retenue comme la plus précise (ICES WKARWHG2 REPORT 2016). Les images obtenues sont soumises à l’interprétation par les experts européens. Ce rapport propose de décrire précisément les structures observables sur les images obtenues par la technique de coupe transversale. La variabilité des structures est... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Merlan; Otolithe; Age; Radiale; Analyse d’images; Croissance. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00627/73941/73376.pdf |
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Elleboode, Romain; Sorriaux, Marion; Penil, Caroline; Mahe, Kelig. |
Ce rapport synthétise l'analyse des otolithes d'anguilles prélevés en 2015 dans le cadre du suivi des captures de cette espèce inscrite à la DCF. 306 anguilles ont été prélevées de mai à octobre 2015 dans l’Adour fluvial (n=104), la Dordogne (n=51), la Garonne (n=50), au lac de Grand Lieu (n=50) et dans la Loire fluviale (n=51). Lors du prélèvement, quelques règles sont à respecter pour optimiser l'utilisation des données: · prélever la paire de sagittae (paires d’otolithes les plus grands et non cassés), · noter de façon précise la date de prélèvement (JJ/MM/AA), · noter de façon précise le lieu de capture et fournir les cartes avec les lieux référencés à l'IFREMER, · identifier le sexe du poisson, · mesurer le poids total, la longueur totale et si... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Anguille; Otolithe; Age; Adour fluvial; Dordogne; Garonne; Grand Lieu; Loire fluviale.. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00371/48183/48298.pdf |
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Bodoy, A; Geiaron, P; Garnier, Jacqueline; Heurtebise, S. |
Two different biomasses (100 g multiplied by m super(-2) and 1 kg multiplied by m super(-2)) of oysters were put in identical sea-water ponds, thus leading to different trophic conditions, corresponding to rearing techniques. Changes in growth, biochemical composition and sexual maturation were recorded for two age groups. The first one included 9 month-old oysters and the second one 21 month-old oysters, at the beginning of the experiment. For both age groups, significant differences were observed in growth and biochemical composition. Lipids were accumulated faster for the lower biomass. However, the only difference concerning glycogen was observed on the older oysters. They showed a peak at the lowest biomass and a decrease at the larger biomass. Sexual... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Crassostrea gigas; Bivalvia; Sea water; Oyster culture; Glycogen; Age; Chemical composition; Lipids; Biochemistry; Sexual maturity; Rearing; Pond culture; Biomass; Growth; Density. |
Ano: 1992 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1992/acte-916.pdf |
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Ketani,Sennur; Karakoç,Zelal; Ketani,M. Aydin; Kilinç,Mehmet. |
ICAM-1 which is expressed by endothelial cells and leukocytes are observed as first markers in diseases such as transplant rejection, diabetes and atherosclerosis and in infections caused by various pathogens. In the present study, it is aimed to reveal the age-related changes in the expression of ICAM-1 on rats. Therefore, a total of 30 albino rats were taken at the age of 6, 18 and 24 months without gender discrimination. Rats were fed with standard pellet feed during the study. Afterwards, rats were sacrificed and tissue samples were collected from their rats, and the samples were evaluated under the light microscope by staining with immnunohistochemical method. It was determined that the expression of both aortic endothelial cells and endothelial cells... |
Tipo: Journal article |
Palavras-chave: ICAM-1; Rat; Aortic endothelium; Age. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-95022016000400049 |
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Mann,Robert W; Manabe,Jiro; Byrd,John E. |
The purpose of this paper is to report on the relationship between the parietal foramen and complexity of the human sagittal suture. Examination of 110 Japanese human skulls (males=67, females=43) with at least one parietal foramen revealed that the sagittal suture in the area of the Obelion was the simplest portion (i.e., fewest interdigitations and shortest length) of the suture (paired t-test, P<0.0005), when compared to the outstretched suture length of three established sections: 1. Parietal foramen section (P); 2. Anterior to section P (B); and 3. Posterior to section P (L). Sutural complexity was also compared between individuals with unilateral foramen (n=48) and bilateral foramina (n=62) to see if there was a statistically significant... |
Tipo: Journal article |
Palavras-chave: Sagittal suture; Complexity; Parietal foramen; Age. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-95022009000200040 |
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Suazo Galdames,Iván; Zavando,Daniela. |
In this study we tested the hypothesis that diagnostic performance of the morphological indicators for sexual dimorphism are reduced as they are applied in skull and mandibles of older subjects. We used 275 adult human skulls, 250 of these with mandible, all subjects with sex and age registry. Sixteen classic morphological indicators of sexual dimorphism were evaluated, this information was compared with the registry and results noted in terms of precision. The best general performance of morphological indicators of sexual dimorphism were recorded in the 31 - 40 and 61 - 70 years, age range groups. Lowest precision ws recorded in the group corresponding to subjects between 21 30 years. Our results do not support the proposed hypothesis and suggest a... |
Tipo: Journal article |
Palavras-chave: Sexual dimorphism; Sex determination; Aging; Age; Skull. |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-95022012000100053 |
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Gontarev,Seryozha; Kalac,Ruzdija; Zivkovic,Vujica; Ameti,Vullnet; Redjepi,Agim. |
The success in sport performance is closely related to the physical condition of the sportsman. In the assessment of the physical status except physiological and fitness parameters, significant influence have the anthropometric parameters. The aim of the study was dual: to assess the changes in the anthropometric characteristics and the somatotype of young soccer players at different ages and to compare these characteristics with the general population. The analyzed measurements of 486 young soccer players who play in teams of the First national league, with an average age 15.8±1.4. The soccer players were divided into five subgroups, at age difference of 1 year. In the sample height, weight, BMI index, diameters, volumes and skin folds were measured, also... |
Tipo: Journal article |
Palavras-chave: Soccer; Young; Anthropometry; Somatotype; Growth; Age. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-95022016000100024 |
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Pillay,S; Ishwarkumar,S; De Gama,B.Z; Pillay,P. |
The angle of mandible is formed by the tangent line joining the posterior margin of the ramus and the base of the mandible. The angle of mandible has population-specific characteristics therefore; it is imperative to the field of forensic anthropology for age and sex determination. Literary reports regarding the use of the angle of mandible for age and sex determination vary, as some studies support it, while other studies have documented inefficiencies. Therefore, the aim of this investigation was to document the morphometry of the angle of mandible and to determine if a correlation between the angle of mandible, age and sex exists. Sixty four digital panoramic radiographs (n=128) of individuals between 16-30 years were morphometrically analysed using the... |
Tipo: Journal article |
Palavras-chave: Angle of mandible; Age; Sex; Mandible; Morphometry. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-95022017000200045 |
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Registros recuperados: 97 | |