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Percepción de la sustentabilidad del ecoturismo bajo el enfoque de agroecosistemas : El caso de la reserva de la biosfera Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz. Colegio de Postgraduados
Vega Vela, Valeria.
El turismo emerge en los últimos 20 años como opción y alternativa para el impulso del desarrollo rural. Esta actividad puede ser una acción viable para conservar, recuperar y aprovechar los recursos naturales, sociales y económicos de una determinada región. En este sentido, algunas modalidades del turismo alternativo, integran acciones de sustentabilidad en su concepto y definición. La actividad de ecoturismo es sin duda viable para el desarrollo de comunidades rurales. El reto en la Reserva de la Biosfera Los Tuxtlas (RBLT), en Veracruz, México, es cumplir el compromiso de conservar los recursos naturales y estar encaminado a la sustentabilidad. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la percepción de los propietarios y turistas con base al grado...
Palavras-chave: Manejo de recursos; Desarrollo económico; Turismo; Turistas; Resource management; Economic development; Tourism; Tourist; Agroecosistemas Tropicales; Maestría.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Synthesis of the Storylines Ecology and Society
Cork, Steven J; CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems and Land & Water Australia;; Peterson, Garry D; Department of Geography & McGill School of the Environment, McGill University;; Bennett, Elena M; Center for Limnology, University of Wisconsin, Madison;; Zurek, Monika; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO);
This paper outlines the qualitative components (the storylines) of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) scenarios. Drawing on a mixture of expert knowledge, experience, and published literature, we have explored plausible consequences of four trajectories for human development. The storylines have been designed to draw out both benefits and risks for ecosystems and human well-being in all four trajectories with enough richness of detail to allow readers to immerse themselves in the world of the scenario. Only a summarized version of the storylines is presented here; readers are encouraged to read the more detailed versions (MA 2005). Together with the quantitative models (Alcamo et al. 2005) the storylines provide a base from which others can consider...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Adaptive governance; Economic development; Ecosystem services; Environmental management; Environmental technology; Futures; Poverty reduction; Regime shifts; Resilience; Scenarios; Urbanization.
Ano: 2006
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Cross-Scale Value Trade-Offs in Managing Social-Ecological Systems: The Politics of Scale in Ruaha National Park, Tanzania Ecology and Society
Zia, Asim; Department of Community Development and Applied Economics, University of Vermont;; Hirsch, Paul; Department of Environmental Studies SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse NY ;; Songorwa, Alexander; Department of Wildlife Management, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania ;; Mutekanga, David R.; Wildlife Conservation Society, Ruaha National Park, Tanzania;; O'Connor, Sheila; Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University, Tempe AZ ;; McShane, Thomas; Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University, Tempe AZ ;; Brosius, Peter; Center for Integrative Conservation Research, University of Georgia, Athens GA ;; Norton, Bryan; School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA;
Management of social-ecological systems takes place amidst complex governance processes and cross-scale institutional arrangements that are mediated through politics of scale. Each management scenario generates distinct cross-scale trade-offs in the distribution of pluralistic values. This study explores the hypothesis that conservation-oriented management scenarios generate higher value for international and national scale social organizations, whereas mixed or more balanced management scenarios generate higher value for local scale social organizations. This hypothesis is explored in the management context of Ruaha National Park (RNP), Tanzania, especially the 2006 expansion of RNP that led to the eviction of many pastoralists and farmers. Five...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Biodiversity conservation; Complexity; Ecological valuation; Economic development; Politics of scale; Social-ecological systems; Trade-off analysis.
Ano: 2011
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The Relation Between Income and Hunting in Tropical Forests: an Economic Experiment in the Field Ecology and Society
Cardenas, Juan Camilo; Universidad de los Andes;
Hunting in tropical forests is both a major cause of biodiversity loss and an important food source for millions of people. A question with important policy implications is how changes in income level affect how much people hunt. This study, which was carried out in an indigenous community in the Amazon, explored the relation between income and consumption of wild meat using an economic experiment in the form of a lottery, and involved the local people, not only as experimental subjects, but also in the interpretation of results. The results suggested that an increase in steady employment, rather than in income alone, may lead to the substitution of non-hunted foods for wild meat. The kind of social learning that participation in this type of economic...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Amazon; Economic development; Experimental economics; Hunting; Income; Lottery; Participatory research; Tropical forest; Wild meat.
Ano: 2006
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Integrating Sacred Knowledge for Conservation: Cultures and Landscapes in Southwest China Ecology and Society
Xu, Jianchu; Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences;; Ma, Erzi T; Liangshan Nationality Institute;; Tashi, Duojie; Snowland Greatrivers Environmental Protection Association;; Fu, Yongshou; Yunnan College of Art;; Lu, Zhi; Conservation International;; Melick, David; Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
China is undergoing economic growth and expansion to a free market economy at a scale and pace that are unprecedented in human history. This is placing great pressure on the country’s environment and cultural diversity. This paper examines a number of case histories in China, focusing on the culturally varied and ecologically diverse southwest region of the country. We show how developments in recent Chinese history have devalued and in some cases eliminated indigenous knowledge and practices in the quest to strengthen the centralized state. Despite these changes, more than 30 ethnic minorities live in southwest China. For generations these peoples have maintained landscapes through traditional land use and cultural practices. This indigenous...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Economic development; Environmental degradation; Ethnic minorities; Indigenous knowledge; Sacred knowledge; China.
Ano: 2005
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Albiero,Daniel; Xavier,Reuel S.; Garcia,Angel P.; Marques,Arthur R.; Rodrigues,Ruan L..
ABSTRACT Agricultural mechanization is a significant factor of agricultural modernization, but there are few data on the technological levels of this mechanization in the State of Ceará, Brazil. To study this topic, we designed a structured questionnaire, and interviews were conducted across the state. The survey data made it possible to calculate an index of agricultural mechanization technology and study hypotheses specific to farms of Ceará. The results indicate that the technology levels are different between farms of different sizes: large and medium farms are level I-M5 (automation), while small farms ranged from level IV-M1/M2 (primary/animal) to III-M3 (preliminary). We conclude that public policy for training should be directed at small farms....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Agricultural mechanization; Technological level; Technical efficiency; Economic development.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Parceria promove o desenvolvimento de produtores rural e pescadores. Infoteca-e
CORREIA, R. C.; BRITO, L. T. de L.; SILVA FILHO, P. P. da.
Área de atuação; Ações de desenvolvimento. Compromisso social; Parceiros.
Tipo: Folders Palavras-chave: Projeto; Barragem de Sobradinho; Entorno; Chesf; Ações; Desenvolvimento Econômico; Economic development.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Vitrine tecnológica convivência com o Semiárido: cultivos apropriados - dia de campo. Infoteca-e
Este documento faz parte de uma das atividades do projeto financiado pelo BNDES, objetivando-se compilar informações tecnológicas geradas pelo sistema Embrapa de Pesquisa Agropecuária, para que os produtores familiares beneficiados pelas ações do plano de ação, possam ter orientações básicas de implantação de cultivos apropriados e dependentes de chuva no Semiárido.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Programa água Doce; Vitrine tecnológica; Convivencia com o semiárido; Agricultura Familiar; Desenvolvimento Rural; Transferência de Tecnologia; Economic development; Rural development.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Diagnóstico do desenvolvimento da heveicultura no estado de Rondônia. Infoteca-e
Faz um diagnostico da cultura da seringueira em Rondonia, identificando problemas que afetam a produtividade fisica e economica da cultura no estado.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Rubber tree; Diagnosis; Reunião técnica; Technical meeting; Ouro Preto d'Oeste (RO); Ariquemes (RO); Rondônia; Amazônia Ocidental; Western Amazon; Heveicultura; Seringueira; Hevea Brasiliensis; Desenvolvimento Econômico; Diagnostico; Economic development.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Desenvolvimento econômico brasileiro: efeitos sobre a migração rural-urbana. Infoteca-e
ALVES, E. R. de A..
Palestra proferida pelo presidente da Embrapa no Salão nobre da ESALQ, abertura da CONFERÊNCIA LATINO-AMERICANA DE ECONOMIA AGRÍCOLA, 1984.
Tipo: Parte de livro Palavras-chave: Brasil; Migracao urbana; Rural migration; Urban migration; Desenvolvimento Econômico; Migração Rural; Política Econômica; Economic policy; Economic development; Brazil.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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SemiáridoShow 2015. Feira da Agricultura familiar - territórios, água e agroecologia: base para a vida no Semiárido. Infoteca-e
Cartaz do Semiárido Show 2015, Feira da Agricultura Familiar realizada de 20 a 23 de outubro de 2015 de 08 as 17 horas na Embrapa Produtos e Mercado em Petrolina PE. O tema da feira foi Territórios, água e agroecologia: base para a vida no Semiárido.
Tipo: Folders Palavras-chave: Agroecologia; Região semiárida; Semiárido; Vitrine tecnológica; Tecnologias para o semiárido; Cartaz; Agricultura Familiar; Transferência de Tecnologia; Feira; Caatinga; Economic development; Rural development.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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O desenvolvimento econômico do Semiárido sob a ótica da economia interdisciplinar: revisão sistemática de estudos. Infoteca-e
SILVA, A. S. P.; LIMA, P. A. L.; LIMA, J. R. F. de.
O Semiárido brasileiro configura-se como região não homogênea em termos culturais, ambientais e políticos, contexto que pressupõe análises críticas e em sintonia às suas singularidades micro e macroterritoriais. Esta premissa traz consigo a lógica da necessidade de sistemas complexos de compreensão e avaliação territorial, de modo a permitir a sistematização de ações de desenvolvimento econômico eficazes, eficientes e em sintonia às idiossincrasias locais. Estudos de desenvolvimento econômico devem, assim, estar norteados sob a lógica de uma economia que se encontre para além de limites disciplinares do conhecimento, considerando variáveis tradicionais e não tradicionalmente consideradas em suas análises, como os aspectos relacionados aos indivíduos, como...
Tipo: Parte de livro Palavras-chave: Semiárido; Revisão sistemática; Interdisciplinaridade; Economia interdisciplinar; Desenvolvimento Econômico; Economia; Economic development.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Impacts of the agricultural sector technological change on brazilian economy. Infoteca-e
BARBOSA, M. M. T. L. (Ed.).
Long term economic and social impacts of the agricultural expansion in Brazil: invisible revolution and social inclusion; Increases in productivity and exports: an exploratory analysis; Effects of agricultural research on the consumer.
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Agriculture; Economic development; Brazil; Social impact.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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A produção da soja e do milho como um caminho para o desenvolvimento do agronegócio da região Norte Fluminense. Infoteca-e
O objetivo deste trabalho é definir a localização geográfica, a área disponível e o potencial da região norte fluminense para o cultivo de grãos, com base nas culturas da soja e do milho, e propor diretrizes para um planejamento estratégico para o desenvolvimento econômico da região norte do estado do Rio de Janeiro.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Produção Agrícola; Soja; Milho; Agronegócio; Planejamento Estratégico; Desenvolvimento Econômico; Agricultural industry; Soybeans; Corn; Agribusiness; Planning; Economic development.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Desenvolvimento territorial com a participação de mulheres na apicultura e meliponicultura no Território do Sertão do São Francisco - BA. Infoteca-e
Introdução; Execução do projeto; Assessoramento ao Colegiado de Desenvolvimento Territorial do Sertão do São Francisco, BA (Codeter TSSF-BA); Inserção e capacitação da mulher em atividade da agricultura familiar nos municípios de Sobradinho, Casa Nova, Remanso, Pilão Arcado e Sento Sé na Bahia; Benefícios obtidos com a implantação do projeto; Análise dos méis apícolas e meliponícolas em busca da certificação dos produtos; Análise de minerais nos méis; Eventos desenvolvidos pelo projeto; Capacitação das mulheres para de produtos à base de mel de meliponíneos e melíferas; Considerações gerais sobre o Território Sertão do São Francisco, BA.
Tipo: Parte de livro Palavras-chave: Desenvolvimento territorial; Economia solidária; Educação no campo; Educação rural; Educação territorial; Meliponicultura; Abelha sem ferra; Certificação; Agricultura Familiar; Apicultura; Desenvolvimento Rural; Desenvolvimento Sustentável; Economia da Produção; Educação; Educação Cooperativa; Mulher Rural; Política de Desenvolvimento; Abelha; Inseto; Mel; Economic development; Socioeconomic development; Sustainable development.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Caracterização ambiental do Vale do Submédio São Francisco. Infoteca-e
SA, I. B.; SÁ, I. I. S.; SILVA, A. de S.; SILVA, D. F. da.
O Vale do Submédio São Francisco est· localizado na região sertaneja no oeste do Estado de Pernambuco e norte do Estado da Bahia, entre os paralelos 07? 0í00íí e 10? 301í00íí de Latitude Sul e entre os meridianos 37? 00í00íí e 41? 00í00íí de Longitude Oeste, com uma ·rea de 125.755 Km2 . Abrange municípios de dois estados do Nordeste brasileiro, conforme Tabela 1, incluindo as sub-bacias dos rios Paje ?, Tour„o e Vargem, alÈm da sub-bacia do Rio Moxotó, ultimo afluente da margem esquerda
Tipo: Parte de livro Palavras-chave: Caracterização; Vale do São Francisco; Clima; Vegetação; Relevo; Caatinga; Rural development; Economic development; Ecology.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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La pisciculture marine : un secteur industriel en émergence ArchiMer
Paquotte, Philippe; Harache, Yves.
In a general context of low progression, European aquaculture has been characterized by the development of intensive fish farming. The most notable fact is the recent increase in intensive salmonid farming, with a turnover of almost two million ECU. More recently, the intensive farming of sea bass and sea bream has increased very rapidly in the Mediterranean Basin, although on a more reduced extent. Although research has started as soon as the seventies with a strong public incentive both for salmon, sea bass and sea bream, the development of these different types of aquaculture has not been done at the same pace. Some elements of sectorial dynamics are analysed such as research planning and financing, organization of the production and public policy. For...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Europe; Environmental protection; Economic development; Production structure markets; Saltwater fishes; Sea bream; Sea bass; Atlantic salmon; Marine environment; Fish culture; SEM; Europe; Protection de l'environnement; Développement économique; Marché; Structure de production; Poisson de mer; Dorade; Bar; Saumon atlantique; Milieu marin; Pisciculture.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Basing Superfund Cleanups on Future Land Uses: Promising Remedy or Dubious Nostrum? AgEcon
Wernstedt, Kris; Hersh, Robert; Probst, Katherine N..
Supporters of the effort to link cleanups at hazardous waste sites to the sites' expected land uses claim that amending language in the federal Superfund statute to allow this may yield a number of benefits. These include rationalizing the cleanup process and decreasing cleanup costs, promoting economic development in the local communities that host Superfund sites, and helping such communities exercise more control over the cleanups. However, interviews with Superfund stakeholders and a detailed case study call into question these arguments. The current role of land use in cleanup, uncertainties about whether economic development is likely at the bulk of Superfund sites, the long-run viability of institutional controls, the willingness of communities to...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Land use; Economic development; Superfund; Land Economics/Use; Q24; Q28; R52.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Key Issues Affecting the Feasibility of Producer-Owned, Value-Added Ventures in the South AgEcon
Wolfe, Kent; Barefield, Alan.
The transition from agricultural producer to agribusiness entrepreneur is littered with obstacles not associated with traditional farming operations. Producers are typically faced with an established market for their products as well as defined production practices and budgets. These familiar industry institutions are not available for use in the agribusiness environment. As a result, entrepreneurs are faced with new, unfamiliar situations that can significantly affect the success of their proposed or fledging business.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agribusiness; Agritourism; Cooperative; Demand; Economic development; Entrepreneur; Entrepreneurship; Goats; Value-added venture; Agribusiness; R11; Q12; Q13.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Energy and Economic Development: An Assessment of the State of Knowledge AgEcon
Toman, Michael; Jemelkova, Barbora.
Energy development is an integral part of enhanced economic development. The fact that expanded provision and use of energy services is strongly associated with economic development leaves open how important energy is as a causal factor in economic development, however; and energy development competes with other opportunities for scarce capital and opportunities for policy and institutional reform. In this paper we first give a brief conceptual discussion that seeks to identify the channels through which increased availability of energy services might be a key to stimulating economic development along different stages of the development process. We then examine some empirical work to see what evidence it might provide regarding possible channels of...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Energy; Economic development; Productivity; Poverty alleviation; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q41; Q43.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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