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Global data set for nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes of tunas ArchiMer
Bodin, Nathalie; Pethybridge, Heidi; Duffy, Leanne M.; Lorrain, Anne; Allain, Valerie; Logan, John M.; Ménard, Frederic; Graham, Brittany; Choy, C. Anela; Somes, Christopher J.; Olson, Robert J.; Young, Jock W..
Nitrogen and carbon stable isotope data sets are commonly used to assess complex population to ecosystem responses to natural or anthropogenic changes at regional to global spatial scales, and monthly to decadal timescales. Measured in the tissues of consumers, nitrogen isotopes (δ15N) are primarily used to estimate trophic position while carbon isotopes (δ13C) describe habitat associations and feeding pathways. Models of both δ15N and δ13C values and their associated variance can be used to estimate likely dietary contributions and niche width and provide inferences about consumer movement and migration. Stable isotope data have added utility when used in combination with other empirical data sets (e.g., stomach content, movement tracking,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Baseline isotopic variability; Food web dynamics; Global Ocean; Marine top predators; Pelagic ecosystem; Scombrids; Trophic position.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Defining the stock structures of key commercial tunas in the Pacific Ocean II: Sampling considerations and future directions ArchiMer
Moore, Bradley R.; Adams, Tim; Allain, Valerie; Bell, Johann D.; Bigler, Mark; Bromhead, Don; Clark, Sangaa; Davies, Campbell; Evans, Karen; Faasili, Ueta; Farley, Jessica; Fitchett, Mark; Grewe, Peter M.; Hampton, John; Hyde, John; Leroy, Bruno; Lewis, Antony; Lorrain, Anne; Macdonald, Jed I.; Marie, Amandine D.; Minte-vera, Carolina; Natasha, Janice; Nicol, Simon; Obregon, Pablo; Peatman, Thomas; Pecoraro, Carlo; Phillip, N. Bradley; Pilling, Graham M.; Rico, Ciro; Sanchez, Caroline; Scott, Robert; Scutt Phillips, Joe; Stockwell, Brian; Tremblay-boyer, Laura; Usu, Thomas; Williams, Ashley J.; Smith, Niamh.
Delineating the stock structure of highly-mobile, wide-ranging fishes subject to exploitation is a challenging task, yet one that is fundamental to optimal fisheries management. A case in point are stocks of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) and albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) in the Pacific Ocean, which support important commercial, artisanal, subsistence, and recreational fisheries, and contribute roughly 70 % of global commercial tuna catches. Although some spatial and temporal structuring is recognised within these stocks, growing evidence from a range of approaches suggests that the stock structure of each tuna species is more complex than is currently assumed in both stock assessment...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tuna; Pacific Ocean; Movement; Spatial dynamics; Stock structure; Fisheries management.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Flying to the moon: Lunar cycle influences trip duration and nocturnal foraging behavior of the wedge-tailed shearwater Ardenna pacifica ArchiMer
Ravache, Andreas; Bourgeois, Karen; Thibault, Martin; Dromzée, Sylvain; Weimerskirch, Henri; De Grissac, Sophie; Prudor, Aurélien; Lorrain, Anne; Menkes, Christophe; Allain, Valerie; Bustamante, Paco; Letourneur, Yves; Vidal, Eric.
Lunar phase and illumination are known to affect nocturnal behavior of many organisms, particularly through predator-prey interactions. Visual predators can benefit from higher light levels to increase their activity, while prey may decrease their activity to avoid predation. The lower number of nocturnal seabirds observed on colonies during full moon nights has been mostly interpreted as a predation avoidance strategy. However, it is also possible that shearwaters take advantage of the moon's illumination to feed also at night, and stay at sea to forage during full moon nights. We used miniaturized GPS-loggers to obtain 179 tracks from 99 wedge-tailed shearwaters breeding in New Caledonia, to investigate moonlight effects on individual behavior. Lunar...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ardenna pacifica; Foraging; Lunar phase; Moon; GPS-tracking; Stable isotope analyses.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Behavioral and trophic segregations help the Tahiti petrel to cope with the abundance of wedge-tailed shearwater when foraging in oligotrophic tropical waters ArchiMer
Ravache, Andreas; Bourgeois, Karen; Weimerskirch, Henri; Pagenaud, Angélique; De Grissac, Sophie; Miller, Mark; Dromzée, Sylvain; Lorrain, Anne; Allain, Valerie; Bustamante, Paco; Bylemans, Jonas; Gleeson, Dianne; Letourneur, Yves; Vidal, Eric.
Two species breeding in sympatry are more likely to coexist if their ecological niches are segregated either in time, space or in trophic habits. Here, we combined GPS-tracking, stable isotope analysis and DNA metabarcoding analysis to understand how the rare Tahiti petrel Pseudobulweria rostrata (TP) copes with the very abundant (i.e. 500,000 breeding pairs) wedge-tailed shearwater Ardenna pacifica (WTS) when breeding in sympatry in a tropical area. WTS foraged in restricted areas along their path, while TP predominantly foraged using extensive search behavior, suggesting a more opportunistic foraging strategy. Interspecific overlap of foraging areas was higher than intraspecific overlap. Breeding seasons largely overlap between species during the study,...
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Ano: 2020 URL:
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Age estimation and growth of some deep-sea fish from the northeast Atlantic ocean ArchiMer
Allain, Valerie; Lorance, Pascal.
Age is a necessary parameter used in population dynamics to assess the state of exploited resources. This parameter is poorly known for most deep-sea species (depth > 400 m). This work focused on age estimation from otoliths of Alepocephalus bairdii (Alepocephalidae), Coryphaenoides rupestris (Macrouridae), Helicolenus dactylopterus (Sebastidae) and Hoplostethus atlanticus (Trachichthyidae), which French fishery exploitation, off the west coasts of the British Isles, began the late 1980's. Considering otolith growth zones as annual, the four species all show high longevity: 38, 54, 43 and 130 years, respectively, together with slow growth. The differences in growth between sex were estimated and difficulties in accurately estimating the age were...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Alepocephalus bairdii; Coryphaenoides rupestris; Helicolenus dactylopterus; Hoplostethus atlanticus; ANE; Slope fish; Age estimation; Otoliths.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Spatial and temporal variability of zooplankton off New Caledonia (Southwestern Pacific) from acoustics and net measurements ArchiMer
Smeti, Houssem; Pagano, Marc; Menkes, Christophe; Lebourges-dhaussy, Anne; Hunt, Brian P. V.; Allain, Valerie; Rodier, Martine; De Boissieu, Florian; Kestenare, Elodie; Sammari, Cherif.
Spatial and temporal distribution of zooplankton off New Caledonia in the eastern Coral Sea was studied during two multidisciplinary cruises in 2011, during the cool and the hot seasons. Acoustic measurements of zooplankton were made using a shipborne acoustic Doppler current profiler (S-ADCP), a scientific echosounder and a Tracor acoustic profiling system (TAPS). Relative backscatter from ADCP was converted to biomass estimates using zooplankton weights from net-samples collected during the cruises. Zooplankton biomass was estimated using four methods: weighing, digital imaging (ZooScan), ADCP and TAPS. Significant correlations were found between the different biomass estimators and between the backscatters of the ADCP and the echosounder. There was a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: South Pacific; Acoustics; Zooplankton; Vertical migration; Water masses; Mesoscale dynamics.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Advancing Marine Biological Observations and Data Requirements of the Complementary Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) and Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) Frameworks ArchiMer
Muller-karger, Frank E.; Miloslavich, Patricia; Bax, Nicholas J.; Simmons, Samantha; Costello, Mark J.; Pinto, Isabel Sousa; Canonico, Gabrielle; Turner, Woody; Gill, Michael; Montes, Enrique; Best, Benjamin D.; Pearlman, Jay; Halpin, Patrick; Dunn, Daniel; Benson, Abigail; Martin, Corinne S.; Weatherdon, Lauren V.; Appeltans, Ward; Provoost, Pieter; Klein, Eduardo; Kelble, Christopher R.; Miller, Robert J.; Chavez, Francisco P.; Iken, Katrin; Chiba, Sanae; Obura, David; Navarro, Laetitia M.; Pereira, Henrique M.; Allain, Valerie; Batten, Sonia; Benedetti-checchi, Lisandro; Duffy, J. Emmett; Kudela, Raphael M.; Rebelo, Lisa-maria; Shin, Yunne-jai; Geller, Gary.
Measurements of the status and trends of key indicators for the ocean and marine life are required to inform policy and management in the context of growing human uses of marine resources, coastal development, and climate change. Two synergistic efforts identify specific priority variables for monitoring: Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) through the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), and Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) from the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON) (see Data Sheet 1 in Supplementary Materials for a glossary of acronyms). Both systems support reporting against internationally agreed conventions and treaties. GOOS, established under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Essential ocean variables (EOV); Essential biodiversity variables (EBV); Marine biodiversity observation network (MBON); Global ocean observing system(GOOS); Ocean biogeographic information system(OBIS); Marine global earth observatory (MarineGEO); Integrated marine biosphere research (IMBeR).
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Ecologie, biologie et exploitation des populations de poissons profonds de l'atlantique du nord-est ArchiMer
Allain, Valerie.
Three parameters in relation with their exploitation, i.e. fleet description, discards evaluation and stock assessment, were considered. The French deep-sea fleet is composed of 50 industrial and semi-industrial boats, 20 of them are specialised. They come from the harbours of Boulogne, Concarneau and Lorient and by year land 19 000 t of deep-sea fishes of wbich grenadiers account for 7 500 1. A decrease of deep-sea fishes catch-per-unit effort (CPUE) has been noted since the beginning of the exploitation. But since 2 or 3 years, a stabilisation of grenadier, black scabbard and blue ling CPUEs has been noticed Professional fish catches showed that only 8 species among which there are black scabbard, orange roughy, sharks are totally landed; only one...
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Ano: 1999 URL:
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Global patterns and inferences of tuna movements and trophodynamics ArchiMer
Logan, J.m.; Pethybridge, Heidi; Lorrain, Anne; Somes, C.; Allain, Valerie; Bodin, Nathalie; Choy, C.a.; Duffy, L.; Goñi, N.; Graham, B.; Langlais, C.; Ménard, F.; Olson, R.; Young, J..
A global dataset of carbon stable isotope (δ13C) values from yellowfin, bigeye, and albacore tuna muscle tissue (n = 4275) was used to develop a novel tool to infer broad-scale movement and residency patterns of these highly mobile marine predators. This tool was coupled with environmental models and lipid content (C:N ratio) of tuna muscle tissues to examine ocean warming impacts on tuna ecology and bioenergetic condition across Longhurst provinces. Over a 16-year study period (2000–2015), latitudinal gradients in tuna δ13C values were consistent, with values decreasing with increasing latitude. Tuna δ13C values, reflecting modelled global phytoplankton δ13C landscapes (“isoscapes”), were largely related to spatial changes in oxygen concentrations at...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Albacore tuna; Bigeye tuna; Yellowfin tuna; Carbon isotope analysis; Movement indicators; Global ocean; Fisheries management.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Biogeography of Micronekton Assemblages in the Natural Park of the Coral Sea ArchiMer
Receveur, Aurore; Vourey, Elodie; Lebourges-dhaussy, Anne; Menkes, Christophe; Menard, Frederic; Allain, Valerie.
Mesopelagic resources are central to the ecosystem but remain poorly studied mainly due to the lack of observations. This paper investigates the assemblages of micronekton organisms and their habitat in the Natural Park of the Coral Sea around New Caledonia (southwest Pacific) using data from 141 pelagic trawls. A total of 67,130 micronekton individuals (fish, crustaceans, and mollusks) were collected with 252 species identified among 152 genus and 76 families. In the analyses, we focused on 22 species; each were present in more than 33 trawls (i.e., in more than 25% of the total number of trawls) and studied their spatial distribution and vertical dynamic behavior. Community structure was investigated through region of common profile (RCP), an innovative...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Diversity; Southwest Pacific Ocean; Mesopelagic zone; Region of common profile; Diel vertical migration; Pelagic trawl.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Micronekton distribution in the southwest Pacific (New Caledonia) inferred from shipboard-ADCP backscatter data ArchiMer
Receveur, Aurore; Kestenare, Elodie; Allain, Valerie; Ménard, Frédéric; Cravatte, Sophie; Lebourges-dhaussy, Anne; Lehodey, Patrick; Mangeas, Morgan; Smith, Neville; Radenac, Marie-hélène; Menkes, Christophe.
Acoustic data are invaluable information sources for characterizing the distribution and abundance of mid-trophic-level organisms (micronekton). These organisms play a pivotal role in the ecosystem as prey of top predators and as predators of low-trophic-level organisms. Although shipboard-ADCP (acoustic Doppler current profiler) acoustic backscatter signal intensity cannot provide an absolute biomass estimate, it may be a useful proxy to investigate variability in the distribution and relative density of micronekton. This study used acoustic recordings data spread across 19 years (1999–2017) from 54 ADCP cruises in New Caledonia’s subtropical EEZ (exclusive economic zone) to assess seasonal and interannual variabilities and spatial distribution of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Micronekton; Southwest Pacific ocean; SEAPODYM; Acoustic; Ecosystem.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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A Response to Scientific and Societal Needs for Marine Biological Observations ArchiMer
Bax, Nicholas J.; Miloslavich, Patricia; Muller-karger, Frank Edgar; Allain, Valerie; Appeltans, Ward; Batten, Sonia Dawn; Benedetti-cecchi, Lisandro; Buttigieg, Pier Luigi; Chiba, Sanae; Costa, Daniel Paul; Duffy, J. Emmett; Dunn, Daniel C.; Johnson, Craig Richard; Kudela, Raphael M.; Obura, David; Rebelo, Lisa-maria; Shin, Yunne-jai; Simmons, Samantha Elisabeth; Tyack, Peter Lloyd.
Development of global ocean observing capacity for the biological EOVs is on the cusp of a step-change. Current capacity to automate data collection and processing and to integrate the resulting data streams with complementary data, openly available as FAIR data, is certain to dramatically increase the amount and quality of information and knowledge available to scientists and decision makers into the future. There is little doubt that scientists will continue to expand their understanding of what lives in the ocean, where it lives and how it is changing. However, whether this expanding information stream will inform policy and management or be incorporated into indicators for national reporting is more uncertain. Coordinated data collection including open...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: GOOS; Capacity development; EOV; Ocean observing; Essential ocean variable; UN Decade; Sustainable Development Goals.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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