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Evidence for the presence of a kininogen-like species in a case of total deficiency of low and high molecular weight kininogens BJMBR
Low and high molecular weight kininogens (LK and HK), containing 409 and 626 amino acids with masses of ~65 and 120 kDa after glycosylation, respectively, are coded by a single gene mapped to the human chromosome 3 by alternative splicing of the transcribed mRNA. The NH2-termini Glu1-Thr383 region, identical in LK and HK, contains bradykinin (BK) moieties Arg363-Arg371. LK, HK and their kinin products Lys-BK and BK are involved in several biologic processes. They are evolutionarily conserved and only 7 patients, all apparently normal, have been reported to lack them. In one of these patients (Williams' trait), a codon mutation (Arg178 <FONT FACE="Symbol">®</FONT> stop) has been blamed for the absence of LK and HK. However, using Western blots...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Kininogen deficiency; Kinins; Antibodies; Plasma; Kininogen-like species; Human and nonhuman primates.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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