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Variations in the abundance of three Parulidae species in the southern portion of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, state of Paraná Anais da ABC (AABC)
Santana,Cássius R.; Bochio,Gabriela M.; Anjos,Luiz dos.
We evaluated the distribution of abundance of three species of warblers in the southern portion of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (BAF): Tropical Parula (Parula pitiayumi), the Golden-Crowned Warbler (Basileuterus culicivorus) and the White-Rimmed Warbler (Basileuterus leucoblepharus). Three types of forests comprise this region of the Atlantic Forest: seasonal semi-deciduous forest (SF), mixed rain forest (MF) and dense rain forest (DF). These forest types occur at different elevations: SF ranging from 200 to 800 m, MF ranging from 800 to 1,200 m and DF ranging from sea level up to 2,000 m. We used point counts in fifteen study areas distributed in the three forest types. The White-Rimmed Warbler and the Tropical Parula had higher abundances in MF, and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Abundance; Atlantic Forest; Basileuterus; Distribution; Elevation; Warblers.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Flower morphology, nectar features, and hummingbird visitation to Palicourea crocea (Rubiaceae) in the Upper Paraná River floodplain, Brazil Anais da ABC (AABC)
Mendonça,Luciana B.; Anjos,Luiz dos.
We investigated flower morphology, nectar features, and hummingbird visitation to Palicourea crocea (Rubiaceae), a common ornithophilous shrub found in the riparian forest understory in the Upper Paraná River floodplain, Brazil. Flowers are distylous and the style-stamen dimorphism is accompanied by other intermorph dimorphisms in corolla length, anther length, and stigma lobe length and form. We did not observe strict reciprocity in the positioning of stigma and anthers between floral morphs. Flowering occurred during the rainy season, October to December. Nectar standing crop per flowerwas relatively constant throughout the day, which apparently resulted in hummingbirds visiting the plant throughout the day. Energetic content of the nectar in each flower...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bird-plant interactions; Heterostyly; Pollination; Brazilian Atlantic forest; Riparian vegetation; Conservation.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Species richness and relative abundance of birds in natural and anthropogenic fragments of Brazilian Atlantic forest Anais da ABC (AABC)
Anjos,Luiz dos.
Bird communities were studied in two types of fragmented habitat of Atlantic forest in the State of Paraná, southern Brazil; one consisted of forest fragments that were created as a result of human activities (forest remnants), the other consisted of a set of naturally occurring forest fragments (forest patches). Using quantitative data obtained by the point counts method in 3 forest patches and 3 forest remnants during one year, species richness and relative abundance were compared in those habitats, considering species groups according to their general feeding habits. Insectivores, omnivores, and frugivores presented similar general tendencies in both habitats (decrease of species number with decreasing size and increasing isolation of forest fragment)....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Birds; Bioacoustics; Brazilian Atlantic forest; Conservation; Forest fragmentation.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Associação de aves a agrupamentos de bambu na porção Sul da Mata Atlântica, Londrina, Estado do Paraná, Brasil Biota Neotropica
Santana,Cássius Ricardo; Anjos,Luiz dos.
Agrupamentos de bambu têm sido considerados relativamente importantes para um grande número de espécies de aves, principalmente na Amazônia. No presente estudo avaliamos as variações na abundância de aves associadas ao bambu Chusquea sp. em áreas com diferentes disponibilidades deste microhábitat no interior de floresta nativa, na porção sul da Mata Atlântica, Estado do Paraná. Amostragens por ponto-de-escuta foram realizadas durante 25 dias em cinco trilhas, três em áreas com agrupamentos de bambu e duas em áreas onde este microhábitat estava ausente; as trilhas diferiram na disponibilidade de bambu. As áreas de estudos foram o Parque Estadual Mata dos Godoy e um fragmento florestal adjacente que, juntos, formam uma área maior que 2.000 ha no Norte do...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aves; Bambu; Chusquea; Mata Atlântica.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Sensitivity to fragmentation and spatial distribution of birds in forest fragments of northern paraná Biota Neotropica
Marques,Fernanda Cristina; Anjos,Luiz dos.
In this study we investigated the relationship between the sensitivity to forest fragmentation of bird species and their habitat spatial distribution. We hypothesized that a homogenous spatial distribution is associated to habitat-generalist species, which would tend to be less sensitive to forest fragmentation; in contrast, a heterogeneous spatial distribution would drive to an increase of sensitivity to forest fragmentation. We concentrated on analyses of the suboscine birds, which are known to be closely associated to microhabitats. Field data was obtained in the Parque Estadual Mata dos Godoy (23°27′ S, 51°15′ W), southern Brazilian Atlantic forest. This reserve has high Biotic Integrity levels, with a relatively high number of recorded suboscines....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Microhabitat; Habitat-specialization; Suboscine birds.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Decadal persistence of frugivorous birds in tropical forest fragments of northern Paraná Biota Neotropica
Zaiden,Tiago; Marques,Fernanda Cristina; Medeiros,Hugo Reis; Anjos,Luiz dos.
Forest fragmentation is a major cause of loss of species. We evaluated the local extinction of medium-large frugivorous bird species in six forest fragments of northern Paraná: the Parque Estadual Mata dos Godoy (PEMG), the largest and most preserved forest fragment in the region, and five other fragments. Fixed-width point counts and line transects were conducted along trails in the PEMG for 10 days: from September 2010 to March 2011, and from August 2011 to November 2011. Avian surveys in each of the other forest fragments were made over four days from October to December 2011. We compared data with a previous census carried out 10 years earlier. No extinction events were recorded from the PEMG. However, the relative abundance of species significantly...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Forest fragmentation; Large frugivorous birds; Extinction debit.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Occupancy of different types of forest habitats by tyrant flycatchers (Passeriformes: Tyrannidae) Biota Neotropica
Rosa,Gabriel Lima Medina; Anjos,Luiz dos; Moura,Maurício Osvaldo.
The abundance distribution of the tyrant flycatchers (Tyrannidae family) was evaluated in three main forest habitats of Mata dos Godoy State Park (PEMG), north of the state of Paraná. We conducted point counts and from the collected data we calculated the Index of Point Abundance (I. P. A.) of each species in the habitats of interior of mature forest (FLI), slope forest (FLE) and reforestation (REF). Among the 22 recorded species, eight occurred in all habitats, while other eight occurred in two habitats and six were exclusive of one habitat. Among the 16 recorded species in more than one habitat, 10 were more abundant in only one. On the contrary to our expectation and despite the clear habitat segregation among species, the abundance distribution was not...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Habitat; Foraging; Abundance; Distribution; Frugivory.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Falconiformes assemblages in a fragmented landscape of the Atlantic Forest in Southern Brazil BABT
Loures-Ribeiro,Alan; Anjos,Luiz dos.
An ecological analysis focused on distribution of Falconiformes, comprising abundance and morphology data, is provided. Samples were collected in a fragmented landscape within the Atlantic Rainforest, southern Brazil, between August and November 2001. Four main types of habitats were pinpointed among the 30 different sampling sites, while eight external morphological traits were employed. Twenty-one Falconiformes species were detected and jackknife estimates for regional richness reached 24.8 ± 2.56 species (p<0.05). There were no differences between average number of diurnal birds of prey species in the different habitats under analysis (H-test, p>0.05). Mantel's test for relative abundance and species morphology reveals weak association rates,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Birds; Distribution; Falconiformes; Habitat analysis; Richness; Southern Brazil.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Influence of lagoons size and prey availability on the wading birds (Ciconiiformes) in the upper Paraná river floodplain, Brazil BABT
Gimenes,Márcio Rodrigo; Anjos,Luiz dos.
The influence of lagoons size and prey availability on the Ciconiiformes in the upper Paraná river floodplain, Brazil, were analysed. The Ciconiiformes census was conducted quarterly in 2002, simultaneously to the fish census (gill nets and seining nets). There was strong relationship between the lagoons size and birds abundance, but modest relationship of lagoons size with the birds diversity and number of species. The presence of Ciconiiformes in the lagoons was better predicted by the fish density in seining nets than by the fish capture by unit of effort in gill nets. Except in the flood, there was strong relationship between the fishes density and birds relative abundance, and more modest relationship of the fishes density with birds diversity and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Wading birds; Ciconiiformes; Prey availability; Lagoons; Paraná river.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Quantitative analysis of foraging habitat use by ciconiiformes in the upper Paraná river Floodplain, Brazil BABT
Gimenes,Márcio Rodrigo; Anjos,Luiz dos.
The aim of this study was to analyze the seasonal variations in habitat selection and abundance of Ciconiiformes species in four foraging habitats (rivers, channels, connected and disconnected lagoons) on the upper Paraná River floodplain, Brazil, and to conduct the surveys of wading birds in 2002 and 2003. The largest number of species and highest abundances of most species were observed in the connected lagoons. Snowy Egrets (Egretta thula), Wood Storks (Mycteria americana), Roseate Spoonbills (Platalea ajaja), and Jabirus (Jabiru mycteria) frequently used connected lagoons (habitat with the highest fish abundance) and abandoned the areas during floods, suggesting that they were able to find high quality patches for foraging. Cocoi Herons (Ardea cocoi),...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Wading birds; Ciconiiformes; Prey availability; Floodplain; Paraná river.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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The use of the point count method for bird survey in the Atlantic forest Rev. Bras. Zool.
Volpato,Graziele H.; Lopes,Edson V.; Mendonça,Luciana B.; Boçon,Roberto; Bisheimer,Maria V.; Serafini,Patrícia P.; Anjos,Luiz dos.
The point count method has been widely used in tropical forest for sampling bird communities. In the present study, we investigated if data on richness and abundance acquired using the point count method are different comparing spring/summer (breeding season) and fall/winter (non-breeding season) in three types of the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Twelve sites were sampled seasonally during one year. In general we recorded more species and individuals during the breeding seasons. However, bird communities vary seasonally among the forest types and functional groups. We demonstrate that the use of point counts in tropical forest should be adjusted considering the differences in forest types and feeding guilds.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Birds; Feeding guild; Seasonal changes; Survey method; Tropical forest.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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The importance of riparian forest for the maintenance of bird species richness in an Atlantic Forest remnant, southern Brazil Zoologia
Anjos,Luiz dos; Volpato,Graziele H.; Lopes,Edson V.; Serafini,Patrícia P.; Poletto,Fabíola; Aleixo,Alexandre.
We compared the composition and guild structure of bird communities of riparian and upland forest in an Atlantic forest reserve, the Godoy State Park (GP), in northern Paraná State, southern Brazil. Unlimited distance point counts were sampled monthly from September-December 2001, along four trails. Two trails in upland forest (TA and TB) were parallel to each other and about 300 m apart. Two trails in riparian forest (TC and TD) were along the Apertados River, about 100 m away from the river. A total of 145 species were recorded: 81 species were recorded in both upland and riparian forests, 19 species were recorded only in upland forest and 45 species were recorded exclusively in riparian forest. Among the 81 species occurring in both forest types, 18...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bird abundance; Bird guild species; Semi-deciduous forest.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Efeito do gradiente altitudinal/latitudinal sobre espécies de aves florestais da família Furnariidae na Bacia do Rio Tibagi, Paraná, Brasil Zoologia
Fávaro,Fernando de L.; Anjos,Luiz dos; Lopes,Edson V.; Mendonça,Luciana B.; Volpato,Graziele H..
Variações na riqueza e abundância de Furnariidae florestais foram analisadas ao longo do gradiente altitudinal/latitudinal da bacia do rio Tibagi (BRT), Paraná, Brasil. A Floresta Ombrófila Mista (1060 m a.n.m.) é a formação dominante no sul da BRT, enquanto que a Floresta Estacional Semidecidual (298 m a.n.m.), ocorre no norte. O número total de espécies obtidas na BRT foi 14. A riqueza e a abundância de Furnariidae foram maiores no sul (12 espécies, IPA = 2,01) do que no norte (cinco espécies, IPA = 0,45) da BRT. As similaridades também foram altas entre o sul e o centro da BRT. A estrutura da comunidade de Furnariidae também apresentou correlação positiva entre o sul e o centro da BRT (coeficiente de correlação por postos de Spearman; r s = 0,96, r s =...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Altitude; Floresta estacional; Semidecidual; Floresta ombrófila mista; Latitude.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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A composição da avifauna do campus da Universidade Estadual de Londrina, norte do Paraná, Brasil Zoologia
Lopes,Edson V.; Anjos,Luiz dos.
Este estudo analisou a distribuição espacial da avifauna do campus da Universidade Estadual de Londrina em diferentes habitats (florestal, agrupamento de árvores, edificações e adjacências, capoeira, aquático e campo aberto). Também foi desenvolvida uma análise comparativa em relação à riqueza e composição de espécies e à estrutura de guildas entre a comunidade de aves que ocorre em um remanescente florestal que existe no campus com as de um remanescente em área rural, dois remanescentes em área urbana e a de uma área contínua de floresta. Os dados foram coletados em transecções fixas entre janeiro de 2001 e dezembro de 2002 em 48 amostragens. Um total de 174 espécies foi registrado, com os habitats florestal e agrupamento de árvores apresentando maior...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Distribuição espacial; Estrutura de guildas; Remanescente florestal.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Análise comparada da riqueza de anuros entre duas áreas com diferentes estados de conservação no município de Londrina, Paraná, Brasil (Amphibia, Anura) Zoologia
Machado,Reginaldo Assêncio; Bernarde,Paulo Sérgio; Morato,Sérgio Augusto Abrahão; Anjos,Luiz dos.
This study provides a list of anurans occuring in Londrina Municipality, north of Paraná, and analyses the difference in species richness between one well preserved forest area (Parque Estadual Mata dos Godoy) and another, altered area (Estação de Piscicultura da Universidade Estadual de Londrina). The greatest number of species was in the preserved area (24 species) when compared to the altered one (14 species). The occurence of true forest species (stenoics), such Crossodactylus sp., Eleutherodactylus binotatus, E. guentheri, and Hyalinobatrachium uranoscopum, only in the Parque Estadual Mata dos Godoy shows the conservation leveis of áreas and put in evidence the anurans as biological indicators of environmental quality. New registers for Paraná State...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Anuran amphibians; New records; Habitats; Paraná; Brazil.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Microhabitat de Habia rubica (Vieillot) e Trichothraupis melanops (Vieillot) (Aves, Emberizidae, Thraupinae), em uma floresta atlântica do sul do Brasil Zoologia
Fávaro,Fernando de Lima; Anjos,Luiz dos.
Este estudo identifica quais variáveis caracterizam os microhabitats de Habia rubica (Vieillot, 1817) e Trichothraups melanops (Vieillot, 1818) e verifica o padrão de abundância dessas espécies em relação aos parâmetros de microhabitat. Análise de componentes principais mostrou as variáveis de microhabitat mais importantes para cada espécie. O microhabitat de H. rubica foi caracterizado pelo estrato médio aberto e sub-bosque denso e rico em samambaias, arvoretas, herbáceas e cipós; esta espécie apresentou maior abundância nos locais ricos em tais variáveis. Para T. melanops, as variáveis mais importantes foram samambaias, arbustos, arvoretas, herbáceas, cipós, árvores de grande porte e quantidade de árvores com briófitas; a abundância desta espécie não foi...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fragmentação florestal; Microhabitat; Paraná.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Abundância, microhabitat e repartição ecológica de papa-formigas (Passeriformes, Thamnophilidae) na bacia hidrográfica do rio Tibagi, Paraná, Brasil Zoologia
Lopes,Edson V.; Volpato,Graziele H.; Mendonça,Luciana B.; Fávaro,Fernando de L.; Anjos,Luiz dos.
Neste estudo a riqueza e a abundância de Thamnophilidae foram avaliadas e correlacionadas com parâmetros ambientais em quatro áreas de floresta da bacia do rio Tibagi (B1, M1, A1 e A2) dispostas em um gradiente ambiental. Em cada área, foi caracterizada a vegetação e, para cada espécie, foram analisados: 1) o microhabitat, 2) a distribuição espacial e 3) o tempo investido em cada local de forrageio. O número de espécies foi semelhante entre as áreas, contudo, em B1 foi registrada maior abundância. A vegetação desta área apresentou valor de correlação relativamente baixo quando comparada as outras três, que apresentaram valores maiores entre si. Emaranhados de cipó em todos os estratos, estrato médio e superior denso e ocorrência de clareiras foram...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Distribuição espacial; Duração do forrageio; Floresta Atlântica; Microhabitat.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Repertoire of the acoustic communication of the azure jay Cyanocorax caeruleus (Vieillot) (Aves, Corvidae) Zoologia
Anjos,Luiz dos; Vielliard,Jacques M. E..
The vocal repertoire of the Azure Jay Cyanocorax caeruleus (Vieillot, 1818) is approached from a quali-quantitative point of view. The qualitative analysis was carried out both in the field and in captivity: the quantitative analysis was made only in captivity. Social acoustic communication in the Azure Jay is achieved through the use of two types of call: basic and intermediate calls. Fourteen basic calls are identified and presented through sonograms: the sotto voce song (courtship call) is related only to courtship and the social call is interpreted as the song in the Azure Jay. The intermediate calls are recombinations of the basic calls uttered during an alteration in motivation level. Examples of them are presented through sonograms of vocalizations...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aves; Corvidae; Cyanocorax caeruleus; Repertoire; Behavior.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Riqueza de aves da Fazenda Santa Rita, região dos Campos Gerais, Palmeira, Paraná, Brasil Zoologia
Anjos,Luiz dos; Graf,Vinalto.
Two hundred and eighty eight bird species were registered in Santa Rita Farm, east of Paraná State in Brazil (28º18'S,49º48'W), from February 1990 to January 1991. Eighty four species were registered in all 12 months and eighty three were registered once during this period. October was the richest in number of species (220) and July was the poorest (137). The natural landscape of the Santa Rita farm is composed of open field with several patches of araucaria forest (from 10 to 40 ha) and some small areas of marshland. Two hundred and eight species occurred only in one of these habitats: 163 in the forest, 35 in the open field and 10 in the marshland. The others often occurred in both forest and open field; there is a gradient of occurrence between them....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Birds; Richness; Distribution; Paraná; Brazil.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Análise preliminar das manifestações sonoras e do habitat de Picumnus nebulosus Sundevall (Aves, Picidae) Zoologia
Anjos,Luiz dos.
Observations and recordings of Picumnus nebulosus Sundevall, 1866 were carried out at Santa Rita farm (21º15'S, 50º00'), municipality of Palmeira, state of Paraná, southern Brazil, from 1984 to 1991. The song of this species (0.25 s to 0.64 s total time) is composed by a series of four to six high pitched (6.3 to 7.8 kHz) and short (0.03 to 0.05 s) notes (n=23). The fight call is a series of very short notes emitted between 2 to 8 kHz during 0.23 s to 0.32 s (n=34). The drum, a sequence of pulses, is emitted during 3.5 to 7.2 s (n=42); the four sequences in the begining are composed by four pulses and the rest by three pulses. P. nebulosus was more abundant in forest patches than in continuous forest. It was usually watched foraging in branches 1 to 4 mm...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Picumnus nebulosus; Sounds; Habitat; Abundance; Araucaria forest.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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