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Physiological and cellular responses in two populations of the mussel Perna perna collected at different sites from the coast of São Paulo, Brazil BABT
Abessa,Denis Moledo de Souza; Zaroni,Letícia Pires; Sousa,Eduinetty Ceci Pereira Moreira de; Gasparro,Marcia Regina; Pereira,Camilo Dias Seabra; Rachid,Bauer Rodarte de Figueredo; Depledge,Michael; King,Rebecca Susan.
The physiological conditions of mussels from Ubatuba and Santos and also of organisms transplanted from Ubatuba to Santos were studied by using different techniques. Assays for lysosomal stability were conducted on the haemolymph. Heart rate activity was monitored for 6h. The embryonic development of larvae obtained from the collected mussels was analysed. For all the compared groups of mussels, no significant differences were observed for the cardiac activity monitoring and the embryonic bioassays. The mean Neutral Red (NR) retention time was similar for the animals from Santos and Ubatuba, whereas the organisms transplanted to Santos showed a reduction in the retention time of the dye, indicating damage in the lysosomal membranes. These differences were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Perna perna; Neutral red retention assay; Capmon system; Embryonic assay; Biomarkers; Physiology.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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A simple approach to integrate the ecotoxicological and chemical data for the establishment of environmental risk levels BABT
Cesar,Augusto; Abessa,Denis Moledo de Souza; Pereira,Camilo Dias Seabra; Santos,Aldo Ramos; Fernández,Nuria; Choueri,Rodrigo Brasil; DelValls,Tomas Angel.
In this work, multivariate and numeric methods were used to integrate the chemical and ecotoxicological data obtained for the sediments from the Santos Estuarine System, and for the vicinity of the discharges of the Submarine Sewage Outfall of Santos, in order to establish more accurately the environmental risks, identify the priority areas and thus provide guidance to control the programs and public policies. For both the datasets, the concentrations which exceeded numeric sediment guidelines tended to be associated to toxicity. For the estuary, this trend was corroborated by the correlations between the toxicity and Cu and PAHs levels, whereas for the sewage outfall region, this was observed through the correlation between the toxicity and Hg contents....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Sediment; Contamination; Toxicity; Tiburonella viscana; Environmental risk assessment.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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