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Biotracers and geotracers of depositional events in NW Mediterranean margin over the past two centuries ArchiMer
Giresse, P; Buscail, R; Charriere, B; Abassi, A; Masque, P; Sanchez-cabeza, Ja.
A detailed sedimentological and geochemical investigation was performed on slope sediments collected from the Gulf of Lions and Catalonian margins and from the northern Balearic margin. The study was based on cores, about 50 cm long. Various physiographic sites (canyons, open slopes) were selected according to the available sediment accumulation rates obtained with the Pb-210 geochronological method. At a short time scale, various parts of the slope were characterized by muddy hemipelagic sediment. Sedimentological data suggested that deposition was continuous. Total organic carbon and its hydrolysable fraction decreased downcore. Significant increase of C/N ratio downcore resulted from an early diagenetic process in response to the burial effect. However...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Méditerranée nord-occidentale; Vitesse de sédimentation; Processus gravitaires; Carbone organique; 210Pb; North-western Mediterranean; Sedimentation rate; Gravity-induced process; Organic carbon; Pb-210.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Particulate matter and organic carbon budgets for the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean) ArchiMer
Durrieu De Madron, X; Abassi, A; Heussner, S; Monaco, A; Aloisi, Jc; Radakovitch, O; Giresse, P; Buscail, R; Kerherve, P.
An analysis of sedimentological, sediment trap and hydrological data was performed to investigate the transport and fate of particulate matter in the Gulf of Lions. The sedimentological properties outline the major sedimentary units of the shelf (Rhone prodelta, mid-shelf mud belt, outer shelf) and slope. The geometry of these sedimentary units and the southwestwards increase of particulate fluxes on the slope highlight the influence of the general cyclonic circulation on the dispersion of land-derived particulate matter. Considering the known input and output terms, budgets of particulate matter and organic carbon in the Gulf of Lions are proposed. Inputs were river supply, atmospheric deposition and primary production; outputs were sediment burial and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Méditerranée; Golfe du Lion; Sédiment; Flux; Bilans de masse et de carbone organique; Mediterranean Sea; Gulf of Lions; Sediment; Flux; Organic carbon and mass budgets.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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