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Vers des câbles sous-marins « intelligents ». Pourquoi la Nouvelle-Calédonie est-elle concernée ? ArchiMer
Aucan, Jérôme; Rolin, Jean-francois; Loubersac, Lionel.
This text calls back all the questions asked by the digital connections by submarine cables and the main stakes which emerge in the South Pacific. It develops the challenges put by the cybersecurity questions before opening the perspectives offered by the double use of these maritime connections for purposes of knowledge but also alert, monitoring as security. The text develops then the solutions which these connections authorize under two ways. First is the potential regarding "Smart Cables" authorizing the operational monitoring of long term environmental parameters in depths, as the early warnings relative to natural hazards (earthquakes, tsunamis...). Second, from now on operation, relates on the connection of seafloor and water column cabled submarine...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Coastal Ocean and Nearshore Observation: A French Case Study ArchiMer
Cocquempot, Lucie; Delacourt, Christophe; Paillet, Jerome; Riou, Philippe; Aucan, Jérôme; Castelle, Bruno; Charria, Guillaume; Claudet, Joachim; Conan, Pascal; Coppola, Laurent; Hocdé, Régis; Planes, Serge; Raimbault, Patrick; Savoye, Nicolas; Testut, Laurent; Vuillemin, Renaud.
To understand and predict the physical, chemical, and biological processes at play in coastal and nearshore marine areas requires an integrated, interdisciplinary approach. The case study of the French structuration of coastal ocean and nearshore observing systems provides an original overview on a federative research infrastructure named ILICO. It is a notable example of national structuration and pan-institution efforts to investigate the forefront of knowledge on the processes at work within the critical coastal zone. ILICO comprises, in a pluridisciplinary approach, eight distributed network-systems of observation and data analysis that are accredited and financially supported by French research institutions and the French Ministry for Higher...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Observation infrastructure; National structuration; Interdisciplinary; Coastal ocean; Coastline.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Rapport des campagnes MARACAS 7 & 8 ArchiMer
Garrigue, Claire; Bonneville, Claire; Derville, Solène; Allain, Valérie; Aucan, Jérôme; Bourgogne, Hugo; Bachelier, Celine; Dutheil, Cyril; Grelet, Jacques; Laran, Sophie; Menkes, Christophe; Niksic, Sara; Pallin, Logan; Pérard, Véronique; Portal, Annie; Receveur, Aurore; Renaud, Armelle; Roger, Jean; Varillon, David; Vourey, Elodie.
En 2014 le gouvernement de la Nouvelle-Caledonie a cree le parc naturel de la mer de Corail, l'une des plus grandes zones protegees au monde. Afin de renseigner les zones de conservation prioritaires et de faciliter la mise en place de mesures qui puissent efficacement proteger la megafaune marine, il est necessaire d'acquerir des informations sur sa distribution et l'usage des habitats. C'est pourquoi en 2016, l'IRD a lance le programme WHERE1 qui vise a explorer la distribution spatiale et l'habitat des baleines a bosse pour ameliorer leur gestion spatiale dans le parc naturel de la mer de Corail. Les principaux objectifs du programme WHERE consistent a etablir la distribution des baleines a bosse au sein du parc naturel de la mer de Corail, a evaluer la...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2020 URL:
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The Bouraké semi- enclosed lagoon (New Caledonia). A natural laboratory to study the life-long adaptation of a coral reef ecosystem to climate change-like conditions ArchiMer
Maggioni, Federica; Pujo-pay, Mireille; Aucan, Jérôme; Cerrano, Carlo; Calcinai, Barbara; Payri, Claude; Benzoni, Francesca; Letourneur, Yves; Rodolfo-metalpa, Riccardo.
According to current experimental evidence, coral reefs could disappear within the century if CO2 emissions remain unabated. However, recent discoveries of diverse and high cover reefs that already thrive under extreme conditions seem to contradict these projections. Volcanic CO2 vents, semi-enclosed lagoons and mangrove estuaries are unique study sites where one or more ecologically relevant parameters for life in the oceans are close or even worse than currently projected for the year 2100. These natural analogues of future conditions hold new hope for the future of coral reefs and provide unique natural laboratories to explore how reef species could keep pace with climate change. To achieve this, it is essential to characterize their environment as a...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2021 URL:
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