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Effect of temperature on the life cycle of Acanthagrion Selys, 1876 (Insecta: Coenagrionidae) under artificial conditions Biota Neotropica
Fulan,João Ânderson; Anjos,Marcelo Rodrigues dos; Machado,Nadja Gomes.
The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of temperature on the life cycle of Acanthagrion nymphs sampled in a stream in the southern state of Amazonas. Altogether, 50 nymphs (10 in each of the five treatments) with ambient temperatures of 16, 20, 24, 28 and 32°C and water temperatures of 18, 22, 26, 30 and 34oC, respectively, were used. The only treatment that had a hatching adult was at a temperature of 28oC, identified in a single species, Acanthagrion apicale. In all other treatments (16, 20, 24 and 32oC), all nymphs died, respectively 1, 1, 3 and 2 days. We conclude from the results of this study that controlling water temperature near 28°C was the most efficient for obtaining adult A. apicale, and that this temperature was close to the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Insecta; Nymphs; Temperature.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Epipelagic euphausiids assemblage in the Gerlache Strait (Antarctic Peninsula) during January 2015 Boletín de Investigaciones
Rivera-Gómez,Marisol; Giraldo,Alan; Mojica-Moncada,Diego F..
ABSTRACT The spatial distribution of the epipelagic Euphausiids was investigated during the first Colombian Scientific Expedition to Antarctica -Expedición Caldas- in the Gerlache Strait during the austral summer of 2015. Surface zooplankton was collected at 20 oceanographic stations with a simple conical net of 0.6 m in diameter mouth and 200 µm of mesh net. Four euphausiid species were collected in 70 % of the sampling stations: Euphausia crystallorophias Holt and Tattersall 1906, Euphausia superba Dana 1850, Thysanoessa sp. and Thysanoessa macrura Sars 1883. Euphausia crystallorophias was the most abundant species with maximum density of 818 ind 1000 m-3 associated with the entrance of the Wilhelmina Bay, in the central area of the Gerlache Strait. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Euphausiacea; Temperature; Salinity; Antarctic Ocean; Austral summer..
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Efecto de la temperatura en la regeneración de especies leñosas del Chaco Serrano e implicancias en la distribución actual y potencial de bosques Boletín de la Sociedad
Pais Bosch,Ana I; Tecco,Paula A; Funes,Guillermo; Cabido,Marcelo.
La temperatura influye sobre los límites de distribución de las especies leñosas, actuando sobre los procesos asociados con la fase regenerativa de las plantas. Nos propusimos analizar su influencia en la distribución altitudinal del bosque chaqueño serrano y su potencial coexistencia con bosquecillos de altura en las Sierras Grandes de Córdoba. Se evaluó la regeneración a campo de dos especies del bosque serrano (Ruprechtia apetala y Lithraea molleoides) y la dominante en los bosquecillos de altura (Polylepis australis) abarcando el gradiente altitudinal completo de estas sierras (900-2700 m s.n.m.). En el laboratorio se evaluó la germinación bajo cuatro termo-períodos representativos de las condiciones del gradiente altitudinal. Polylepis australis...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Regeneración; Temperatura; Gradiente altitudinal; Chaco Serrano; Límite superior de bosques; Regeneration; Temperature; Altudinal gradient; Montane Chaco Woodland; Upper limits of forests.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Temperature-dependent alterations of respiration in leaves of two selected vascular plant species: the role of the alternative oxidase pathway Bragantia
Pystina,Natalia V.; Danilov,Roman A..
Effects of higher temperatures on respiration and activity of alternative oxidase (AOX) were studied in mature leaves of Ajuga reptans L. and Rhodiola rosea L. Total respiration in both A. reptans and R. rosea increased exponentially with the increasing temperature of 10 °C to 35 °C. Respiration in the presence of benzhydroxamic acid (BHAM) also increased exponentially in accordance with the increasing temperature in the leaves of both A. reptans and R. rosea. Relative activity of the alternative pathway decreased significantly in the leaves of A. reptans with increasing temperatures. However, an increase in the relative activity of the alternative pathway was detected in the leaves of R. rosea. Thermoresistance of the alternative respiratory pathway was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Alternative respiratory pathway; Respiration; Alternative oxidase; Leaves; Temperature.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Seed germination performances of Styrax species help understand their distribution in Cerrado areas in Brazil Bragantia
Kissmann,Camila; Habermann,Gustavo.
In this descriptive paper, we described germination responses of Styrax pohlii, S. camporum and S. ferrugineus seeds at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 °C. We also assessed the percentage germination (%G) of S. pohlii seeds with different seed water contents because, as a forest species, it seems to have recalcitrant seed behavior. Intrigued by the capacity of seeds of this species to germinate directly from puddles formed on poorly drained soils of riparian forests, where it typically occurs, we also tested the effect of de-pulping fruits on germination of S. pohlii seeds under hypoxia and normoxia conditions. In addition, we checked whether distinct concentrations of gibberellic acid (GA3) could break S. ferrugineus seed dormancy, a typical seed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Hypoxia; Styrax pohlii; S. camporum; S. ferrugineus; Temperature; Desiccation seed tolerance.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Base temperature for leaf appearance and phyllochron of selected strawberry cultivars in a subtropical environment Bragantia
Rosa,Hamilton Telles; Walter,Lidiane Cristine; Streck,Nereu Augusto; Andriolo,Jerônimo Luiz; Silva,Michel Rocha da; Langner,Josana Andréia.
Leaf development is characterized by the appearance of new leaves and is related to crop leaf area index, which affects the interception of solar radiation used for photosynthesis and biomass production and ultimately defines crop yield. The objectives of this paper were to estimate the base temperature for leaf appearance and to determine the phyllochron of two strawberry cultivars considering several planting dates. A two-year field experiment was conducted during 2008 and 2009 in Santa Maria (RS). The cultivars Arazá (early) and Yvapitá (late) were used at three planting dates in both years. Base temperature (Tb) was estimated using the Mean Square Error (MSE) approach of the regression between accumulated leaf number (LN) and accumulated thermal time...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fragaria x ananassa; Leaf development; Plant development; Temperature; Thermal time.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Population dynamics of Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae): experimental and theoretical studies at different temperatures BABT
Tardelli,Carina Aparecida; Godoy,Wesley Augusto Conde; Mancera,Paulo Fernando Arruda.
In the present study, the population dynamics of M. domestica was evaluated at two different temperatures, 20 and 30ºC. The dynamics was modeled using a density-dependent model of population growth. The temperatures investigated in this study produced no qualitative change in terms of dynamic behaviour, i. e. the population dynamics of M. domestica was characterized by a stable equilibrium at both temperatures. However, the steady state was influenced by the results obtained at different temperatures. The difference between the eigenvalues obtained at the two temperatures was probably the cause of the difference between the distinct steady states. The implications of these results for the population dynamics of M. domestica are discussed.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Population dynamics; Musca domestica; Density-dependent model; Temperature.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Hydrothermal treatments in the development of isoflavone aglycones in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) grains BABT
Carrão-Panizzi,Mercedes C.; Goés-Favoni,Silvana Pedroso de; Kikuchi,Akio.
Studies were carried out to enhance the development of isoflavone aglycones in soybean. Grains of two soybean cultivars, BR 36 and IAS 5, 115 and 278 mg/100g of total isoflavone, respectively, were treated hydrothermalyl at 45, 60 and 85° C for 5, 30 and 60 minutes. Pre-treatments of grains at 60° C for 60 minutes allowed a considerable increase of the isoflavone aglycones. Non-treated grains of BR 36 and IAS 5 showed 1.2 mg/100g of genistein, after hydrothermal treatments,which increased to 12 and 53 mg/100g, in each variety, respectively. At higher temperature (85 ° C) there was a decrease of the aglycones due to inactivation of beta-glycosidases. Malonyl compounds were also reduced at higher temperatures. In processing functional soybean foods,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Soybean; Isoflavones; Glycosides; Aglycones; Temperature.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Longevity of Epidendrum ibaguense inflorescences influenced by the storage temperature and ethylene inhibitor BABT
Santos,Joice Simone dos; Finger,Fernando Luiz; Mapeli,Ana Maria; Karsten,Juliane; Mendes,Teresa Drummond Correia; Barbosa,José Geraldo.
This work had the goal to evaluate the influence of temperature and dry storage on the postharvest longevity of Epidendrum ibaguense flowers previously treated with silver thiosulfate (STS). The flowers were harvested and pulsed for 30 minutes with 2 mM STS. Then both, the STS treated and untreated flowers were packed in perforated low density polyethylene bags, packed in cardboard boxes and stored at 5 and 10°C, where they remained for four and eight days. After this period, the flowers were kept in vase with distilled water at 25ºC, and analyzed at every 24 h. The experiment was arranged in a complete random design 2 x 2 x 2 factorial scheme, with four replicates, containing four inflorescences each, except for the determination of transpiration and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Orchid; Cut flower; Temperature; Abscission.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Parasitism Capacity of Trichogramma pretiosum and Trichogramma acacioi (Hym.: Trichogrammatidae) on eggs of Sitotroga cerealella (Lep.: Gelechiidae) BABT
Pratissoli,Dirceu; Zanuncio,José Cola; Vianna,Ulysses Rodrigues; Andrade,Josimar Souza; Zinger,Fernando Domingo; Alencar,João Rafael de Conte Carvalho de; Leite,Germano Leão Demolin.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the parasitism capacity of Trichogramma pretiosum Riley and T. acacioi Brun, Moraes and Soares (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) in eggs of the alternative host Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) aiming to use both species in biological control programs of Nipteria panacea Tierry-Mieg (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). The parasitism rhythm and total parasitism of these parasitoid species were affected by the temperature with higher values during the first 24 h of their life. Parasitism period was longer for T. pretiosum and T. acacioi at the lowest temperature.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Avocado; Insecta; Trichogrammatidae; Temperature.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Influences of Different Coating Materials on the Quality Changes of Hardboiled Salted Duck Eggs under Ambient Storage BABT
Venkatachalam,Karthikeyan; Lekjing,Somwang; Noonim,Paramee.
Abstract The present study investigated the influences of selected coatings (paraffin wax (PW), chitosan (CH), whey protein isolate (WPI), and soy protein isolate (SPI)) on the quality changes of hardboiled salted duck eggs when kept under ambient temperature (30±2 oC). At 5-day intervals for 15 days, samples were tested for color (L*, C*, and h˚), shell strength, weight loss, microbial analysis, water activity, moisture, pH, salt content, TBARS, and sensory analysis. L*, C* and h˚ gradually decreased in egg white, whereas C* and h˚ gradually increased in egg yolk. Shell strength gradually decreased in all cases, and weight loss similarly increased throughout the storage. PW and WPI coatings gave the best shell strengths and the least weight loss. The aw...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Duck egg; Salting; Coating; Storage; Temperature; Quality.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Thermic Variation in Incubation and Development of Pantanal Caiman (Caiman crocodilus yacare) (Daudin, 1802) Kept in Metabolic Box BABT
Miranda,Maristela Parra; Moraes,Gentil Vanini de; Martins,Elias Nunes; Maia,Luis Carlos Pinto; Barbosa,Orlando Rus.
Thirty-two eggs of Pantanal caiman (Caiman crocodilus yacare) (Daudin, 1802) were incubated at 30° C. After 20 days of incubation at 30° C, the remaining eggs were distributed in the following way: seven at 34° C, seven at 32° C, six at 30° C and six at 28° C. At 32° C and 34° C a 100% hatchability was obtained while at 30° C 83.3% and at 28° C 66.6%. After hatching, the animals were kept for 120 days at the same temperature of their final incubation. Weight (g) control and morphometric (cm) analysis were carried out. The statistic design was totally randomized and the data were treated by regression analysis showing a quadratic behavior ( p<0.05). It was found that weight, total length (TTL), tail length (TL), snout- vent length (SVL), head length...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Caiman; Development; Incubation; Temperature; Thermic variation.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Spore Germination and Protonemal Development of Dolichomitriopsis diversiformis BABT
Liu,Shibiao; Wei,Hua; Peng,Xiaolie; Li,Jing.
ABSTRACT Dolichomitriopsis diversiformis is an endemic and threatened moss in eastern Asia. In vitro culture and light microscopic observation were employed to study its developmental process from spore germination to the formation of young gametophyte, as well as effects of light and temperature on its spore germination and protonemal development. Microscopic observations revealed that its spores were positively photoblastic with exosporous germination, and sporelings were classified as the bryum-type. Light and dark conditions were compared to understand their effects on spore germination. In 24 h continuous illumination, all spores germinated in both 20 ℃ and 25 ℃. In contrast, in darkness at 20 ℃ from one to 30 days, spores did not germinate. However,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Dolichomitriopsis diversiformis; Spore; Protonema; Light; Temperature.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Effects of temperature and salinity on the survival rates of coxicerberus ramosae (Albuquerque, 1978), an interstitial isopod of a Sandy Beach on the coast of Brazil BABT
Albuquerque,Elaine Figueiredo; Meurer,Bruno; Netto,Godofredo da Camara Genofre.
The tolerance to the combined effects of temperature and salinity was investigated in the interstitial isopod Coxicerberus ramosae (Albuquerque, 1978), a species of intertidal zone of sandy beaches in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The animals were collected on Praia Vermelha Beach. The experiments lasted 24 h and nine salinities and seven temperatures were used for a total of 63 combinations. Thirty animals were tested in each combination. The species showed high survival in most of the combinations. The temperature of 35 ºC was lethal and at 5 ºC, the animals tolerated only a narrow range of salinities. The statistical analyses showed that the effects of temperature and salinity were significant on the survival, which confirmed the euryhalinity and eurythermy...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Interstitial; Isopod; Resistance; Temperature; Salinity; Coxicerberus.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Intensity of bitterness of processed yerba mate leaves originated in two contrasted light environments BABT
Rakocevic,Miroslava; Medrado,Moacir José Sales; Lucambio,Fernando; Valduga,Alice Teresa.
The bitterness intensity of beverage prepared from the leaves produced on the males and females of yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis), grown in the forest understory and monoculture, was evaluated. The leaves were grouped by their position (in the crown and on the branch tips) and by the leaf age. The leaf gas exchange, leaf temperature and photosynthetic photon flux density were observed. Inter and intra-specific competition for light and self-shading showed the same effect on yerba mate beverage taste. All the shading types resulted in bitterer taste of the processed yerba mate leaves compared to the leaves originated under the direct sun exposure. The leaves from the plants grown in the monoculture showed less bitterness than those grown in the forest...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Leaf age; Photosynthesis; Shade; Stomatal conductance; Temperature; Transpiration.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Effect of vacuum impregnation temperature on the mechanical properties and osmotic dehydration parameters of apples BABT
Paes,Sabrina Silva; Stringari,Gustavo Beulke; Laurindo,João Borges.
The effect of sucrose solution temperature on the mechanical properties, water loss (WL), solids gain (SG) and weight reduction (WR) of apples (Fuji var.) treated by vacuum impregnation was studied. Temperatures were varied from 10 to 50 ºC, using a sucrose solution of 50 ºBrix. The mechanical properties were studied throughout a stress relaxation test. The results showed that the SG varied between 10.57 and 14.29 % and the WL varied between 10.55 and 14.48 %. The treated fruit soluble solids increased with the temperature probably due to the lower viscosity of the solution. The maximum stress was highest at 10 ºC, decreasing at higher temperatures, probably due the softening of the structure.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Vacuum; Impregnation; Temperature; Solids; Water; Texture.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Temperature Dependent Seed Germination of Dalbergia nigra Allem (Leguminosae) BABT
Ferraz-Grande,Fernanda G. A.; Takaki,Massanori.
The germination of endangered species Dalbergia nigra was studied and 30.5° C was found as optimum temperature, although the species presented a broad temperature range where germination occurs and light had no effect. The analysis of kinetics of seed germination confirmed the asynchronized germination below and above the optimum temperature. The light insensitive seed and germination also at high temperatures indicated that D. nigra could occur both in understories and gaps where the mean temperature was high.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Dalbergia nigra; Endangered species; Seed germination; Temperature.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Influence of temperature and diet on the development of Ulomoides dermestoides (Fairmaire, 1893) (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Diaperinae) BABT
Marinoni,Renato C.; Ribeiro-Costa,Cibele S..
Ulomoides dermestoides (Fairmaire, 1893) develops in stored food products (peanuts, maize, oats, rice, sorghum, etc.) and breeds successfully in the laboratory. To determine the best conditions for development, experiments were set up in different temperatures and diets, similar to storage conditions of peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.). The higher viability of individuals and the shorter developmental time were observed in the diet composed of hulls and seeds of fruits at 21 and 24°C.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Coleoptera; Ulomoides dermestoides; Peanuts; Diet; Temperature; Moisture.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Thermoregulation in colonies of africanized and hybrids with Caucasian, Italian and Carniolan Apis mellifera honey bees BABT
Toledo,Vagner de Alencar Arnaut de; Nogueira-Couto,Regina Helena.
This experiment was carried out to study the internal temperature regulation of a colony of Africanized honey bees (AFR), compared with hybrid Caucasian (CAU), Italian (ITA), and Carniolan (CAR) bees, during the period of one year and different size hives located in a sub-tropical region. The instant internal temperature, 33.7 ± 1.5° C for the AFR, 33.5 ± 1.4° C for the CAU, 33.7 ± 1.5° C for the ITA and 33.8 ± 1.4° C for the CAR, did not show any significant difference (P&gt;0.05). The maximum temperature (36.1 ± 2.3° C) was statistically different (P<0.05) from the minimum (27.6 ± 5.3° C). There was no difference (P&gt;0.05) in the mean internal temperature, between the nucleus (31.7 ± 6.3° C) and the brood nest (32.1 ± 5.3° C) measured...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Temperature; Honey bee; Apis; Thermoregulation; Hive; Hybrids.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Seed germination in Miconia theaezans (Bonpl.) Cogniaux (Melastomataceae) BABT
Godoi,Simone; Takaki,Massanori.
The effects of light and temperature were studied on the seeds of Miconia theazeans by isothermic and alternating temperature incubations. The optimum temperature for seed germination was determined by final percentage and germination rates as located in the range of 27.5 to 30 °C and by germination kinetics at the range of 19.5 to 30 °C. The germination was dependent on diffusion processes. The minimum and maximum temperatures were 12.5-15°C and 32.5-35°C, respectively. The seeds showed strong light dependence for germination with the necessity of daily 4-6 h white light irradiation for the maximum induction of germination. However, under 30-20 °C alternating temperatures, daily 2 hours white light was enough to induce germination and attained maximum...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Light; Seed germination; Temperature.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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