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Validation of host-specific Bacteriodales 16S rRNA genes as markers to determine the origin of faecal pollution in Atlantic Rim countries of the European Union ArchiMer
Gawler, A; Beecher, J; Brandao, J; Carroll, N; Falcao, L; Gourmelon, Michele; Masterson, B; Nunes, B; Porter, J; Rince, A; Rodrigues, R; Thorp, M; Walters, J; Meijer, W.
The recent implementation of the Revised Bathing Water Directive in the European Union has highlighted the need for development of effective methods to differentiate between sources of faecal contamination. It had previously been shown that amplification of 16S rRNA genes of host-specific Bacteriodales species using the HF183F and CF128F primers could be used as markers for human and bovine faecal contamination in the United States. This paper determined the sensitivity and specificity of these markers in four Atlantic Rim countries (France, Ireland, Portugal and the United Kingdom) to evaluate their usefulness in determining the origin of faecal contamination. It was shown that the HF183F marker displayed high sensitivity (80-100%) and specificity...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sensitivity; Specificity; PCR; Microbial source tracking; Bacteriodales.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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