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The importance of protected areas for conservation of bare-faced curassow (Crax fasciolata spix, 1825) (Galliformes: Cracidae) in the São Paulo State, Brazil Biota Neotropica
Gomes,Ana Paula Nascimento; Fornitano,Larissa; Costa,Rômulo Theodoro; Angeli,Thaís; Morais,Kimberly Danielle Rodrigues de; Olifiers,Natalie; Bianchi,Rita de Cassia.
Abstract The Bare-faced Curassow Crax fasciolata (Cracidae:Cracinae) is a vulnerable species that was classified as critically endangered by the São Paulo State -Brazil, in 2008. Specialists recommended "searches for areas where there may be a few remaining populations and protection of the last remaining semideciduous forest in the State". Protected areas were investigated in the Cerrado and semideciduous forest in São Paulo State by camera trapping to evaluate the presence of the Bare-faced Curassow. Eight protected areas in Cerrado biome were investigated, but the Bare-faced Curassows was recorded only at Furnas do Bom Jesus State Park (2,069 ha), São Paulo State despite the large sampling effort in larger protected areas such as the Santa Bárbara...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cerrado; Camera trap; Conservation; Endangered birds.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Serology for brucellosis in free-ranging crab-eating foxes (Cerdocyon thous) and brown-nosed coatis (Nasua nasua) from Brazilian Pantanal Ciência Rural
Dorneles,Elaine Maria Seles; Pellegrin,Aiesca Oliveira; Péres,Igor Alexandre Hany Fuzeta Schabib; Mathias,Luis Antônio; Mourão,Guilherme; Bianchi,Rita de Cassia; Olifiers,Natalie; Rocha,Fabiana Lopes; Lage,Andrey Pereira.
A serological survey in free-ranging crab-eating foxes (Canidae: Cerdocyon thous) and brown-nosed coatis (Procyonidae: Nasua nasua) was performed in the Nhecolândia sub-region of the Brazilian Pantanal to evaluate the presence of anti-smooth Brucella antibodies on those wild populations. The detection of anti-smooth Brucella antibodies was performed by the Rose Bengal Test (RBT) as screening test and the Fluorescence Polarization Assay (FPA) as a confirmatory test. The frequency of smooth Brucella seropositive animals were 13.2% (5/38, 95% CI: 4.4% - 28.1%) for crab-eating foxes and 8.8% (3/34, 95% CI: 1.9% -23.7%) for brown-nosed coatis. No association was found between seropositivity for brucellosis and gender or age. The results of this study suggest...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Brazil; Brucella; Pantanal; Cerdocyon thous; Nasua nasua; Reservoirs; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Diet of margay, Leopardus wiedii, and jaguarundi, Puma yagouaroundi, (Carnivora: Felidae) in Atlantic Rainforest, Brazil Rev. Bras. Zool.
Bianchi,Rita de Cassia; Rosa,Aline F; Gatti,Andressa; Mendes,Sérgio L.
This study identifies the food habits of the margay, Leopardus wiedii (Schinz, 1821), and the jaguarundi, Puma yagouaroundi (É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilare, 1803), in the Vale do Rio Doce Natural Reserve and in the Sooretama Biological Reserve, Espírito Santo, Brazil. We determined the diet of both species by the analysis of scats. Fecal samples were collected from April 1995 to September 2000 and identified based on the presence of hairs that were ingested during self-grooming. Scats were oven-dried and washed on a sieve, and the screened material was identified using a reference collection. Of the 59 fecal samples examined, 30 were confirmed to be from the margay and nine of them from the jaguarundi. Mammals were the most consumed items in the diet of the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Carnivores; Food habits; Mesopredators; Small felids.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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