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Avifauna em fragmentos da Mata Atlântica Ciência Rural
Dário,Fábio Rossano; De Vincenzo,Maria Cristina Veiga; Almeida,Álvaro Fernando de.
O estudo foi realizado em área localizada na Serra do Mar, no domínio da Mata Atlântica, na formação florestal denominada Floresta Ombrófila Densa Atlântica, no Município de Paraibuna, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil (localizado entre 23º31’ e 23º33’ de latitude Sul, 45º39’ e 45º42’ de longitude Oeste, e entre 944 a 1,136m de altitude). Foram estudados três fragmentos de vegetação natural de 47, 26 e 4 hectares, e uma área de plantio de eucaliptos adjacente, sendo a vegetação dos fragmentos composta por mata ciliar em estágio médio de regeneração secundária. O método utilizado para o registro da avifauna foi o de observações por pontos fixos. O principal objetivo foi analisar os grupos de aves afetados pela fragmentação florestal e avaliar os impactos causados...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Avifauna; Fragmento; Mata Atlântica; Sub-bosque.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Camouflaging of seeds treated with pesticides mitigates the mortality of wild birds in wheat and rice crops Scientia Agricola
Almeida,Alexandre de; Couto,Hilton Thadeu Zarate do; Almeida,Álvaro Fernando de.
Seeds used to plant wheat, corn and rice crops in Brazil are treated with the insecticide carbofuran associated with the dye rhodamine B, attracting granivorous birds and causing mortality during sowing. The objective of this study was to evaluate if using camouflaged seeds can minimize mortality caused by the ingestion of seeds with carbofuran. Alternatives for reducing mortality, such as using carbofuran without rhodamine B or replacing carbofuran by carbosulfan, were compared. Three experiments were carried out in regions of known bird mortality in the states of Paraná and São Paulo, Brazil, using conventional sowing over plowed soil in the traditional planting system, 15,896 kg of seeds in 111.46 ha. Bird carcasses were collected and dissected to...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Zenaida auriculata; Carbofuran; Rhodamine B; Carbosulfan; Gustatory repellents; Environmental impact.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Are camouflaged seeds less attacked by wild birds? Scientia Agricola
Almeida,Alexandre de; Couto,Hilton Thadeu Zarate do; Almeida,Álvaro Fernando de.
Wheat, corn and rice crops in Brazil use seeds treated with systemic insecticide/nematicide carbofuran, mixed to rhodamine B red dye. Carbofuran is toxic and rhodamine B is attractive to wild birds that eat up these seeds, resulting in notable mortality during planting. A field experiment was performed in southeast Brazil to evaluate if camouflaged seeds would be less consumed by wild birds in comparison to commercial seeds with red-colored rhodamine B and aposematic blue seeds. Camouflaged seeds were less removed than seeds with rhodamine B and natural colors. The camouflaging was more effective in the presence of irregularities and litter. There was no removal of blue-colored seeds. As legislation requires treated seeds to receive a different color to...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Seed camouflage; Carbofuran; Rhodamine B; Visual repellents; Bird mortality.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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