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Aerobic training modulates T cell activation in elderly women with knee osteoarthritis BJMBR
Gomes,W.F.; Lacerda,A.C.R.; Brito-Melo,G.E.A.; Fonseca,S.F.; Rocha-Vieira,E.; Leopoldino,A.A.O.; Amorim,M.R.; Mendonça,V.A..
Osteoarthritis of the knee (kOA) is a disease that mainly affects the elderly and can lead to major physical and functional limitations. However, the specific effects of walking, particularly on the immune system, are unknown. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the effect of 12 weeks of walking (3×/week) on the leukocyte profile and quality of life (QL) of elderly women with kOA. Sixteen women (age: 67±4 years, body mass index: 28.07±4.16 kg/m2) participated in a walking program. The variables were assessed before and after 12 weeks of training with a progressively longer duration (30–55 min) and higher intensity (72–82% of HRmax determined using a graded incremental treadmill test). The QL was assessed using the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Osteoarthritis; Elderly; Exercise; CD4-positive T-lymphocytes; CD8-positive T-lymphocytes.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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