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Effects of Concurrent Training on Muscle Fibers of Wistar Rats Submitted to Standard and Hypercaloric Diets International Journal of Morphology
Castoldi,Robson Chacon; Aleixo,Paulo Henrique; Pereira,Alysson Christian Jesus; Ferreira,Sergio Ruiz; Garcia,Thiago Alves; Ozaki,Guilherme Akio Tamura; Koike,Tatiana Emy; Júnior,Danilo Antônio Corrêa Pinto; Seraphim,Patrícia Monteiro; Belangero,William Dias; Filho,José Carlos Silva Camargo.
To analyze the effects of concurrent training (CT) on the muscle fibers of Wistar rats submitted to standard and hypercaloric diets. In total, 40 rats were used, divided into 4 groups: Sedentary Group (GS); Exercise Group (GE), Obese Sedentary Group (OS) and Obese Exercise Group (OE). The animals performed a CT protocol consisting of: muscle strength training and aerobic training, carried out 3 times a week for 45 days. The smallest diameter of muscle fibers (MDF) was analyzed to evaluate muscle hypertrophy. It was observed that the OE group presented a significant decrease in MDF, compared to the OS group (OE=77.41 µm vs. OS=98.58 µm). In addition, the animals that performed CT demonstrated muscle hypertrophy (GE=74.39 µm vs. GS=72.13 µm). In conclusion,...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Training; Muscles; Hypertrophy; Rats; Obesity.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Effects of 14 Weeks Resistance Training on Muscle Tissue in Wistar Rats International Journal of Morphology
Castoldi,Robson Chacon; Teixeira,Giovana Rampazzo; Malheiro,Olga Cristina de Mello; Camargo,Regina Celi Trindade; Belangero,William Dias; Camargo Filho,José Carlos Silva.
The objective of the present study was to analyze the effects of 14 weeks of resistance training on muscle tissue in Wistar rats. 20 male Wistar rats were used in the study; 10 allocated to the untrained group (Group 1) and 10 to the trained (Group 2). The physical training (PT) program consisted of four sets of ten water jumps, three times a week for 14 weeks. A progressive increase in load was applied from the14nd to the 42nd day. Following this, the animals were euthanized with an overdose of potassium chlorate (100 mg/kg) applied intraperitoneally. The ventral portion of the gastrocnemius muscle was removed for histological processing. The muscles were frozen in liquid nitrogen and cut into thicknesses of 5 µm using a rotative microtome. The sections...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Swimming; Striated muscle; Physical Exercise.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Morphometric Study of Muscle Fibers in Rats Submitted to Strength Training and Growth Hormone International Journal of Morphology
Castoldi,Robson Chacon; Ozaki,Guilherme Akio Tamura; Giometti,Ines Cristina; Camargo,Regina Celi Trindade; EmyKoike,Tatiana; Garcia,Thiago Alves; Filho,José Carlos Silva Camargo; Belangero,William Dias.
The aim of the present study was to observe the changes in the muscle tissue of rats after application of growth hormone (GH) and performing a strength training protocol (ST). In total, 40 male Wistar rats, 60 days old, were used, divided into four groups: control (C), control and application of GH (GHC), strength training (T), and strength training with the application of GH (GHT). The physical training protocol (PT) was composed of four series of 10 jumps in water, 3x/week, with an overload of 50 % of body weight for four weeks. GH was administered intraperitoneally at a dose of 0.2 IU/Kg to the GHC and GHT groups and saline (0.9 % sodium chloride) to the C and T groups. After four weeks of PT, the animals were euthanized and samples taken from the...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Growth hormone; Striated Muscle; Orthopedics; Physical Education and Training; Endocrinology.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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