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Coat survey and Quarter reproductive age used in Vaquejada in Northeast micro-regions Sci. Agrar.Paran. / SAP
Bastos, Marisa Silva; Rezende, Marcos Paulo Gonçalves; Souza, Julio Cesar; Leite, Maybe Carneiro Paula; Figueiredo, Gabriel Chaves.
Aimed to evaluate the coat and Quarter reproductive age used in equine production used in Vaquejada in micro regions of the Northeast. They used information from 264 horses, taken from the database of the Association of Quarter Horse Breeders (ABQM). Were collected individual information: date of birth, sex and animal fur, number of copies of disputed official Vaquejada, better and worse placed, cumulative score in ABQM, coats and dates of parents' birth (31), coats and birth dates mothers (257). There was a higher frequency (P<0.05) of births between the months of September and October. There was no age-specific greater use of stallions or matrix playback (P>0.05). There was no correlation (P>0.05) between the number of children and the stallion...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Equus caballus; Equestrian sport; Phenotype; Longevity; Reproduction..
Ano: 2017 URL:
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