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Temporal expression pattern of myostatin transcripts during chicken embryogenesis Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Gabriel,J.E.; Alvares,L.E.; Paz,C.C.P.; Packer,I.U.; Coutinho,L.L..
No presente estudo, estimou-se a abundância dos transcritos da miostatina foi estimada durante a embriogênese de galinha por análises de RT-PCR competitiva. Níveis basais de mRNA desse gene foram detectados até o estádio HH15, enquanto acúmulos significativos nesses níveis foram observados apenas no estádio HH24, seguido por redução na abundância desses transcritos a partir do estádio HH26. Tais descobertas preliminares proporcionam informações relevantes sobre a ativação do fator de crescimento miostatina durante o desenvolvimento in ovo de aves.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Chicken embryo; Myostatin; Temporal expression; MRNA abundance; Competitive RT-PCR.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Breeder age and bone development in broiler chicken embryos Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Alfonso-Torres,K.A.; Gargaglioni,L.H.; Pizauro,J.M.; Faria Filho,D.E.; Furlan,R.L.; Macari,M..
The effect of breeder age on long bone development was studied in chicken embryos from 12 days of incubation until hatching. Fertile eggs were incubated and randomly assigned in a 2 x 6 factorial arrangement (two breeder ages - 38 and 60 weeks and six incubation days - 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, and 21). Enzymatic activity of acid and alkaline phosphatases in tibial epiphyses and weights as well as length and width in tibias and femurs of the embryos were determined. Tartrate-resistant acid and alkaline phosphatases activity in epiphyses was not affected by breeder age. Absolute weight and width of femur and tibia were larger in 60-week-old embryos compared to 38-week-old. Enzymatic activity and morphometric measurements increased with incubation day,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Chicken embryo; Alkaline phosphatase; Epiphyses; Growth plate; Long bones.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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A biolistic process for in vitro gene transfer into chicken embryos BJMBR
Ribeiro,L.A.; Mariani,P.D.S.C.; Azevedo,J.L.; Rech,E.L.; Schmidt,G.S.; Coutinho,L.L..
Chicken embryos kept in culture medium were bombarded using a high helium gas pressure biolistic device. To optimize the factors that affect transformation efficiency, the lacZ gene under control of the human cytomegalovirus immediate early enhancer/promoter was used as a reporter gene. There was an inverse relationship between survival rate and transformation efficiency. The best conditions obtained for high embryo survival and high transformation efficiency were achieved with 800 psi helium gas pressure, 500 mmHg vacuum, gold particles, an 8 cm DNA-coated microparticle flying distance to the embryo and embryo placement 0.5 cm from the center of the particle dispersion cone. Under these conditions, transformation efficiency was 100%, survival rate 25% and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biolistic process; Chicken embryo; Gene transfer; SS-galactosidase; Green fluorescent protein; GFP.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Carbonated Water and Necro-Apoptotic Cell Death in Chicken Embrio Low Limb International Journal of Morphology
Álvarez,Marco; Perdomo,Lourdes.
Carbonated water is a fundamental part of many drinks and its effects have been studied in many pathological situations. However, cells and tissue damage as a consequence of carbonated water has not been the subject of extensive research. We assessed the short-term effects of soda on in vitro Hanging-drop culture of myoblasts and ex vivo lower limb of 8-day-old chicken embryo skeletal muscle tissue. Several groupswerendesigned: a) Control (Con-tyr), b) Carbonated water (Car), c) Coffe (Caf), and d) Cola beverage (Glu). The samples were observed with light microscopy and digital imaging analysis was performed. The ultra-structure of control and treated tissue were observed with electron microscopy. Immunohistochemistry techniques, such as terminal...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Soda Club; Chicken embryo; Low limb; Apoptosis; Necrosis.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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