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Classification of Bovine Follicles Based on the Concentrations of Steroids, Glucose and Lactate in Follicular Fluid and the Status of Accompanying Follicles OAK
NISHIMOTO, Hiromi; HAMANO, Seizo; HILL, Glen Alan; MIYAMOTO, Akio; TETSUKA, Masafumi; 宮本, 明夫; 手塚, 雅文.
A simple and clear means to identify the physiological status of follicles is essential for study of follicular biology. In the present study, we verified a novel classification procedure based on analysis of the follicular population and glucose concentration in follicular fluid (FF) as an alternative method to classify bovine follicles. Paired ovaries were collected from heifers, and the number of follicles and stage of the CL were recorded. Follicles were initially divided into the following 3 groups according to diameter and the ratio of E2 and P4 (E/P): E2 active (E-A: E/P≥1), E2 inactive (E-I: E/P<1, ≥8.5 mm) and small follicles (E/P<1, <8.5 mm). E-A follicles were easily identified as E2-rich dominant follicles and were further classified...
Palavras-chave: Bovine; Follicular fluid; Follicle classification; Glucose; Lactate; Steroid.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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