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Entwicklung eines Leitfadens zur Bewertung von praxisbezogener Forschung zur Ökologischen Landwirtschaft ausgehend von einer Analyse der bestehenden Evaluierungsinstrumente der Forschung Organic Eprints
Forschung zur Weiterentwicklung der Ökologischen Landwirtschaft ist vielfach und in hohem Maße anwendungsorientiert und weist einen hohen Praxisbezug auf. Gleichzeitig werden Beiträge der Forschung zur Weiterentwicklung der Praxis durch die gängigen Bewertungsverfahren von Forschung nur sehr unzureichend erfasst, was die praxisorientierte Forschung in der Ökologischen Landwirtschaft abwertet bzw. diese zunehmend zwingt, sich von umsetzungsbezogenen Fragestellungen abzuwenden, wenn positive Evaluierungen erreicht werden sollen. Eine Beurteilung der Forschung erfolgt in der Wissenschaft vor allem durch Begutachtung von anderen Wissenschaftern aus dem jeweiligen Fachgebiet (Peer Review-Verfahren). Als Beurteilungsrahmen und Referenzsystems dient auch für die...
Tipo: Project description Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general; Systems research and participatory research; Knowledge management; Research communication and quality.
Ano: 2024
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Studying learning and innovation networks – a conceptual and methodological framework Organic Eprints
Moschitz, Heidrun; Home, Robert.
This paper outlines the main concepts and methodology that the SOLINSA project uses in its study of learning and innovation networks. This project aims to identify barriers to the development of Learning and Innovation Networks for sustainable agriculture (LINSA). In such networks, social learning processes take place, and knowledge about sustainable agriculture is co-produced by connecting between the different frames and social worlds of the stakeholders with the help of boundary objects. Studying such processes at the interface between different knowledge spheres of research, policy and practice requires a specific methodology. A transdisciplinary reflective learning methodology addresses the complex question of understanding learning and innovation....
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Systems research and participatory research; Knowledge management.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Gestão ambiental e democracia: análise crítica, cenários e desafios. Organic Eprints
Porto, Marcelo Firpo de Souza; Schütz, Gabriel Eduardo.
O artigo discute limites, alternativas e desafios da gestão ambiental nas sociedades contemporâneas inseridas no capitalismo globalizado a partir de uma análise crítica apoiada em autores das ciências sociais, da ecologia política e da saúde coletiva. Para isso, sistematizamos o significado da gestão ambiental hegemônica em sua vertente da ecoeficiência e seus limites para o enfrentamento dos riscos ambientais e para a construção de processos e sociedades mais democráticos. Construímos quatro tipos ideais de cenários envolvendo possíveis combinações entre gestão ambiental e democracia. Este modelo serviu de base, juntamente com trabalhos acadêmicos e a experiência teórica e militante dos autores, para uma reflexão sobre as características atuais e as...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Knowledge management.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Forschung: Treibende Kraft für Veränderungen Organic Eprints
Niggli, Urs; Rahmann, Gerold.
Um den Ökolandbau weiter zu verbessern, bedarf es neben der wertvollen Erfahrung der Landwirte solider wissenschaftlicher Grundlagen. Weil die offenen Fragen immer kniffliger werden, braucht die Bioagrarforschung mehr Geld als bisher und eine gute Vernetzung mit anderen Wissenschaftsdisziplinen.
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Knowledge management.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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From slash and burn to 'slash and mulch' Organic Eprints
Félix, Georges.
In semi-arid cropping regions of West Africa, fallow periods are getting shorter. As land becomes more scarce, farmers are not able to give their soils enough time to rest. This is leading to depletion of soil organic matter, severely threatening soil fertility and damaging soil structure. In the worst cases, crops hardly yield anything anymore, even with the addition of chemical fertilizers. In Burkina Faso, some farming families have found ways to restore their soil productive capacity through the use of low external input practices, based on mulch application of branches and leaves from local flora. The techniques described in this article are relevant for organic farming systems as they rely mainly on locally-available resources and diminish the...
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Farming Systems; Composting and manuring; Soil; Food systems; Knowledge management.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Opsamling på opstartsmøde i MultiTrust projektet 6-7 jan. 2011 Organic Eprints
Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted.
Opsamling på opstartsmøde i MultiTrust projektet 6. jan 2011 kl. 12 til 7. jan. kl. 14 Sabro Kro, Viborgvej 780, 8471 Sabro, Oversigt over programpunkter på mødet og bilag til punkterne Torsdag den 6. januar 1. Velkomst, program og gensidig præsentation 2. Oversigt over projektet v. Hugo Alrøe (præsentation vedhæftet) 3. Diskussion over kaffen: Hvad er forventningerne til projektet? 4. Oplæg om WP 2 og udfordringerne i projektet set fra WP2 v. Jeppe Læssøe (præsentation vedhæftet) 5. Gruppearbejde om hvad de centrale udfordringer i projektet bliver Fredag den 7. januar 6. Fremlæggelse af gruppearbejde og fælles diskussion 7. Oplæg om WP 3 v. Hugo Alrøe (præsentation vedhæftet), Erik Fog (præsentation vedhæftet) og...
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Knowledge management.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Geo-Engineering in the Southern Ocean Organic Eprints
Paull, John.
Ocean Dumping A German research vessel, the Polarstern, is on a 70 day exercise of dumping 20 tonnes of ferrous sulphate (iron sulphate, FeSO4) in the Southern Ocean at a latitude of 46° south. The LOHAFEX experiment of the Alfred Wegner Institute for Polar & Marine Research project will increase the iron level of the treated ocean area by a factor of up to 24 times “the natural iron concentration”. The target area is 20 kilometres in diameter, i.e. approximately 320 square kilometres. It could be argued that the Southern Ocean being far away from sources of pollution,as well as international media, is an ideal place to conduct such a geo-engineering experiment, and that maybe this ocean fertilization experiment will be the seed for a whole new...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Environmental aspects; Research methodology and philosophy; Knowledge management; Technology assessment.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Savard, M.B.; MacKenzie, J.L.; Hammermeister, A.M..
One of the tenets of organic agriculture is that of land stewardship and respect for the environment. Long term sustainability goals of healthy soils, people and the environment require uninterrupted nurturance. Profitability for the sector must be stressed in order for this production system to thrive and have a positive ecological impact. Thus, the first step towards sustainable agriculture and business practices in organic require a focus on industry stability. This stability begins with economic stability, which revolves around profitability in business endeavors. Stewardship of the land and respect for the environment can involve complex decision-making. Organic practitioners are compelled to follow stringent management practices, designed to...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general; Knowledge management.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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USA: Organic demand to increase Organic Eprints
Paull, John.
The demand for organic food will continue to increase driven by health conscious consumers, according to a new survey of 1500 US consumers. The 155 page report by Technomic Inc advises food service executives, operators and suppliers to “consider re-evaluating their product mix to appeal to this no-longer-niche market". A key finding of the Healthy Eating Consumer Trend Report is that "the vast majority [of consumers] say that health is a priority for them and they at least try to eat healthy most of the time". Most consumers recognised organic food as a heathy choice. Most men (64%) and most women (73%) described organic food as “slightly or much more healthy". The top four reasons that organic consumers (N=1211) nominated for choosing organic were:...
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general; United States; Knowledge management.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Ökológiai gazdálkodás melléklet - 2012. augusztus - szeptember Organic Eprints
Drexler, Dora; Dezseny, Zoltan; Allacherne Szepkuty, Katalin.
Az Őstermelő című lap ökológiai gazdálkodás mellékletét az ÖMKi és a Hungária Öko Garancia munkatársai szerkesztették. E szám mellékletében az alábbi témákról olvashatnak: - Az ökológiai gazdálkodás hazai helyzete és fejlesztési lehetőségei - Fiatal Gazda Információs Nap az ÖMKi szervezésében - A humuszmérleg számítás módszere – egy hasznos eszköz a gazdálkodó kezében
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general; Soil; Knowledge management.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Socio-Economic Study of Organic Market and Sector Development in Ukraine Organic Eprints
Bernet, Thomas; Home, Robert; Hasiuk, Oleksandra.
This study has been undertaken within the framework of the Swiss-Ukrainian Organic Market Development in Ukraine Project funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Markets and trade; Ukraine; Knowledge management.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Knowledge transfer: A summary of research conducted under the German Federal Programme for Organic Agriculture and other forms of Sustainable Agriculture Organic Eprints
Knowledge transfer was an important part of the BÖL programme from the start. Particular emphasis was placed on measures and projects to increase knowledge transfer from research to producers, processors and consumers. Also, in the other direction, intensive exchange between the ‘base’ (pro-ducers and practitioners) and the researchers was always important; this is the only way to ensure that the real problems of producers are identified. Over the years numerous events, workshops and conferences have been organised, through which a large number of practitioners from all sectors and regions have been reached. For example, between 2004 and 2006 a total of 355 events were held at coordination level, to allow regional advisers and representatives of...
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Knowledge management.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Organic dairy production in the Netherlands Organic Eprints
Migchels, Gerard.
The dairy sector is the largest organic sector in the Netherlands. Cows, goats and sheep are kept to produce milk and variety of cheeses. Although a significant share of total organic dairy production is exported, domestic consumers are continuing to buy more and more Dutch organic dairy. To facilitate organic dairy farmers, Wageningen UR and Louis Bolk Institute carry out a variety of research aimed specifically at organic dairy production. The report contains sector facts, sector aspirations, current affairs and research projects.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Netherlands; Knowledge management.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Plantas medicinais utilizadas pela população de Caldas Novas, GO e o conhecimento popular sobre a faveira (Dimorphandra mollis Benth Mimosoideae). Organic Eprints
Oliveira, Oriane F. do Vale; Gondim, Maria José da Costa.
O trabalho teve por objetivo levantar o conhecimento de plantas medicinais pela população urbana de Caldas Novas-GO, realizado entre abril e maio de 2008. Os dados foram coletados por meio de formulários semiestruturados (n:251), abrangendo diferentes faixas etárias, sendo levantadas informações quanto ao conhecimento e consumo de plantas medicinais, indicações e modo de uso. Além dessas informações, avaliou-se o conhecimento da população sobre a espécie nativa do cerrado Dimorphandra mollis (faveira), indicações para seu uso e partes utilizadas para fins medicinais. A maioria possui conhecimentos e faz uso de plantas medicinais, resultando em 586 citações com 92 nomes populares. Através da análise da nomenclatura popular em bibliografia especializada, foi...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Farming Systems; Knowledge management.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Organic Agriculture Worldwide: Key results from the FiBL survey on organic agriculture worldwide 2019 Part 1: Global data and survey background Organic Eprints
Lernoud, Julia; Willer, Helga.
About this presentation - There are 3 presentations summarizing the key results of the FiBL-IFOAM survey on organic agriculture worldwide 2019(data 2017). Apart from the global data, key results on crop and on regional data are presented. - More information is available at - The following three presentations are available at -- Part 1: Global data 2017 and survey background -- Part 2: Land use and key crops in organic agriculture 2017 -- Part 3: Organic agriculture in the regions 2017
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general; Surveys and statistics; Research methodology and philosophy; World; Knowledge management; Countries and regions.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Coverage of organic agricultural news in nigerian newspapers: Implications for the promotion of ecological organic agriculture (EOA) and food risk reduction Organic Eprints
Oyewole , Mojisola F.; Oloyede, F.J.; Meludu, Nkiru T..
Organic agriculture is the alternative practice to conventional agriculture. It provides a better, safe and healthy alternative farming systems.However, the accurate knowledge of organic agriculture as a profitable alternative practice to conventional agriculture is still inadequate. Therefore, there is need to get the farmers and the consumers informed about the benefits of organic agriculture. It is on this basis that this study aim to examine the extent to which the Nigerian newspapers cover information on organic agriculture.This study was basically on coverage and content analysis of organic agricultural news in three selected Nigerian Newspapers that have been in continuous production: The Nigerian Tribune, Guardian, and Punch Newspapers. They are...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Knowledge management.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Instrucciones sobre cómo depositar un artículo del IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Agroecología en Organic eprints Organic Eprints
Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Flores, Patricia.
Instrucciones sobre cómo depositar un artículo del IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Agroecología en Organic eprints
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Farming Systems; Animal husbandry; Crop husbandry; Soil; Food systems; Environmental aspects; Knowledge management.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Organic agriculture: a global vision and research strategy Organic Eprints
Niggli, Urs.
Content - Strengths and weaknesses of organic agriculture - Yields: state-of-the-art of literature - Opportunities and threats - Mainstreaming not achieved so far - Voluntary sustainability standards getting important - Production size of different voluntary SS - SOOAN is a major step forward: Looking at organic farming development with the help of sustainability indicators and metrics - Annual spendings for organic research - Vision - Innovation pathway - Pathway 1: Organic farming and food systems crucially empower rural areas across the whole world and help to stop migration from the land. - Pathway 2: Securing food and ecosystems by eco-functional intensification. - Pathway 3: High quality foods – a basis for healthy diets and a key to...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general; Knowledge management.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Anwendbarkeit des Social Return On Investment (SROI) als Messmethode für den Mehrwert der Sozialen Landwirtschaft Organic Eprints
Weckerle, Pia; van Elsen, Thomas.
Ist die Bestimmung des "Social Return On Investment (SROI)" ein geeignetes Werkzeug, den sozialen, ökologischen und gesellschaftlichen Mehrwert Sozialer Landwirtschaft zu messen? Auf Grundlage einer Literaturauswertung wurden Experteninterviews durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen sieben Felder relevanter Informationen: die Auswirkungen Sozialer Landwirtschaft, ihr Einfluss, besondere Merkmale, die Durchführung der SROI-Analyse, Identifizierung von Indikatoren, die Anwendung von SROI auf Soziale Landwirtschaft sowie Herausforderngen, Probleme und Erfolgsfaktoren. In Bezug auf die Anwendbarkeit von SROI auf Soziale Landwirtschaft konnten viele Vorteile, hohe Relevanz und Anwendungsfelder identifiziert werden. In der praktischen Anwendung zeigen sich jedoch...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Systems research and participatory research; Social aspects; Biodiversity and ecosystem services; Food systems; Research methodology and philosophy; Produce chain management; Knowledge management.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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5 tests simples pour évaluer la qualité des sols (slip, slake, thé, bêche, pot Barber) (Video) Organic Eprints
Alföldi, Thomas; Masson, Sandie.
Le sol est la base de la production agricole. Dans cette vidéo, Sandie Masson d'Agridea vous présente cinq outils de diagnostic du sol qui sont à la fois simples et rapides pour l'agriculteur : • la méthode du slip, • le slake test, • la méthode des thés vert et rooibos, • le test à la bêche et • le pot barber pour observer les carabes et autres coléoptères sur le sol. Toutes ces méthodes permettent d’observer vos sols et de comparer vos résultats avec vos voisins agriculteurs ou dans des groupes d’échanges.
Tipo: Video Palavras-chave: Soil; Knowledge management.
Ano: 2018
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