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Rooting of stem segments from fig tree cultivars Agronomy
Bisi, Rayane Barcelos; Locatelli, Guilherme; Barbosa, Caio Morais de Alcântara; Pio, Rafael; Balbi, Rodrigo Vieira.
Although Brazil is the largest fig (Ficus carica L.) producer in the Southern Hemisphere, it mainly uses only one cultivar, ‘Roxo de Valinhos’. In addition, propagation is almost entirely through hardwood cuttings. Therefore, the aim of this study was to establish a propagation method that provides more successful rooting of stem segments of fig cultivars for the purpose of expanding the genetic base of the fig tree. The cultivars used were ‘Brunswick’, ‘Calabacita’, ‘Negro de Bursa’, ‘Mini Figo’, ‘Lampa Preta’, ‘Lemon’, ‘Troiano’,’ Nazaré’, ‘Três num Prato’, ‘Princesa’, ‘Colo de Dama’, ‘Montes’, ‘Bêbera Branca’, ‘Pingo de Mel’, and ‘Roxo de Valinhos’. The propagation methods used were layering, hardwood cuttings, nodal segments, herbaceous cuttings...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ficus carica L.; Air layering; Herbaceous cuttings; Vegetative propagation; Woody cuttings Fitotecnia.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Advances in the production of temperate fruits in the tropics Agronomy
Pio, Rafael; Souza, Filipe Bittencourt Machado de; Kalcsits, Lee; Bisi, Rayane Barcelos; Farias, Daniela da Hora.
The present study aimed to review the advances in the production of temperate fruits to determine future research directions that improve production in the tropics. Temperate fruits are no longer only produced in regions characterized by a cold winter period. These fruits are also produced in the sub-tropical and tropical regions characterized by mild winter or even the absence of chilling conditions often required by the tree to break dormancy. Currently, temperate fruit production is possible in certain regions of South America, Africa and Asia that are near to the Equator. However, temperate tree fruit production in tropical regions requires modified techniques to overcome dormancy and allow adequate flowering, growth and productivity. The main...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fitotenica chilling requirement; Dormancy; Climate conditions; Tropical; Subtropical. Manejo cultural.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Advances in the production of temperate fruits in the tropics Agronomy
Pio, Rafael; Souza, Filipe Bittencourt Machado de; Kalcsits, Lee; Bisi, Rayane Barcelos; Farias, Daniela da Hora.
The present study aimed to review the advances in the production of temperate fruits to determine future research directions that improve production in the tropics. Temperate fruits are no longer only produced in regions characterized by a cold winter period. These fruits are also produced in the sub-tropical and tropical regions characterized by mild winter or even the absence of chilling conditions often required by the tree to break dormancy. Currently, temperate fruit production is possible in certain regions of South America, Africa and Asia that are near to the Equator. However, temperate tree fruit production in tropical regions requires modified techniques to overcome dormancy and allow adequate flowering, growth and productivity. The main...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Chilling requirement; Dormancy; Climate conditions; Tropical; Subtropical.; Manejo cultural.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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